High school inspirational

Learn according to the law of memory - the sixth letter to the third year of high school students

Learn according to the law of memory - the sixth letter to the third year of high school students


This week we gave students a scientific learning method. This method has been tested for several years at Shandong Shouguang Modern School, which proved to be very successful and greatly improved the academic performance. This method is called the "Nissin-Weekly-Monthly Test" loop-based learning method. Specifically implemented, it is:

First, the question is raised

When communicating with students, many students have such confusion: I am busy all day, laborious and time-consuming, but I still have a hard memory of my knowledge, and I am not solid, so the results are not satisfactory. How can we effectively improve learning efficiency? To this end, since August 2002, Shandong Shouguang Modern School has implemented the “Nissin-Weekly-Monthly Test” loop-based learning method to guide students to review in time, reflect on the conclusions, and implement the implementation in a down-to-earth manner. The knowledge is clear, the week is summarized, and the feedback is received in January. It has received good teaching results.

The proposed method is based on the following two points:

"Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve" tells us that the law of development of forgetting is fast and slow, and the knowledge learned in the review within 24 hours is easy to remember, and the best review in 8 hours is the best. Psychologists also analyze that an English word can only be remembered if it stays in the brain for 7-12 times, so knowledge should not be remembered to memorize once. Only by making full use of all possible time to repeat the review can we achieve true memory.

Modern education theory believes that the method comes from the continuous summarization of the process of learning behavior. It will not summarize and not do the planning. It will not be a performance of learning. The process of summing up is the process of perfection, the process of improvement, and the need for learning. Need to reflect, improve in the summary, improve in reflection.

Second, the solution to the problem

1. Implement the “three-five-day clearing” system. The school uniformly prints the "three-five-day clear card". After the morning exercise, the students formulate a one-day plan, do a good job of learning according to the plan, and be methodical, with daily business days and high days. Take five minutes each time in three time periods to review in time: 5 minutes in advance in the morning to get to the place of the exercise, to strengthen the focus, difficulties, and doubts of the day before the review; use lunch time or 5 minutes before lunch, review the morning Knowledge of learning; 5 minutes after evening self-study, review the knowledge of afternoon and evening studies. This kind of timely review is of great significance, because "one day, one day, one day, no school, ten days", the principle of "small number of times, regular review, perseverance" is adopted for knowledge, and students are guided to review in time. Each break, the whole is zero, and the forgetting is reduced, so that you can "know the new and learn".

2, do a good job of learning week summary. Relying on the "Study Weekly Book", the third week of the weekday evening, the students conduct self-tests on the learning efficiency of the week against the specific detailed quantitative evaluation indicators, and determine the type of learning efficiency this week; Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of learning, improve in the summary, and improve in reflection. After the breakfast on Monday, the class was guided by a group to read the students' thoughts, study and living conditions in a timely manner, and help students solve the problems through “pen talk”. .

3. Implement the monthly examination system. Two weeks before the test, the students will be promoted to promote the students' staged learning; the examination process will grasp the test style, promote the study style, grasp the test skills, and improve the students' ability to test; two weeks after the test, analyze the analysis, feedback the educational situation, and do a good job of knowledge. Check for missing traps. Post-test analysis should be "stylized", that is: the department will do a good job in the monthly test summary and commendation work; each subject will have a good teaching diagnosis meeting, analyze the test situation, summarize the teaching gains and losses in a month, and prepare the class leader to write Disciplinary quality analysis report, timely pass the second pass, and implement the early evaluation system of key teachers, implement the test paper batch approval and “full volume”, and do a good job of detecting and losing points; each class will open a good class teaching session and class quality analysis theme class meeting, Do a good job in the "standardized papers" selection and exhibition, eugenics and learning methods and other activities; students write "post-test feelings", the class guides a batch of reading; implement the individual conversation system of teachers and students. In this way, teachers and students work together to carry out the implementation of knowledge to the end. I hope that the students will attach great importance to this process, implement step by step, and progress day by day.

Third, the effect

The “Nissin-Weekly-Monthly Test” loop-based learning method can maximize the learning process and greatly improve the learning efficiency. Since the promotion and use of this law, Shouguang Modern School has completely changed the students' study habits, and the students’ learning routines have truly fallen into practice. The teaching achievements have steadily improved, and the number of students on the line has risen year after year.

In 2003, the university's university department was launched on the line of 871 people; in 2004, the university department went online with 1012 people; in 2005, the entrance examination of the university department was 1213 people, and the graduating students actually accepted 904 people, ranking first in Weifang City, and the school was awarded Weifang City. The first prize of the first prize of government teaching results. From the glory to the glory in 2006, the university department went online with 1,580 people! Ranked in the Weifang City 2006 joint test of the mountains! The key university departments are on the line with 496 people. The general university department is on the line of 1,580 people, and Tsinghua University and Peking University have four students.

Seeing these eye-popping achievements, we should act positively. Early action benefits early, who moves and who gets it.

I wish you all day long!

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