Fan Wen Daquan > Work Report

District government team investigates problems, finds root causes and reports on rectification measures

The district government team investigates the problem, finds the root cause and rectifies the measures to carry out the "investigation and reconciliation" and promotes the development activities. The municipal party committee and the municipal government implement the spirit of the party's xx major and xx third plenary sessions and the fifth session of the provincial party committee. With regard to the new situation, new tasks, and reviewing the situation, we will focus on solving the outstanding problems that hinder the reform and development of the city and accelerate the city's economic development and social progress. The purpose of the activity is to explain the situation, solve problems, correct mistakes, and further unify. Thought, uplifting spirit, and promoting the all-round and rapid development of the economy and society.
Through the first two stages of the situation and tasks, and the investigation of the problems, we have greatly improved our understanding and have greatly touched our minds. The municipal party committee pays the secretary to take the overall situation and put the city in the same level of the whole province and the city in the same level. It makes people feel that it is very difficult to narrow the gap with the advanced developed areas.
In the "review and rectification" and development activities, the district government team conducted self-examination, centralized investigation and special investigation in the government team and team members in accordance with the requirements of the "Proposal" of the district committee. The focus is on the government's grasp of economic work, to investigate the problems existing in the economic development of our district, the problems of the government's grasp of economic work and the problems existing in the government's own construction. By talking about the situation and tasks, conducting criticism and self-criticism, sorting out the opinions of the people, and checking out 14 issues, and analyzing the root causes of the problems and formulating corrective measures.
I. Problems in the economic development of our district
1. The total economic output of the school is 130 million yuan, and the fiscal revenue is 11 million yuan. There is almost no financial resources to carry out governance construction, which has affected social development.
2. There are few large-scale enterprises. There are only one enterprise with a profit and tax of over one million yuan. Lack of a district and a city enterprise.
3. The industry level is low. It also stays in the industrial chain of initial processing of resources. At the same time, the industrial structure is not good and the development of the tertiary industry lags behind
Second, the government's problems in grasping economic work
1. The direction of economic development is not clear. Emphasis on industrial development and neglect the follow-up of the tertiary industry.
2. The level of understanding of the district is not deep. Accurately grasping and locating regional conditions is crucial to regional economic construction. However, we have historical limitations on the understanding of the regional situation, and the constraints of the concept, there are problems that are not emancipating the mind and boldly exploring.
3. Re-production of infrastructure in light urban areas. Most of the work energy is used to grasp the production of enterprises, and the urban infrastructure construction is lagging behind. Although there are objective factors of insufficient government financial resources, through the means of market economy, it is possible to do a good job of raising cities by city, building cities with cities, and building cities with cities.
4. The number of enterprises with heavy enterprises is light in the development of enterprises. Based on oneself, it is less necessary to make the company bigger and stronger. For enterprises with certain scientific and technological content and good market prospects, they have not supported enough and have not been able to grow rapidly.
5, the mind is not liberated, the ideas are not open, and the sense of innovation is not strong. For example, ideology always thinks that the district is difficult and financially tight, and does not take the initiative to “go out” actively, attract investment, talk about projects, send cadres to foreign countries to investigate and introduce extra-territorial projects, learn to absorb good experiences, and lead to the concept of guiding economic work. Narrow and old-fashioned.
6. Insufficient attention is paid to the work of foreign companies in security business, and services are not in place. For example, straw processing projects, when operating, thunder and heavy rain, lack of service, support for cooperative enterprises, create a relaxed environment, indirectly caused the business operators to feel uneasy, not bottom, resulting in no progress in the project, still staying in the initial stage. Other cities came to study in our district, and the project was bigger and stronger, and went to the Harbin Fair.
7. The introduction and implementation of the relevant preferential policies for attracting investment are relatively lagging behind and in the form. The "Preferential Policies for Investment Promotion by District Committees and District Governments" stipulates that cadres and foreign-invested enterprises that attract investment shall be rewarded according to the amount of investment and tax payment. However, due to financial difficulties, it has not been fully realized, which has damped the enthusiasm of some cadres and workers and business owners.
Third, the problems of the government's own construction
1. The ruling concept does not meet the requirements of the market economy. The government has exposed many incompatibility in the transformation of functions and the transformation of the mechanism to serve the economic development. Mainly the leadership is not adapted.
2. The work style is not solid and the discipline is not strict. Require yourself to relax. Lack of responsibility, urgency, and mission. There is no initiative or shirking work. Lack of the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic, the work requires more deployment, personally and personally examined, and there is formalism and localism.
3. The public servant is not strong. The starting point and the foothold of the work are different in establishing the party for the public and governing for the people. The hot and difficult issues reflected by the people have not been actively resolved, and there are problems and irresponsibility.
4, time concept, efficiency concept, team awareness is not strong, coordination and communication is not close enough. If the government determines the opening of the fire channel work. The meeting was finalized. The plan was under, and the responsibility was reached. However, there were many departments involved, and the coordination was not in place. The tasks were not completed according to the time limit determined by the plan.
Fourth, rectification measures to strengthen the government's own construction, enhance the ability to govern for the people, and strive to create a new situation in all work. We must continue to adhere to the overall direction of building a new and pragmatic, learning service, clean and honest, and democratic and legal "four-type government", building a people's government that conforms to the requirements of the times, conforms to the characteristics of the times, and reflects the spirit of the times, and leads the people of the region to realize the prosperity of the people. The grand goal.
First, we must strengthen the ruling philosophy of diligence for the people. We will work hard to achieve good, maintain, and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. We will start from the most realistic, most concerned, and direct interests of the broad masses of the people, sincerely and sincerely do practical things, do our best to solve difficult problems, and persist in doing good deeds.
Second, we must carry forward a pragmatic and efficient work style. Adhere to the practical <scriptsrc="/medeguangao/wenzhang/wenzhang.js"></script> seeking the ideological line, respecting the objective law, and starting from the xx zone as the government's administrative basis to accelerate the development of xx and improve the people. The standard of living, so that the people and the cadres of the government get more benefits, as the starting point and the foothold of the government work, rather than real development, do not falsify the rankings. It is necessary to speed up the work rhythm, improve work efficiency, and enhance the urgency and timeliness of work. It is necessary to establish a sense of work that is “reactive is too much”, and all work is measured by efficiency and quality. If the work is sluggish and the timing of the delay causes a certain loss to the work, it is necessary to investigate the responsibility.
Third, we must abide by the discipline of clean and honest work. It is necessary to clean up the government, be strict with self-discipline, and exercise according to law, conscientiously implement the provisions on the integrity and self-discipline of party members and cadres, strengthen their self-cultivation, and enhance their ability to resist corruption and change. We will consciously accept the supervision of all sectors of the society, comprehensively promote measures for open government affairs, and improve the transparency of government work.
Fourth, we must maintain a work situation where the decree is unimpeded. Firmly establish a sense of responsibility, a sense of the overall situation, and a sense of development. The decisions of the district committee and the administrative orders of the government must be implemented unambiguously.

If there is a order, there is a ban.
Fifth, we must build a high-quality civil servant team. Through persistent and unremitting efforts to build the government itself, we will strive to build an active civil servant team. A strong and brave civil servant. Smart and intelligent civil service. Dedicated to the civil service team. A hard-working civil servant.

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