Fan Wen Daquan > Holiday Celebration > Yuan Lan Festival > Yuan Lan Festival Blessing

Funny Lantern Festival

Tang Yuan said: I don't open my mouth to make you always in my heart; water says: I always linger in order to hug you forever. The pot said: All his mother is so familiar, still poor. Happy Lantern Festival!

Sweet, you smile sweetly, as if the flowers are in the spring breeze, open in the spring breeze, why do you smile so sweetly, you are eating Tang Yuan.

Reunion rounds over the Lantern Festival, the Lantern Festival is a new year, Happy Lantern Festival, happy and happy, you must help me to eat a few Yuanxiao! I wish you can grow as cute as Yuanxiao!

In order to thank all the friends who "have a deep love for my newsletter, keep my blessings in my heart, and don't regret my teasing," on the occasion of the Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy birthday.

In order to thank you for your long-cherished love, on the occasion of the Lantern Festival, a special bowl of dumplings will be given: health is the skin, happiness is the filling, wealth is the soup, the value is a dime, I wish you a happy Yuanxiao!

For you, I can do anything: I am willing to accompany Wu Gang to cut trees, streaking on the moon, dancing on Mars, if you invite me to eat, today I will come to you to perform for you... Eat Yuanxiao.

My Lantern Newsletter, the people who received the spring breeze, the people who read the work work well, the people who store the love are sweet, the people who forwarded the good luck, the people who are removed are still lucky, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

My moon is like a big yuan, I eat half, the rest is for you, like it? What stuffing?

My songs are moonlit, the moon in the sky is round, the yuan in the soup is round, my dance is chaotic, the table is round, and my love is more round, just like the Yuanxiao, it is sticky and round.

It’s rare and rare, Yuanxiao has a small surprise: healthy and happy to follow you, good luck to stun you, happiness and good luck to occupy you, wealth is also secretly in love with you. Peach blossoms are all for you, Yuanxiao is not happy!

I miss you! Do you know why you missed me? Because I like you! Know why you like you? Because you have a taste. Do you know how you smell? Because you are a dumpling, Happy Lantern Festival!

The festival has arrived, but I miss you quite a lot, I miss you quite a lot, I am looking forward to your dinner!

It’s snow in the snow, what is the genius? The round face is tender and white, the sweetheart is sweet and sweet, the skin is beautiful, the body is red and green, the gentle and sweet is making me obsessed, and the fifteen-light night kisses you to eat you.

On New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve did not meet, and I didn't meet with the morning and evening tea. I didn't have a companion after the holiday. The reunion of the reunion is not available, and the thoughts are infinite.

Yuan Zhener’s heart is sweet. Draw a circle and add a bend. Add two little points to send you a smile. The heart should be sour and acidous. If you are still bothered, then eat glutinous rice balls.

Yuan Hao is good, Yuan Hao is wonderful, joy is happy to put a color cannon; Yuan Hao is good, Yuan Hao Miao, fortunately, happiness is hanging lanterns; Yuan Hao is good, Yuan Hao Miao, happy to eat dumplings; Yuan Hao is good, Yuan Hao Miao, happy and happy Yuan Zhen...

The Lantern Festival is approaching, the State Council issued five bans: prohibiting pretend to be busy with me; forbidding fortune to forget me; forbidding to help me; forbidding to eat does not call me; forbidding me when I am idle; asking for implementation!

Don't forget to eat Yuanxiao on the Lantern Festival, eat a good fortune, eat two happiness forever, eat three family reunion, eat four... eat as much as possible!

Do not forget to eat Lantern Festival, eat a good fortune, eat two happiness forever, eat three family reunion, eat four seasons safe, eat five ... oh yeah pig, this thing can not digest!

This newsletter is to collect the essence of the sun and the moon, gather the aura of heaven and earth, and receive the people: sweet life! Work well! Happy and healthy! I quietly tell you that if you forward it to others, you will make a fortune! Happy birthday to you!

This newsletter has magic power. After reading, all the troubles are “squeaky”. All the enzymes are “squatting”, and all the sufferings are “squatting”, leaving happiness and happiness alone. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

Do you know? The Lantern Festival is a good sign for stealing other people's things at night. Girls who have not yet married are to steal other vegetables. Because the common saying says: stealing onions, marrying the public; stealing vegetables, marrying well husband.

In the first month of the first month, the lantern is coming. The lantern is hidden inside the lantern, and the wisdom is turned on to think about it. Little mystery is a big problem, and there are thousands of worlds. I wish you a happy day at the Lantern Festival, and be a champion!

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