Work report > rectification plan

Education system advanced nature education party branch rectification plan

The advanced nature education activities have entered the stage of rectification, consolidation and improvement. In order to achieve tangible results in the educational activities, according to the overall requirements of the school's pilot work on maintaining the advanced nature of party members, the work plan for grasping the stage of rectification, consolidation and improvement, In response to the party's analysis, the opinions put forward by the people at the stage of democratic appraisal and the problems detected by the branch, all party members of the Third Party Branch of the Xianghu Campus conducted serious discussions and formulated the following two aspects of rectification measures, from strengthening the party members. Management, play the role of the fighting bastion of the party branch in two aspects.

First, strengthen theoretical study and guide work with advanced theory. Continue to organize party members to earnestly study the "Reading the Advanced Student Education Readers of the Communist Party Members", "The Outline of the "Three Represents" Important Thoughts" and Comrade Hu Jintao's Speech at the "Three Represents" Theory of Important Thoughts, and Raise Learning Practice The three representatives represent a new upsurge in important ideas. The essence of the important thinking of the "Three Represents" is to build the party for the public and to govern for the people. To implement the work of the school, the work of the student branch should be reflected in the students' study and life, care for the healthy growth of each student, do a good job in the ideological and political work of the students, do the fine and practical, and promote the development of electricity with practical actions.

Second, strengthen the management of party members in the branch, and play the role of the fighting fortress of the branch.

1. Strengthen the education management of all students and improve the overall quality. The student branch is mainly composed of the student party, the teacher party member and the student party member of the general branch. Therefore, it is an important task of our branch to do a good job in the ideological and political work of all the students. The management of the normal students for many years has accumulated the Xianghu campus. A set of effective management methods. In the next semester, the students of the TVU series will enter the campus. For us how to continue to do a good job in the education management of students, maintain a good study style and school spirit. In the near future, the student department and the general branch of the group discussed the relevant management plans, regardless of Which class is the class, each class must be equipped with a class teacher, each class has a fixed classroom, a flag-raising ceremony on Monday morning, a class teacher’s speech on Sunday evening, self-study in the morning and evening, weekly dormitory health check-ups, and daily room hygiene check-ups, etc. Such a good system must be implemented. At the same time, it is necessary to further strengthen the construction of the class teacher team and improve the management level. As a member of the student branch, it is necessary to deepen the students, understand the students' learning, life, strengthen the students' psychological counseling, career counseling, etc., and improve the overall quality of the students.

2. Do a good job in the selection, training and education of student cadres. The selection of student cadres should pay attention to various conditions, learn well, have good moral character and strong work ability, and all aspects can play an exemplary role. Of course, no one is perfect, and student cadres can't think about everything in their work, and they are perfect. In the middle, teachers need their educational guidance, so that they are good at thinking at work, have a stronger sense of responsibility, and work more well. As a major component of the student branch, the student branch and the general branch must also create conditions to strengthen the training of student leaders. Experts are invited to come to the school district to give lectures on special topics, strengthen exchanges with the Brother School Youth League Committee, student unions and student associations, and constantly develop ideas and improve the ability of student cadres to carry out their work.

3. Strengthen the training, education and investigation of the active members of the party. Regularly organize party activists to study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", learn the party's policies and policies, and further deepen their understanding of the party, strengthen communist ideals and beliefs, and actively organize the party organizations. Close together. At the same time, we must adhere to the system of party members' counselors to get off work, understand the ideological status of the party activists and other youths, and solve their ideological problems in a timely manner, so that the party member counselor system becomes an effective way for the branch to carry out work.

4. Further strengthen the development of student party members and focus on quality. The work of developing party members is an important part of party building. In accordance with the principle of "adhering to standards, ensuring quality, improving structure, and developing with care", we will continue to increase the party's fresh blood. First, we must conduct a comprehensive investigation of the motives for political development, political awareness, ideological quality, and peacetime performance of the development object;

Second, we must extensively listen to the opinions of the people for a strict review;

Third, we must introduce a responsibility mechanism. As a contact person and introducer, we must ensure that qualified young people join the party organization in a responsible attitude toward the party. The education activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members will come to an end, but the good theoretical study style formed in this educational activity will be maintained and will be fully reflected in the future work.

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