Fan Wen Daquan > Holiday Celebration > Yuan Lan Festival > Yuan Lan Festival Blessing

Congratulatory message

"Yuan Lan Festival" bless you, be a Lantern to you! Slippery.... Sweet.... Sticky to your feelings...!

It turns out that today is also Valentine's Day, you are still not with me. When you close your eyes, you will feel that a deep, speechless heart is beating with your heart.

Spend a good reunion, and the group lights have been the most "good" for you. Sending acacia and wishes, the net is willing to dream "round".

Three or five Liangzhu, the lanterns spurt the new spring; at the beginning of the year, the moon shines brightly. Lantern Festival Blessing Newsletter

Last night, the flower market was full of lights. On the moon, the willows, the people are about after dusk. This year's night, the moon and the lights are still there, not seeing last year's people, tears wet spring shirt sleeves.

Welcome the Lantern Festival, send you a round of the moon! Send a wish, the moon shines a bright festival! May the new year, everything goes smoothly! I hope that people will last forever, thousands of miles!

From the moon to the fifteenth minute, you will love you and pity, often hanging your heart, the dumplings tonight are very sticky, when can we reunite.

Fat rattan vines, shocked feet, buy old pork to worship, eat pork and become small and happy, look at the message - I wish you a savory, good work!

The moon in the sky is round, the yuan in the pot is round, the table is round, and your love is more round, just like the Yuanxiao, it is sticky and round.

Another round of beautiful moon, another Lantern Festival, another happy time, another sincere blessing. I wish you: round and round! Sweet and sweet! Smooth and smooth!

From the moon to the fifteenth minute, you will love you and pity, often hanging your heart, the dumplings tonight are very sticky, when can we reunite.

The first month of the 15th month is more festive, the family reunion is more happy, the mood is more happy, the friends are more healthy and happy, the financial resources are rolling more banknotes, the good luck every year, and wishing for more good things!

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