Fan Wen Daquan > Work Report

Report on the Labor Contract Law of the Central Bureau of the Labor Bureau

The "Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" was reviewed and approved at the 28th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress and will be officially implemented on January 1, XX. This is another important milestone in the construction of the legal system of labor and social security. Studying and propagating and implementing the Labor Contract Law and promoting the implementation of the labor contract system are the top priorities of the current and future labor security work.
On July 31, the Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau held a special lecture, organized members of the Party Group Central Committee and the county labor security directors to study the relevant contents of the Labor Contract Law.
Xu Xianghua, Party Secretary and Director of the Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau, participated in the study and put forward specific requirements for the implementation and publicity work of the city:
First, strengthen organizational leadership and ensure strong advancement. Doing a good job in the implementation of the Labor Contract Law is not only a long-term task, but also a matter of urgency. The labor security department of the city will organize special personnel, implement the promotion mechanism, formulate work plans, propose work objectives, and refine Work tasks, determine work measures and time schedules. Establish a target responsibility system, include the completion of work tasks in the target management assessment content, and form a responsibility system in which the main leaders personally grasp, in charge of the leadership, and at the first level, and at the first level. At present, the Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau has made overall arrangements for the study, promotion, training and implementation of the Labor Contract Law. In the near future, a special work plan will be issued, which will be organized and implemented in stages. A special working group has been set up in the city. The director is the team leader and the deputy director is the deputy leader. The responsible comrades in the relevant departments such as the office, legal supervision, labor wage, labor arbitration, supervision and law enforcement are members. The purpose is to be the Labor Contract Law. The implementation of the organization provides organizational assurance.
Second, in-depth study and training to improve the ability level. The Labor Contract Law clearly stipulates that the labor security department is responsible for supervising and managing the implementation of the labor contract system. This puts new demands on the labor security department to strengthen the study and training work and improve the administrative capacity and level according to law. The city's labor and social security department has paid close attention to the special research and deployment of the local, the system, and the unit's learning work, through the organization of centralized learning and self-study, as well as seminars, training courses, lectures, legal lectures, and theoretical center group learning methods. Quickly organize all the personnel in the whole system, including streets, township labor and social security offices, community assistants and 12333 consultants, to ensure that leading comrades take the lead in studying and studying the Labor Contract Law. The staff of the labor security system are generally familiar with The main provisions of this law, comrades engaged in labor relations, labor security supervision, labor disputes and labor security legal work are proficient in the specific content of this law. To lay a solid foundation for the next step of implementation and the use of the Labor Contract Law. At present, the text of the Labor Contract Law and the propaganda outline issued by the Ministry will be the main content of the study, and will profoundly understand the important significance and basic content of the Labor Contract Law, especially the newly created regulations, paying particular attention to the Labor Law. 》, the "Jiangsu Province Labor Contract Regulations", "Jiangsu Province wages payment regulations" and other relevant laws and regulations, study one by one, and strive to become an expert in a short period of time, and effectively improve the use of the "Labor Contract Law" coordinated treatment Labor relations and the ability to resolve labor disputes.
Third, strengthen publicity and guidance, and create a good atmosphere. The adjustment of the Labor Contract Law mainly targets employers and workers, covering a wide range and covering a wide range. Extensive and in-depth publicity of law-enforcement work to enhance the understanding and understanding of the Labor Contract Law by employers and workers is essential to ensure the implementation of this law. We will strive to obtain the support of the party committee, the people's congress, and the government, and incorporate the propaganda and popularization of the Labor Contract Law into the annual work plan of the “Five-Five-Population Law” in this region, coordinate planning, timely deployment, and adopt various forms and all-round, through various media. Extensive publicity on multiple levels. Focus on publicizing the important significance, spiritual essence and main provisions of the "Labor Contract Law", using the units and laborers to enhance the legal concept, improve the legal awareness, and consciously learn the law, understand the law, and abide by the law. Strengthen cooperation with state-owned assets management departments, trade union organizations, etc., and promote state-owned enterprises to take the lead in learning and implementing the Labor Contract Law. We will do a good job in the key industries, the popularization of legal knowledge among key units and key populations, and let the Labor Contract Law enter the enterprise, enter the community, and enter the team, continuously enhance the employer's awareness of regulating labor employment behavior according to law, and improve the laborers to protect their rights and interests according to law. Ability. According to the unified arrangements of provinces and cities, actively participate in the National Labor Contract Law knowledge contest and publicity month activities, create a strong public opinion atmosphere in the whole society, and create conditions for the full implementation of the Labor Contract Law.
Fourth, carry out classification guidance and prepare for implementation. Make full use of the "transition period" in the second half of the year, organize the investigation of labor employment, comprehensively grasp the implementation of the labor employment and labor contract system of the employers in the jurisdiction, and guide and supervise the progress and development conditions of the labor contract system of different types of employers. The enterprise conducts a comprehensive self-examination and self-correction on the implementation of the labor contract system of the unit, and precautions are taken to eliminate hidden dangers. It is necessary to pay attention to grasping a group of basic and influential units for piloting, strengthening typical cultivation, and focusing on experience accumulation. In accordance with the requirements of the labor contract to fully cover the special program, we will step up the pilot work and play a demonstration role. Actively report to the party committee and government on the implementation of the Labor Contract Law, and actively strengthen coordination and cooperation with the administrative departments of the judiciary, state-owned enterprises, industry and commerce, construction, taxation, safety supervision, and trade unions, women's federations, and the Communist Youth League. The role of the tripartite mechanism forms a social consensus and work synergy for the implementation of the Labor Contract Law.

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