High school inspirational

900 life

There are always some facts in the world that seem to be headless but unquestionable. For example, a cat with three colors must be a mother, and for example, only 900 months in life.

What? Life is only 900 months?! In fact, you can draw a 30×30 form, and an A4 paper is enough. Every month, I check in a grid. All your life is on this piece of paper. You will therefore have a clear discovery: how your life is awkward.

Therefore, I don’t know where the tacit understanding comes from, “Life is short, must be sexy” has become a popular signature file, we played the banner of timely fun, in the depths of the night, at the end of the day, the heart of the lonely suddenly picked Wake up, time and inadvertently swallow the 1/270,000 of your life.

No one can catch up with the pace of time, but every time the check is not a countdown, but reminds you to be grateful to every day and cherish every tomorrow. Looking back at the time, the past unfortunate feelings have turned into good memories and cordial memories.

So the real "sexy" life can only be truly owned when we slow down. Slow down, turn off the phone, and talk to the sweetheart of the lover's hand; slow down, open the album, talk to your parents about your childish childhood...

Only then, even if there is only one last blank space left in life, you can still smile and say: Hello, tomorrow.

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