Work report > Internship diary

Summer social practice internship diary

Eve of practice

Monday, July 5, 20xx, rain

Looking forward to it for a long time with expectation, this day is finally here.

However, we have to move to the headquarters to live, and before we have a comparison, we know that we should cherish what we have now. The dormitory of the headquarters and the Xiaohe Mountain are very different. Although the environment of the headquarters has been heard for a long time, it is still shocking to the people. After returning to the 12 people in the middle of the country, the mood is somewhat low. However, the evening meeting made me a high-spirited, embarrassed, eloquent, really a learning.

On the first night, I was tortured by mosquitoes and I was not adult. Did I start to lick? Looking at the comments of my friends on the log, I can only do this. If it comes, it will be safe, let the storm come even harder!

No matter what difficulties you encounter, you must face it positively, and try to overcome it, step into the society, and learn to get along with others. This is the purpose of my social practice!

In the two days of this department, it can only be described in one sentence: leisure, leisure, and leisure. On the first day, I was in the bedroom and slept; the next day I was in Bocu, reading a book. After reading a thick book in the afternoon, ah, I have a sense of accomplishment, huh, huh, seems to get used to the life of this department.

Lazy for three days, what will be the effect of formal practice, although there are some complaints before the formal practice, but tomorrow's practice still makes me very much looking forward, since the decision to stay, it must be effective.

Early practice

Friday, July 9, 20xx

It’s been a while since the 3rd to the 9th, and there have been many things happening in these days. On the first day, I went to work happily. It was really like the counselor said. We repeated the same operation for more than 300 times, but after the completion, the sense of joy and sense of accomplishment can drive away the fatigue of the day. The lost way to go home has become an episode in the intense work, life is like this, and occasionally an episode is more flavorful. In the evening, everyone sat around to summarize and exchange, and relax, this form is not bad. In the next few days, they are busy checking the residents' information, and occasionally participate in other activities, such as the summer youth activity launching ceremony, the youth calligraphy and copying competition, and the Anji community safety knowledge popularization education. Overall, the activities of the community are really colorful and meaningful.

In addition to the feelings of work, I also learned a lot in doing things. The predecessors here are somewhat sloppy about time. Being late is a very serious problem, and the commute is very punctual. You don't need to get into work early. You should take a good rest during the lunch break so that you can get twice the result with half the effort. In addition, work is not as easy as learning. At home, at school, maybe family and friends will accommodate you, but in society, no one will take care of your feelings. Therefore, learning to get along with others is very important. Put away your temper, don't be happy to forget the form of praise, and learn to accept it with humility.

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