Fan Wen Daquan > Work Report

Special pheasant breeding feasibility report

Chapter I: Project Overview Chapter 2: Project Production and Management Scope and Development Planning I. Production and Management Scope This field is an excellent source for research and development of special breeding pheasants and sales and promotion of commercial chickens, and preparation and processing of ecological feed without any growth hormone. The unified standard provides excellent seedlings and high-quality ecological feeds for joining farmers in advance, and regularly recycles farmed agricultural products at the contract price, and produces, processes and sells them.
II. Introduction of the project breeding products The special pheasant is a kind of pheasant after artificial domestication and breeding. Its temperament is gentle and vital, its adaptability and disease resistance are extremely strong, and its environment requirements are not high. It is very easy to raise a very beautiful wild animal. Pheasant is a world-famous wild game with high economic value. The meat is tender and delicious, and the game is rich. Its main protein content is as high as 30%. It is twice as much as ordinary chicken and pork. Its fat content is only 0.9%. It is pork. 1/39, 1/8 of beef, 1/10 of chicken, basically free of cholesterol, is a high protein and low fat game.
Third, planning design and development ideas
1. Establishing the plant to plan the construction of the green pollution-free special aquaculture product production base is a high-level, wide-ranging, demonstration-oriented, and highly-motivated key pollution-free agricultural and livestock products project, so the construction of the plant will be scientific. Modernized, economical and ecological special breeding demonstration zone, using high-efficiency and pollution-free farming technology to implement standardized breeding, focusing on cultivating excellent provenances and utilizing advanced feeding management techniques, pollution-free production technology, product deep processing technology, disease prevention and control technology, etc. Improve the safety testing facilities and equipment for pheasant products and implement standardized production and management.
2. Development Ideas This field implements the industrialized production and operation of “company ten farmers”, and gradually derives the “company + base + farmers” and other driving modes. The enterprise signs the production and sales contract with the farmers, and implements the organic combination of pre-production, mid-production and post-production. In the industrial chain, enterprises provide free seedlings and high-quality supply of ecological feed for raising farms. In the production, breeding technology tracking and aquaculture quality supervision and management, raising farm products, feeding any hormones and containing drug residues that are harmful to human health, product pairs The recycled products are strictly inspected and processed, and a new production and operation mechanism is established to develop products with high technology content, strong market competitiveness and good sales prospects, and improve product commodity rate, processing conversion rate and added value.
Chapter III: Necessity and Feasibility of Project Construction The Third Plenary Session of the XX Session of the Party pointed out new directions and development prospects for rural development. In order to get rich, farmers must have strong project support. Jinjiaba Village is a In the big villages where grain crops are grown, optimizing the value-added of grain is the advantage of the village. Many resources for breeding special pheasants can be taken locally, so that economic crops such as grain are not simply sold, so that they can be fully utilized and added value. Chicken manure can be processed into high-efficiency commercial organic fertilizer, which can be used as fertilizer for economic crops such as grain, reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer, and make crop production develop in the direction of pollution-free.
Chapter IV: Project Development Strategy I. Talent Development Strategy In order to develop, it is necessary to join and train talents. As the company develops, the demand for technical and managerial talents also increases. Therefore, we must recruit talents from outside, and then we must recruit talents. Train and teach local youths, call on local college students to return to their hometowns, and regularly hold breeding-related lectures to invite experts and farmers to discuss farming techniques, and select elites from farmers as demonstration bases and extension workers.
Second, the development of the franchise strategy This field will use the franchise association to introduce the awareness and cognition of breeding special pheasants to the majority of farmers and the society, let them promote, and join the association to solve the technical and economic problems involved in the breeding, the field to join Based on the concept of “fostering agriculture as the center”, the association actively organizes breeding-related lectures to promote the learning atmosphere. At the same time, it promotes the comprehensive quality of farming through innovative activities, and then combines personal development with the development of the field. In the process of promoting the development of the field, the association will be based on the premise of "communication, exploration and growth", and strive to cultivate the elite awareness of farming, to face every risk, every bump.
Third, the market development strategy The market for special pheasants is currently in short supply. We are expanding the market by vigorously developing the markets in the coastal areas and developed regions, supplemented by the sub-shots of the surrounding markets. The pheasant belongs to the middle and high consumption, so our The sales target is to target large and medium-sized hotels, to expand the market share of the business target, and to promote the market development strategy by advertising strategy, distribution channel utilization strategy, promotion price activity strategy, public relations activity strategy, etc. And conduct regular market surveys to develop marketing strategies from market data and intelligence.
Chapter 5: Project Investment Budget, Source of Fund Raising I. Development of Special Pheasant to Join Agriculture and Investment Budget
1. The investment budget for joining the farmer's farms is 50% of the investment in this farm, so it is the top priority. We will make advance advances for the excellent seedlings for raising agriculture. We will invest 100,000 yuan in this advancement, and then assist the special high-quality ecological feed for individual special agriculture, and we expect to invest 50,000 yuan, as well as training for technical instructors. The salary and daily expenses will be invested 80,000 yuan, and the field will take out 220,000 yuan to make a budget investment for the special pheasant to join the farmers.
2. Special pheasant joins the farmer's own investment budget. For the raising of agriculture, the biggest investment in raising agriculture is the construction of the field. This investment can be determined according to the scale of farming and its own conditions. To calculate, it is necessary to have a site area of ​​100 square meters, and the investment in the construction of the field housing is 8,000 yuan. If the farmer has a free animal house to rebuild, the capital investment is only 3000-4000 yuan.
Second, the total investment budget of the site, we will increase investment in the special pheasant breeding demonstration zone, it shoulders the role of demonstration and driving, it is estimated that 100,000 yuan of funds for the specification and management of the plant, there are 800 excellent breeders in the field, Incubating 100,000 chickens per year, the field will take 60,000 yuan to build chicken houses and hatcheries, invest 30,000 yuan for high-quality ecological feed station, 20,000 yuan for normal expenditure budget, 50,000 reserve funds Yuan, plus 220,000 yuan for joining the farmer's investment, the total investment budget of this field is 500,000 yuan.
III. Funds Raising This project requires a wide range of investment development and construction. The initial investment is too large. Now it is a partner to raise funds, but the funding gap is still very large. I hope that the party committees and governments at all levels and relevant departments will give relevant support. .
Chapter VI: Comprehensive Benefit Analysis and Risk Budget I. Economic Benefits of the Field Green pollution-free special breeding is a new type of industry. The special pheasant market has a large gap and low feeding costs. The economic benefits are considerable. The important economic source of this field is the breeding of good species. The chicken is heavy, and the sale of commercial chickens is the driving force to develop and grow the surrounding agriculture. There are 800 excellent breeders in the field, and each breeder can bring benefits of 1,000 yuan, totaling 800,000. The sale of commercial chickens is mainly to recover the finished chickens from the surrounding agriculture. The current sales volume can reach 100,000 feathers per year, calculated at 7 yuan per profit, and the annual income can reach 700,000 yuan. The processing and sale of high-quality ecological feed can yield a net profit of 250,000 yuan. The added value, such as tourism and sightseeing, can earn a net profit of 50,000 yuan. The total economic benefit can reach 1.8 million yuan, reducing daily expenses, staff wages, maintenance of farmhouse foundations, consumption of breeding chickens, etc. 500,000, and a net profit of 1.3 million yuan.
Second, the special pheasant raising agriculture economic benefits of agriculture, the main expenditure of feed daily consumption, if each daily consumption is 0.2 yuan, all sold in 4 months, each cost is 24 yuan, the current market price is 75 yuan, each recycling 10 Yuan / only chicken seedlings, farmers can get a profit of 41 yuan / only, if each batch of 200 chickens, can raise 3 batches per year, then the annual profit of 24,000 yuan.
III. Social Benefits The direct social benefit brought by this project is to let the surrounding farmers get rid of poverty and get rich. The indirect social benefits brought by the regional special industries, such as tourism and tourism, “farm music”, product processing and other chain industries, and secondly drive crops. Increase value and increase income, open a new world of rural areas.
IV. Risk prediction The special pheasant breeding cycle is short, the breeding is fast, the environmental requirements are not high, the consumption level is high, the market demand is saturated, and the so-called “things are too much”. When the market is saturated, the quantity and price will be affected. , followed by natural risks, such as various diseases of poultry.
The solutions to such risks are: 1. Seize the market and seize market share with high efficiency and low cost; 2. Branding and branding products; 3. Grasping quality, making products taste better and more nutritious, let Consumer recognition; 4, digging technology, deep digging advanced feeding management technology, pollution-free production technology, disease prevention and control technology, safety testing technology.

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