High school inspirational

Frustration is also an insight

Rivers, without twists and turns, there is no harbor; there is no drop without a gap; there is no wave without a collision. Life, no ups and downs, is like a straight river, can not find the turning point of life; without failure, it is like a stream of water without a drop, can not strike the reflection of the waves.

There are too many people passing by in life, how to go to the heart? There are too many deceivings in the interaction, how can it be really true? There is too much care in love, how to understand tolerance? There are too many suspicions in marriage, how to care about trust. All this needs to be properly chosen and paid. Don't lose what you deserve because of your complaints.

How many times in life stop and go, and finally, in the end, it will be turned into nothing. The love of love and hate, the ending is always a joy and a joy. Living, just a few dozen years, a blink of an eye has passed, who is willing to let the tragedy play his life? Today's glory may be the collapse of tomorrow; today's stumble, perhaps tomorrow's happiness. What is important is that we must learn to transform and learn to acquire in setbacks.

Love, who are you dying for, who is your pain; hate, who is angry with you, maybe who is the turning point of your happiness. In a person's life, if you always think about things to the worst, maybe everything will be misinterpreted. As long as you do your best, get or lose, why bother to care. After all, who can guarantee that what you own will always belong to you. Even when Sherlock left, he did not take his own points. Who is more jealous of him?

En and letters, such as the constant source of water, do not let it flow off. Resentment, like a deadly poison, don't rely too close. Life can't go backwards. Don't trample on the guards. Don't be too entangled when you let go. Don't be too demanding if you lose.

Frustration and failure are compulsory courses in life. They can be allowed to be linked, but not forever. People always find their own shortcomings in the constant frustration and gradually grow up. No one will come. Sometimes, we don't create unnecessary mistakes for ourselves, and let our own thoughts and actions go astray.

Frustration is also an insight. As long as you don't let your thinking be decadent and rigid, and you don't let your actions be lazy, you will always find light in the dark that indicates the path of life. Don't go to resentment, it will only make your mind find a way out in the darkness. The hurdles of life can be stumped by those who are afraid of difficulties. The thorns on the road of life, even if you can’t go, you destroy it. Have to pass.

What did the failure count? Edison failed to invent the electric lamp for thousands of times, but he succeeded because he summed up thousands of lessons and accumulated experience. If he is discouraged, he does not know when he will see the shining street lights. Maybe you didn't have more than he failed.

Living is not to allow sorrow, not to be frustrated, not to fail. However, it must not be decadent, degraded, and not strong. If you come quietly, just as you sneak away, although you can not take a cloud, but did not bring a little contribution to society, then it is only regret.

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