High school inspirational

Success requires more effort

When I was in college, the school invited a successful person to give a lecture in the auditorium. During the lecture, he asked the students under the stage to write small notes or raise their hands to ask questions. One of the classmates raised their hands and asked such a question: "You used to be a small trader who lives in the street and has a small business in the street. Do you go to the position of the chairman of the board with hundreds of millions of assets today? , what is supporting you to succeed?"

"It's very simple. There is no special trick. Others have only one heart. I am nothing more than four hearts more than others." He replied humorously.

"Which four hearts?" The students who asked questions were asking questions.

"One, the heart is like the sea; the second, the heart is like water; the third, the heart is like the moon; the fourth, the heart is as strong as steel." The chairman replied with anger. The students were waiting for him to elaborate on his "four hearts."

He took a sip of tea and talked about it.

"There are stormy waves in the sea, and there are calm times. We are like sailors who are voyages. When encountering stormy waves, we must seize the opportunity to hide in the harbor and protect ourselves from the storm. Although the storm will not stop temporarily, we Can not be pessimistic and disappointed, to be patient, not only to accommodate the torrent of waves, but also to accept the torrential stream with a positive attitude, not to reject the crowd as the Bohai Sea, the storm has opened up the vastness of the sea, the stream sets off the tolerance of the sea, this is the heart wide Like the sea."

The long-awaited applause sounded in the auditorium.

"The heart is like water, that is, when the sail is blown by the strong wind, the oars are broken and the waves are broken. Keep a calm and calm, and don't be afraid of it. Hold on to the belief that this blade is constantly rising. I hope that this is a sail. Because everything is temporary. It’s like the dark clouds can’t cover the sun. Everyone should be familiar with Hemingway’s world famous book, The Old Man and the Sea. The old man said that people can be shredded, but they can’t be beaten. This is the feeling of calmness. This is A magic weapon that is invincible. If a person has no faith, can he reach the goal of the ideal side?"

"In life, we have to deal with many people, to be human beings, to be mentally motivated, to be fair, to be fair, to be open and honest, like the moon, only to be bright, to be able to spread our own light around, in order to win everyone's trust. If it is dark, how can it reflect the glory of the world? Tao Li does not say that it is the truth. It is the truth.

"Of course, it is impossible to do anything smoothly. There are many ships in the sea. Have we seen a ship without injury? Students who live in the southern waters may notice that the edge of each ship is tied with a chain. Many thick and flexible plastic tires to prevent external damage, but many of the edges of the ship are still sunken and deformed. If the edge of the ship is harder, there will be no more damage. The poem of Zheng Banqiao You should be no stranger, 'Ligan is in the rock, and insists that the green hills are not relaxed. The millennium is still strong, and the wind is like the north and south winds. If the heart is as strong as steel, it will be invincible!"

His whispered words made the applause in the auditorium followed by a while. How many years have passed, I am now nostalgic, and I often read the notes and diaries of that time. Whenever I feel depressed, I see the four hearts recorded in the notes, and there is an inexplicable force that urges me to forge ahead and laugh at everything in life.

To succeed, you need four hearts. "Heart is wide, quiet, and my heart is strong." Learning also requires these four hearts. There will always be more or less frustrations and disappointments in your studies. Don't worry, face it calmly. At this time, you need to be "heart-like"; sometimes you are always attracted by the world of flowers, you can't learn, you need it. “The mind is as calm as water”; the ultimate goal of learning is to grow up and be able to realize your own ideals. At this time, you need to “be as clear as the moon”; sometimes your pay and return will always be less equal, not Anxious, I believe that dripping water can always wear stone, what you need is "heart is like steel", laughing for life, you can go wider and further!

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