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County Government's report on the financial work in the first quarter of 2019

CPC Tiancheng County Committee:

In the first quarter of 2005, the financial work of our county adhered to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", conscientiously implemented the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the Third Plenary Session of the 10th Party Committee, and closely focused on "agricultural stability county, The five strategic priorities of Industrial Strong County, Sansheng County, Science and Education Xing County, and Ecological County are to promote financial reform in the jurisdiction and maintain financial stability, and have made positive contributions to the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the economy. The situation is reported as follows:

I. Work in the first quarter of 2005

As of March 31, the deposit balance of the county's financial institutions was 399.92 million yuan, an increase of 27.58 million yuan over the beginning of the year, a growth of 0.7%. The balance of various loans was 4,132.9 million yuan, a decrease of 126.77 million yuan or 2.98% from the beginning of the year. The cash income was 1,842.6 million yuan, an increase of 205.24 million yuan over the same period of the previous year, an increase of 12.53%; various cash expenditures were 1,932.9 million yuan, an increase of 218.26 million yuan over the same period of the previous year, an increase of 12.68%.

Strengthen the comprehensive marketing function of the fundraising business market and expand the total fundraising. Deepen marketing and service in marketing and service, fully grasp the changes in the market and customers, segment the market, optimize customers, collect information extensively, expand the penetration and influence of deposits, and realize the transformation of deposits from simplification to diversification.

Strengthen the marketing of high-quality credit market and strive to develop a high-quality credit market. First, do a good job of high-quality, high-end corporate clients, do a good job in tobacco, electricity, infrastructure and other large projects to stabilize loans and renew loans; moderate support for education, health care and other industries, with a focus on supporting higher technology content, better market efficiency High-tech industrial enterprises; Second, actively and prudently do the credit business of leading enterprises in the grain and oil industry, strengthen credit support for grain and oil industrialization operations; third, effectively develop personal loan business, with emphasis on small pledge loans and personal housing loans. Personal consumption loans.

We will conscientiously do a good job in the application for the issuance of special central bank bills, and actively and steadily promote the reform of the rural quota society. In accordance with the spirit of the relevant archives of the central government, in order to further deepen the reform of the rural quota society and improve rural financial services, in accordance with the unified arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, Yunnan Province and Honghe Prefecture have successively established a pilot group to deepen the reform of the rural quota society and formulated pilot funding support. The plan will adopt a unified central bank bill to support the reform of the rural quota society. The special central bank bill refers to the bonds issued by the People's Bank of China to the quota agency to replace its non-performing loans and the outstanding losses of the previous year. The term is 2 years, and the annual interest rate is 1.89%. The People's Bank pays the annual interest rate to the company, and the notes are If the time limit society does not meet the conditions stipulated by the People's Bank of China, the People's Bank of China will grant a late payment period of 2 years. The bill cannot be circulated, transferred and pledged, and the issuance amount is determined according to 50% of the amount of actual insolvency at the end of 2002. According to this stipulation, Tiancheng County Rural Credit Cooperatives can obtain a special amount of RMB 2.075 million issued by the People's Bank. According to the actual situation of Yunnan Province, in order to better support the reform of the rural quota society, under the active efforts of the people's banks at all levels, the People's Head Office decided to increase the number of rural quotas with a subscription amount of less than 10 million yuan. The quota for the subscription of special bills by the Rural Credit Bureau was adjusted from the original 2.075 million yuan to 10 million yuan. At present, this work has progressed smoothly with the joint efforts of the People's Bank of China, the Banking Regulatory Office and the E-Society.

Further improve the service of supporting agriculture and enhance the awareness of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”. In order to solve the problem of insufficient funds for supporting agriculture in some mountainous areas, the People's Bank of China issued a refinancing loan of 40 million yuan to the quota society, which better supported the development of the rural economy. As of March 31, the county's quota association has issued a total of 174.76 million yuan of various loans, including: loans of various types of farmers totaled 157.63 million yuan, accounting for 70% of the total number of loans issued; farmer household loans, the small amount of farmers The loan accounted for 37.789 million yuan, and the balance of small-scale loans for farmers reached 96.691 million yuan.

Actively do a good job in the collection of loans from rural institutions and state public officials who are in arrears with rural quotas. According to the arrangement and arrangement of the superiors, the county government set up a clean-up leading group on March 21, 2005, and on March 31, the deputy township heads and township leaders in charge of financial work in each township and township, and the directors of the grassroots quota agency Participating in the collection work meeting, arranged the arrangement of the county's collection work. After the clean-up, the county government institutions and public officials have arrears of social security loans of 212, total interest and interest of 32.647 million yuan, of which: the principal of 150.33 million yuan, interest of 17.344 million yuan. As of April 20, 2005, a total of 31 contracts were recovered, with a principal and interest of 156,000 yuan, accounting for 0.48% of the recoverable amount. The collection work achieved initial results.

Give full play to the social security function of insurance. In the first quarter, the county insurance company realized a premium income of 35.316 million yuan, of which: the People's Insurance Company of China realized a premium income of 9.775 million yuan, completed 21.16% of the annual plan, 682 claims, and expenditure of 3.18 million yuan; China Life Insurance Company realized premiums. The income was 25.514 million yuan, 36.66% of the annual plan was completed, 1932 claims were settled, and expenditure was 1.517 million yuan.

Second, the existing problems

The loan investment is more concentrated, and the industry structure, product structure and customer structure of the loan business need to be further optimized. At present, the quality customers of financial institutions in our county are still mainly concentrated in the big industries such as finance, tobacco, electricity, transportation, and large customers. The customer structure is relatively simple, and the number of quality customers is small, especially the lack of relatively stable small and medium-sized customer groups. . Such excessive concentration of loans not only increases the potential credit risk of banks, but also affects the effective use of funds, the balanced development of regional economies, and the transmission effects of monetary policy transmission mechanisms.
In addition, the development level of low-risk businesses such as bills, guarantees, and credit securities is still lagging behind, the loan term structure is unreasonable, and the task of optimizing the credit structure is very arduous.

The transmission mechanism of interest rate policy is not smooth, the economic entity is less sensitive to interest rate policy, and the effect of interest rate policy has not been fully exerted. The monitoring results of the RMB loan interest rate fluctuation in the first quarter of our county showed that the new loans of state-owned commercial banks with floating interest rates accounted for 0.27% of all new loans, the loan interest rate fell 94.32%, and the benchmark interest rate was 5.41%; rural quotas All new loans of the company were carried out. According to the data, among commercial financial institutions, state-owned commercial banks have the highest proportion of loans, and rural quotas have the highest interest rates. At the same time, it also conveyed the message that after state-owned commercial banks were given autonomy in loan pricing, they did not use enough autonomy to improve resource allocation efficiency, correctly transmit monetary policy information, and prevent financial risks.

The difficulties faced by financial support for agriculture. As of March 31, the county's agricultural loan balance was 607.07 million yuan, of which the People's Bank of China invested 40 million yuan in supporting agriculture, the policy effect is gradually emerging, and there is a good momentum of development, but there are still some problems in the financial support of agriculture. To be resolved: insufficient credit investment and serious outflow of rural funds. On the other hand, the sharp rise in the prices of agricultural production materials has also increased the difficulty of supporting agriculture.

Potential financial risks cannot be ignored. It is understood that the balance of the state-owned supply and marketing cooperatives gold service center is 98.7 million yuan, of which Tiancheng County is 84.29 million yuan, accounting for 85.4%. The Tiancheng County Supply and Marketing Cooperatives Gold Service Center was opened for business on August 8, 1997. There are eight share service departments. At the beginning of its establishment, it eased the difficulties of the shortage of funds for the supply and marketing cooperatives, and played a positive role in supporting the acquisition of agricultural and sideline products and the development of rural economy. However, due to lack of experience and management irregularities, some of the shares were used out of control, and the scope of the business was extended to the outside of the system.

As of March 31, the Tiancheng County Federation of Industry and Commerce Mutual Aid Foundation had to retreat 66 shares, amounting to 3.2 million yuan, and need to repay 1 unit of the unit, amounting to 1.5 million yuan. It is necessary to recover the loan principal and the occupation fee of 7.99 million yuan. The investors have repeatedly requested a refund, and the risk is relatively high.

The difficulty of financing SMEs has not yet been resolved. In order to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the county finance bureau invested 10 million yuan as the registered capital to establish the Tiancheng County financing guarantee company, and signed a bancassurance cooperation agreement with three commercial banks, but so far, no business has occurred. The main reasons are: on the one hand, most SMEs have a poor quota, the management level is low, and the financial system is not perfect; on the other hand, the state-owned commercial banks currently implement a first-level legal person management system for the management of loans, and the superiors authorize credit management for the sub-branches. More strict.

Non-performing loans accounted for a relatively high proportion, and it was difficult to solve the problem. By the end of March, the balance of non-performing loans of various banks and social organizations in the jurisdiction of Tiancheng County was 247.24 million yuan, accounting for 5.98% of the balance of various loans. Among them, the ratio of agricultural issuance, ICBC and E-distribution was 55.64%, 25.19% and 16.02% respectively. Tiancheng County Transportation Administration has a loan of 2.95 million yuan, which is mainly used for the settlement and turnover of the new office building of the unit. The repayment source is planned to be auctioned for the old office building. However, due to the recent frequent replacement of the unit, the auction is still preparing. Among them, the loan should be avoided to form new non-performing loans.

Third, future work advice

Each bank shall reasonably determine the loan interest rate level according to the actual situation. Interest rate liberalization has established a fair competition platform for financial institutions, creating a favorable external environment for the rapid development and diversification of the banking industry, expanding the autonomy of competition and innovation, and expanding the space for self-development.

Earnestly do a good job in the marketing and management of the rural quota society reform and the small-scale loans for farmers.

Do a good job in the reform of the shareholding system of state-owned commercial banks and the disposal of their non-performing assets. All banks must strengthen internal management and standardize their operations, do a good job in preparatory work, and use good living policies to divest and digest non-performing assets. At the same time, carefully and meticulously do a good job in the propaganda and ideological work of the staff, understand the dynamics of the mind, and resolve all the unstable factors in a timely manner.

We have taken effective measures against the Supply and Marketing Cooperatives Gold Service Center and the Industry and Commerce Federation Mutual Aid Foundation. All levels and relevant departments should proceed from a stable overall situation and pay close attention to the potential risks of the supply and marketing cooperatives' fund service centers and the Federation of Industry and Commerce.

Increase the collection of non-performing loans and resolve credit risks. All walks of life and the society should increase the collection of non-performing loans and strive to improve the quality of operations. It is necessary to adopt a multi-pronged policy, multiple laws and regulations, tasks to people, implementation of responsibilities, and responsible operational mechanisms at all levels, and earnestly grasp the work of collecting non-performing loans.

Expand the intermediary business in all aspects. All walks of life and the society should focus on the collection and payment of electronic settlement of cigarette sales, payment of wages, agency insurance, etc., and vigorously develop the bank card business from the accuracy and breadth, so as to provide excellent carriers for collecting and paying, and play the bank card. Active role in absorbing deposits, promoting consumption, and clearing exchanges. BOC should give full play to its advantages in foreign exchange business and actively introduce and strengthen intermediaries related to foreign exchange.

4. New financial trends that will be the focus of attention in the future

Emerging pawnshops will gradually rise and play their role in complementing the financial industry. Honghe Prefecture Zhenhe Pawn Co., Ltd. was officially opened in our county on December 20, 2002 with the approval of the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission. Over the past two years, a total of 976 pledges and mortgage loans have been handled for legal persons, natural persons and other organizations. The amount of pawn has reached 148,834,200 yuan, which has solved the problem of seasonal and temporary capital turnover for the household, as a supplement to the financial industry. Played a role in picking up the gap. However, the pawnshop industry is also a high-risk industry, and the company is established by the Tiancheng County Supply and Marketing Co., Ltd., and has close contact with the county supply and marketing cooperatives' gold service center in terms of its capital operation. Therefore, its management and actions should be closed. Note.

Affected by the central "stable" policy, the participation of private lending will inevitably expand. Since March of this year, the central government has implemented a macro-control policy, a series of measures to tighten bank loans and curb excessive investment, which has caused many SMEs to feel financial pressure. Private enterprises from all walks of life are seeking funds everywhere. Under the regulatory policy environment, banks are more cautious in lending, and they are not willing to lend easily. These have given up space for private lending development.

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