Fan Wen Daquan > Holiday Celebration > Yuan Lan Festival > Yuan Lan Festival Blessing

Lantern Festival

○ Flowering the full moon in this day, the spring breeze warms up the spring, the fire tree silver flower festival is high, the jade candle is long and the door is adjusted, the lion is rolling the ball to Fushou, the golden dragon is dancing and smashing, and the blessing is sent to the Lantern Festival. Wishing you happiness is like a living treasure. wonderful!

● The lanterns of the New Year's cannons are full of joy and joy. The hustle and bustle of the dragon and the tiger are shocking and smashing. The lion dance of the lion and tiger screaming in the dance is fierce. The hills are full of fire and red, and the scenery is better.

○ Spend a full moon, reflecting the infinite love and affection, the wind and the sun, flying endless deep feelings, blessing the Lantern Festival, driving the incomparable wish, and wishing you all the best, happy and happy.

● Memories of unforgettable past, as kind as mothers; think of long-time friends, refreshing like tea; send sincere blessings, as easy to walk! Lantern Festival has arrived, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

○ Happy to celebrate the festive season, happy and happy everyone, the full moon and the reunion of the yen, I wish the whole family peace and health, healthy, happy, everything is complete, happy Lantern Festival!

● Hang up the lantern that lights up hope, illuminate the road ahead for you tonight; dance the dragon light of dreams and send you a blessing of success tonight. On the Lantern Festival, I hope that your career will be smooth and the life will be happy.

○ Give you a bowl of yuan, no longer sad, no tears in life, the future is your most beautiful; give you a bowl of yuan, from then on, happiness, the whole family is beautiful, life is fascinating. Happy birthday to the Lantern Festival!

● The harmonious spring breeze, the happy passion track, the bright moonlight, the happy and affectionate flowing, the pleasant flower, the auspicious lyrics, the Yuanxiao send you the most round moon, wishing all the best.

○ Spend well, full moon, everything is good; enjoy the moon, watch the lights, and enjoy the years. It is also a festival that spends a good month and is a grand event to watch the moon. I hope that people will live for a long time. Happy Lantern Festival!

● Looking back, I feel that stock prices are rising, Wenchuan Earthquake is heart-wrenching, God is flying to create dreams, and then watching the Bird's Nest Water Cube, the five-star red flag is welcoming, and the Chinese land is singing, I wish you a happy and auspicious festival.

○ The hot and delicious wine is on the scalp, the fragrant soup is on the round end, and the lively and loved ones are surrounded. The happy family is always on the scent. The beautiful scent is on the moon, and the sweet blessings are sent. I wish the white flowers and flowers to earn money, and the beautiful days are over. Happy Lantern!

● After the New Year’s Eve, look forward to the moon and wish more: I wish you a good family; Second, your parents will be happy; Third, your wife will be pretty; Four will be your child’s filial piety; Five will be your Goddess of Mercy; Seven willing you to worry about throwing; eight willing you to be happy; nine willing you to be safe; ten willing you to be more happy!

○ According to the instructions of Jixianglong, from the Lantern Festival, happiness only loves you. Good luck only cares for you. Health only sticks to you. Peace only covers you. Happy only spoils you. Wealth only follows you. Be mentally prepared. !

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