Work report > rectification plan

Rectification and improvement phase implementation plan

Municipal Food Bureau Party Committee Advanced Education Activities

Rectification and improvement phase implementation plan

According to the requirements of the superior deployment and the actual situation of the SIPO, we are now doing the work of rectifying and improving the first batch of advanced education activities, and propose the following implementation plans:

I. Continue to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Hu Jintao's important speech and earnestly enhance the consciousness and responsibility of rectifying and improving

General Secretary Hu Jintao inspected the important speech of our province, especially in our city. From the height of strengthening the party's advanced nature construction and improving the party's ability to govern, it comprehensively, profoundly and systematically expounded the significance and guiding ideology of carrying out advanced nature education activities. The target requirements and basic principles are programmatic archives that guide the in-depth development of advanced education activities and advance the party's advanced nature. We must adhere to the important speech of General Secretary Hu Jintao's leading sex education activities, and regard the study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Hu Jintao's important speech as the primary political task. The majority of party members and cadres must repeatedly study, profoundly understand, grasp the essence, and vigorously implement. It is necessary to continue to do a concentrated study of topics, organize a good concentration of counseling and discussion, and combine it with other key topics. Learn and think, highlighting the work of "five deepening": First, deepen the general secretary to Shouguang As a point of contact for the great significance of the point of contact, we will enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of the important instructions of the General Secretary, and strive to achieve first-class standards in all work, and live up to the expectations and love of the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee. The second is to deepen the understanding of the significance of carrying out advanced education activities, resolutely overcome the erroneous thoughts of slackness, tiredness, and coping, and make the greatest determination and do our utmost to make advanced education activities. The third is to deepen the understanding of the important assertion that "the advanced nature of the party must ultimately be reflected by the advanced nature of party members", so that each party member firmly establishes the sense of responsibility of "maintaining advanced, everyone is responsible" and more consciously participates in the advanced nature. Educational activities. The fourth is to deepen the understanding of the new requirement of "making advanced education activities into a satisfactory project for the people". In accordance with the requirements of the general secretary and the standards of the people's standards, we will solve outstanding problems and promote the current work in place. The fifth is to deepen the understanding of implementing a scientific development concept, increase spiritual civilization construction, build a harmonious society, and build a series of new instructions for the work style of cadres. In accordance with the requirements of the "five overall planning", efforts should be made to build a harmonious Shouguang and further promote economic and social and food. Work faster and better. The stage of rectification and improvement is to consolidate and test the results of the first two stages, and to grasp the key stages of rectification, seeing results and gathering people's hearts. We must use a stronger sense of political responsibility, a good mental state, a realistic and pragmatic style, and solidly solve the outstanding problems of party members and party organizations, and ensure that educational activities truly become a satisfactory project for the people.

Second, grasp the four requirements, and conscientiously grasp the rectification

In the next stage of our work, we should highlight the theme of the important thinking of the "Three Represents", highlight the requirements of implementing the scientific concept of development, highlight the key to achieving practical results, and formulate practical and operative rectifications for outstanding problems. Objectives and measures to effectively implement them.

1. Formulate rectification measures and rectification plans. Each party member must make in-depth reflections on the existing problems in light of the party's analytical materials and the opinions of the party organizations, and make practical rectification measures, and list the rectification contents and main measures taken. According to the regulations of the higher authorities, the leading departments of the municipal direct department are mainly responsible for the rectification measures of the comrades, which are reviewed by the head of the supervision team of the municipal party committee; the members of the leading group are mainly responsible for the comrades' review, and report to the municipal committee supervision group for comments; other party members' rectification measures are The branch committee reviewed. In addition, in light of the actual work, we should formulate rectification plans for the outstanding problems identified, and list the contents of the rectification, the main measures taken, the units involved in rectification, the responsible persons and the time limit for completion. The rectification plan of the leading group should pay attention to the rectification measures of the individual members of the team. The leadership team should study and decide to report to the municipal party committee for consultation. The rectification plan of the party branch shall be reviewed and filed by the party committee of the bureau. For major issues involving the reform and development of the food system, we must conscientiously do a good job in investigation and research, conduct feasibility analysis and demonstration, and earnestly rectify the objectives and seek truth from facts. The rectification measures are feasible.

2. Identify the key points for rectification. Party members must conscientiously solve outstanding problems in thoughts, work, style, discipline, etc., combine the requirements for solving outstanding problems, implementing the advanced nature of party members, and fulfilling their duties, and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role in their respective posts. The leading bodies of the bureau and the party branches of the organs must conscientiously resolve the outstanding problems in the education and management of party members, the outstanding problems in the party style, the political style, and the style of work, and the outstanding problems affecting the stability of reform, development, and the outstanding interests of the people and employees. problem. In particular, we must take the people's opinions the most and the most dissatisfied things, the people's most hopeful and current things that can be done well, as the focus of the rectification work, concentrate time, concentrate strength, and do a good job.

3. Implement the responsibility for rectification. Establish a rectification work responsibility system with horizontal to the edge, vertical and vertical, and clear responsibilities, and each rectification measure must be responsible to the unit and individual. The main responsible comrades are fully responsible for the implementation of the rectification of the unit. The members of the team must combine the work in charge and conscientiously grasp the rectification of the in charge of the unit. For issues involving more units and unclear responsibilities, we must actively coordinate, clarify the main body of responsibility, and take comprehensive measures to solve them. It is necessary to clarify the time limit for rectification, what problems should be solved if there are any problems, what problems should be solved with outstanding problems, and those that have the conditions for rectification should be rectified immediately; for problems that can be solved through efforts, it is necessary to rectify within a time limit; Due to the problem that cannot be solved by objective conditions, it is necessary to explain the situation to the public and actively take measures to solve it step by step. It is necessary to grasp the first-level level, the first-level level, and the implementation of the corrective measures at the next level. It must not be delayed for a long time, and it must be lost.

4. Do a good job in supporting rectification. We must take the scientific development concept as a whole, integrate reform and improvement with the promotion of reform, development and stability, and build a harmonious society. We should closely combine work rectification with ideological rectification, avoid doing things, and replace rectification with rectification problems. The problem of ideological style; the rectification of party members, party organizations and leading bodies, the combination of learning and reform, side-by-side discussion and centralized rectification, and mutual linkage, up and down linkage, overall advancement, improve the actual effect of rectification.

Third, do a good job in establishing a system of legislation, and actively explore the establishment of a long-term mechanism for "long-term education and permanent advancement of party members"

We must conscientiously implement the spirit of a series of important speeches by General Secretary Hu Jintao on strengthening the party's advanced nature construction and the Provincial Party Committee's "Towards a comprehensive promotion of the party's grassroots organizations with a focus on strengthening the ability to govern", focusing on "the advancement of party members." The people have long-term benefits, and the implementation of rectification measures and the comprehensive promotion of party organization and the building of party members and teams, through system construction, efforts to make the results of the concentrated educational activities and the experience of creation into a regular move, the party in the new era A long-term mechanism for the advancement of organizations and party members.

1. Explore and establish a long-term mechanism to maintain the advanced nature of party members. Guide party members to combine the requirements for solving existing problems, implementing the advanced nature of party members, and fulfilling their duties. They should give full play to their vanguard and exemplary role in their respective posts, strive to be "five good" party members, and improve and perfect the self-discipline mechanism for party members to maintain their advanced nature. It is necessary to set the postal code of party members, select the demonstration posts of party members, and explore the practice of party members publicly promising and consciously practicing the advanced requirements of party members. Seriously sum up the good experience of Party members in learning, training, organizing life, democratic appraisal, management supervision, and function in advanced education activities, and improve and improve the regular improvement, dynamic management, commendation, self-purification and party membership development mechanism of party members. Maintain the advanced and pure nature of the party members.

2. Establish a long-term mechanism to maintain the advanced nature of party organizations. Seriously sum up and improve the effective measures in the advanced nature education activities, and implement the "Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organizations of the Communist Party of China and State Organs", and carry out the activities of striving for the "five good" grassroots party organizations and innovating the establishment of grassroots party organizations. , activity content and work carrier. In accordance with the requirements of establishing and improving decision-making objectives, implementing responsibilities, and assessing and supervising the "three systems," we must improve the specific institutional measures for implementing democratic centralism and further standardize the scope of discussion and decision-making procedures. We attach great importance to and strengthen the party building work of the units affiliated to the government. We must truly build the party's grassroots organizations into organizers, promoters, and practitioners of the important thinking of the "three represents."

3. Explore long-term mechanisms to improve the effectiveness of the agency and serve the overall situation, serve the grassroots, and serve the public. Deepen and refine measures to create activities for learning, bureautype, service, innovation, and clean "five-type" organs, improve leadership methods and working methods, innovate service methods, broaden service areas, and improve service efficiency. Further deepen the practical activities of the theme of “Keeping the poor, solving the people's worries, receiving education, and promoting development”, establishing contact cards, and clarifying the goals, contents, methods, and time limits of the contacts. Exploring the formation of higher-level party organizations concerned with lower-level party organizations, the party's grass-roots organizations are concerned about party members, party organizations and party members who care about the people and serve the people.

4. Improve and improve the responsibility mechanism for responsible persons in charge of responsibility, the combination of upper and lower, and the unremitting efforts of grassroots party members. Summarize and improve the development of advanced nature education activities. The main responsible comrades perform the duties of the first responsible person personally, and the comrades in charge of the duties of the direct responsible persons should be grasped. The members of the team and the secretaries of the grassroots party branches should perform the duties of the responsible persons, and grasp the level one level. At the first level, we will have a successful experience in implementing the party building work, and comprehensively improve the level of grassroots party organization construction.

Fourth, fully carry forward democracy and involve the people in supervision throughout the entire process of rectification

The rectification plan of the leading group and the grassroots party organizations and the rectification measures of the party members shall be disclosed to all party members, cadres and the public of the unit in various forms such as the issuance of archives, posting on the wall, and meeting notices. We must listen carefully to the opinions of the party members and make revisions and improvements based on the opinions raised. It is necessary to inform the public and the employees in a timely manner about the rectification situation, and consciously accept the supervision of the party members and the public to ensure the effect of rectification. According to the unified requirements of the higher authorities, after the centralized rectification phase is basically over, the party branch should organize party members to organize a special life in a timely manner, exchange the personal rectification of party members, affirm the results, find out the gap, and further improve the rectification.

To study and formulate a long-term mechanism to maintain the advanced nature of party members and party organizations, we must pay attention to fully carrying forward the inner-party democracy, listen to the opinions and suggestions of the majority of party members and cadres in many forms, at multiple levels and in multiple channels, repeatedly modify and constantly improve, and effectively strengthen the long-term mechanism. Forward-looking, systematic, targeted and operational.

After the basic work of the rectification and improvement phase is basically completed, it is necessary to carry out a “review”. According to the “Quantification Assessment Method for Rectification and Improvement Stage”, self-inspection is carried out, and public satisfaction evaluation is organized. If the quantitative assessment fails to meet the required scores or if more than 10% of the assessments are unsatisfactory, it is necessary to “replenish the lessons” in a timely manner; the problem is not solved, and the rectification and improvement have gone through the transition and must be reinstated. It is necessary to promote the development of various food undertakings and the satisfaction of the people's people as an important criterion for testing the effectiveness of rectification, so that the advanced nature education activities can effectively achieve "improving the party members, strengthening grassroots organizations, serving the people, and promoting various tasks." Goal requirements.

V. Strengthen organizational leadership for the work of rectification and improvement

The key to carrying out advanced nature education activities to ensure the effectiveness of educational activities is leadership. The leading group of the Grain Bureau must effectively assume leadership responsibilities, and the main responsible comrades must perform the duties of the first responsible person. Through various forms, we must guide grassroots party organizations and the majority of party members to overcome self-satisfaction and slackness, and do a good job in rectifying and improving the work in a spirit of being highly responsible for the cause of the party and the people. The Office of the Leading Group for Advanced Education Activities of the Party Committee of the Bureau should strengthen work guidance, understand the situation, find problems in time, and solve them conscientiously. The party branch of the government should give full play to its role, carefully organize, and make careful arrangements to guide party members to seriously carry out rectification. The party branch secretary must earnestly perform the role of the specific responsible person and set an example for other party members in the rectification work.

Party members and leading cadres should play a leading role, take the lead in rectification, further change their work style, improve their work, and improve efficiency. If the lower level is required to do so, the superiors must first do a good job; if the party members are required to do so, the party members and leading cadres must first do a good job. It is necessary to take the lead in formulating a rectification plan, take the lead in implementing rectification measures, and take the lead in publishing the rectification situation. With the exemplary role of party members and leading cadres, the rectification work will be promoted in depth.

We must correctly grasp the policy. Adhere to the principle of positive education and self-education, vigorously publicize the achievements of rectification work, publicize the achievements of concentrated educational activities, publicize the typical work of outstanding party members and advanced education activities, and fully demonstrate the good spirit of party organizations and the majority of party members and cadres. . For those who do not fulfill the obligations of party members and do not fully meet the conditions of party members, we must distinguish the situation, continue to do a good job in education transformation, guide and help them improve their ideological understanding, face up to existing problems, and enhance confidence and determination to correct problems; pay attention to politics, Care for them at work and in life, motivate them to intrinsic motivation, and prompt them to become qualified members as soon as possible.

The time for rectification and improvement is not less than one month, and in principle it basically ends in mid-June. After the completion of the rectification and improvement phase, it is necessary to conduct a public satisfaction assessment of the entire advanced nature education activities. Then, we must summarize the advanced nature education activities and hold a summary meeting. At the same time, it is necessary to deploy and consolidate the results in accordance with the requirements of the higher authorities.

CPC Food Bureau Committee

May 14, 2005

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