Work Plan > Party Committee Party Branch Work Plan

Party branch annual work plan

First, the guiding ideology:
Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of "xxxx", implement the party's xx spirit, establish and implement the scientific development concept, and learn to practice the scientific development concept and maintain the advanced nature of party members, and step up the construction of education and the construction of teachers' morality. Standardize the teacher's teaching behavior, focus on implementing the new curriculum reform and promoting quality education, earnestly strengthen the building of the leadership team and the ideological style of party members and cadres, further enhance the creativity, cohesiveness and combat effectiveness of the party organization, and give full play to the party organization of the school. The core of politics, the battle fortress, the role of supervision and guarantee, and the vanguard and exemplary role of all party members provide spiritual power and organizational guarantee for the stability and improvement of education quality and the accelerated development of schools, and ensure the title of advanced party branch.
Second, the basic situation analysis:
This branch has xx party members, including female party members x; the majority of school school committees and executive committee members are party members; party members class directors x, teaching and research team leaders are mostly party members; young party members under xx years old are xx people, among party members, There are xx undergraduate degrees and 14 undergraduate degrees.
Third, work objectives and measures:
1. Carry forward the academic style of linking theory with practice, further strengthen the party's ideological construction, organize the study, and unify the thoughts and understandings of the party members and cadres and the teachers and students of the whole school into the spirit of the xx conference, and condense wisdom and strength into the realization of school education. The task of coming up is an important task for the current and future period of the Party branch of our school.
First of all, do a good job in the study of the members of the party branch. Learning once a month, taking the lead, taking the lead, taking the lead, forming a good learning atmosphere, making our school leadership team become a learning-oriented leadership team, focusing on mastering advanced culture and improving innovation ability. True learning, true understanding, true faith, and true use, constantly strengthening the transformation of the subjective world, strengthening party spirit, and always maintaining political sobriety and determination.
Seriously grasp the study of all party members. Make full use of party members' democratic life and political study time, and include "xxxx" important ideas, advanced nature education, modern education concepts, education laws and regulations in this year's study and education content. We must conscientiously implement the "three sessions and one lesson" system within the party, and require the party group to insist on organizing life once a month, to maintain the advanced nature of party members through study, to enhance the ability to use scientific theories to guide practice, and to establish correct educational ideas and development. The idea is to promote education through theoretical study and to study the results with the theory of job performance test.
Grasp the study of all faculty and staff. The faculty and staff study once a week, combined with school-based training and lifelong learning, aiming at improving the overall quality of the faculty and staff, focusing on strengthening the construction of teachers' morality and ethics, focusing on the important ideas of xxxx and the scientific outlook on development. Content, strengthen ideological and political education and standard education of teachers' morality, and establish a teacher's morality image that is a teacher's teacher and a dedication to life. It is necessary to give full play to the main channels of classroom teaching, use class meetings, group activities, "paving stone" literary associations, and social practice activities to create a learning atmosphere, improve the effectiveness of learning and publicity, and further enhance the modernization level and overall implementation quality of teachers and students throughout the school. The consciousness and firmness of education.
2. Solidly promote the party's organizational construction, continuously improve the party organization's cohesiveness and combat effectiveness, adhere to the party's management of the party, strictly control the party's policy, and combine the actual situation of school education work, closely focus on strengthening the party organization's combat effectiveness and cohesiveness, strengthen and improve Party organization.
. Strengthen the construction of cadres.
Continue to carry out the "harmonious campus" creation activities, give full play to the fine tradition of team members' division of labor and collective decision-making, and enhance the combat effectiveness of the team. We will comprehensively implement the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Leading Cadres of the Party and Government", adhere to the principle of meritocracy, both ability and political integrity, fairness, justice, and openness, and insist on using good styles to select people and choose good people. Implement the competition of middle-level cadres and deepen the reform of the cadre personnel system. It is necessary to establish and implement a middle-level cadre work appraisal system, focus on appraisal and re-examine performance appraisal, so that all cadres pay attention to study, consciously accept education and supervision, establish correct values, status and interests in work practice, and closely connect with the people. Use your mind to work and use it wholeheartedly for the benefit of the staff. In accordance with the principle of combining both ability and political integrity, we must conscientiously do a good job in the democratic assessment, democratic recommendation and adjustment of reserve cadres in our school, and train and select outstanding young teachers at multiple levels and in all directions to create a stage for their exercise and create conditions.
. Strengthen the management of party members and do a good job in organizational development. Do hard work, honest and self-discipline.
In-depth development of party style party discipline education. It is necessary to carry out in-depth party style party discipline, legal education and warning education among party members and cadres, and to build a party-state law and ideological and moral defense line. In particular, leading cadres should enhance their awareness of law-abiding and anti-corruption awareness, improve their ability to resist corruption and prevent change, and keep in mind the party's purpose. Close contact with the public, we must constantly deepen the teaching and research group, go deep into the classroom, and actively solve the problems that teachers and students are generally concerned about, especially for the difficult teachers and poor students to give more care and implement the "two exemptions and one subsidy" policy. At the same time, we must continue to achieve "six ones", that is, intensive reading of an educational theory book every year, learning a modern educational technology, researching a subject, taking a good course, writing an educational teaching and research paper, and grasping a contact point.
Seriously implement the responsibility system for party style and clean government construction. Leading cadres of the school should take the lead in improving their ideological ethics and honesty and self-discipline, conscientiously implement the provisions of the "Corruption Guidelines", conduct cross-checks, and enhance the sense of responsibility of the team members in their work of party style and clean government, and strictly enforce their responsibilities. Investigate the system, ensure that the cadres are honest and honest, and promote the school's righteousness.
3. Adhere to democratic management and promote the rule of law
Further improve party building regulations. In light of the actual work of the school, we will carefully prepare for the opening of each branch meeting, focus on the theme, highlight key points, earnestly carry out the educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members, and lead teachers to strengthen the construction of the style of work, in accordance with the requirements of the Education Bureau, in the evaluation of the style of work Do a good job of learning and mobilizing, do a good job in self-examination, rectification, and improvement of the three stages of work. Regular summary, communication, evaluation, and assessment. Efforts should be made to resolve the problems existing among minority party teachers, clarify the direction of efforts, and maintain the image of teachers. In the activities, we should give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and reflect the "one party member flag." Divide the "Party Responsibility Zone", strengthen the ties between the party and the masses, set up a joint progress and mutual aid group for party members and teachers, and implement public supervision. Strictly standardize the life of the party organization, improve the quality of democratic life, improve the system of attendance at the democratic life and the regular inspection system for party members' reading notes. The branch should conduct at least one democratic life meeting every month. We must implement the policy of "adhering to standards, ensuring quality, improving structure, and developing with care", formulating and developing party members' plans, strictly controlling, maturity, and development, and ensuring that outstanding members are absorbed into the party's ranks in a timely manner. To promote the "Participation in the Party's activist scoring assessment method", it is necessary to increase the education, training and inspection of the party activists, fully care about the thoughts, work and life of the party activists, communicate with them in a timely manner, and improve the archives. It is necessary to pay attention to the development of party members among the young and middle-aged teachers in the front line of teaching.
Intensifying education and supervision mechanisms, further strengthening the party's work style construction, we must thoroughly implement the "Decision on Strengthening and Improving the Party's Work Style Construction" of the CPC Central Committee, act in accordance with the "Regulations on Party Members and Cadres Discipline", and earnestly implement the requirements of diligent and honest cleanliness and improve Ideological style, to keep pace with the times, emancipate the mind; improve work style, be realistic and pragmatic, diligent and efficient; improve life style, and fully promote democracy. Further improve the school assessment reward and punishment system and bonus distribution incentive mechanism, discuss new ideas and new plans for reviewing school development, and implement the faculty and staff on school development and personal interests, such as evaluation of merits, promotion, teacher evaluation, quality year The right to know, participate, decide, and supervise in the assessment and other aspects will further mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the faculty and staff in teaching and educating, school management and reform and development.
. It is necessary to continuously improve the level of running schools according to law and teaching according to law, and further enhance the discipline and legal awareness of all party members and teachers through learning lectures, case studies, exchange of ideas, and television videos, and improve the awareness and ability of learning, using, obeying the law. .
. Further promote party affairs and school affairs. Give full play to the role of all faculty and staff in management and democratic governance, and enhance the transparency of school management. Important work, major issues, and important decisions must be fully brewed, collectively researched, reflected in the principle of democratic centralism, accepting public supervision, listening to the voice of the people, promoting openness in school affairs, and strengthening the construction of rules and regulations in accordance with the rule of law.
4. Strengthening the leadership of the group organization, mobilizing all positive factors, promoting the comprehensive and sustainable development of the school, fully recognizing the reform and development of the school, and always being inseparable from the efforts of the teachers and students and the care and support of the society and parents. All aspects of the school and all positive factors promote the rapid, comprehensive and sustainable development of the school.
Guide the school union work. It is necessary to actively support the trade unions to perform the duties of the trade unions in accordance with the provisions of the new Trade Union Law, comprehensively and intensively carry out the activities of building the "teacher's home", and take the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the faculty and staff as the basic duties of the trade unions, so that the trade unions truly become the bridge and link between the party and the people. . The trade unions should work around the school center, organize the teaching staff to participate in curriculum reform, education and scientific research, and democratic management, and make contributions to education and teaching and school development. The trade unions must constantly strengthen their own construction, and position construction, organize faculty and staff to carry out a variety of learning activities, styles, visits, and other exchange activities to enhance the cohesiveness of the teaching staff.

Strengthen guidance on the work of the Youth League Committee. Effectively guide the Youth League Committee to strengthen the building of ideas and organizations, strengthen the training of team cadres, strengthen the guidance of the work of the Students' Union, continue to promote social practice activities, protect the enthusiasm and creativity of young teachers, and fully care for and help young teachers' ideological politics and work. Learning and amateur life, play their role as a new force.
. Give full play to the functions of the Staff Representative Conference to supervise and participate in the administration of state affairs. Adhere to the major decision-making system to the Staff Representative Conference, solicit their opinions and suggestions on the work of the school, mobilize all forces, and accelerate the development of the school with one heart and one mind.
. Run a good parent school, do a good job in the work committee, care about the retired teachers, try their best to solve problems for them, do more practical things; regularly inform them about the school work, solicit their opinions and suggestions.
5. Create a new image of education with the creation of civilization as a starting point.
. The school will carry out various forms of teacher moral education activities. The school will strictly implement the "Chinese Small Teachers' Professional Ethics Standards", strictly implement the "Teachers' Ten Mistakes" regulations, and organize teachers to learn the ten masters of Luotian County, especially the comrades of the school. Deeds, establish the image of the teacher, correct the education, regulate the behavior, and love the post, love the school, love the students. Improve the teacher's professional ethics assessment mechanism, and seriously investigate the people and things that the teacher's morality is wrong. Seriously carry out the work of “evaluating teachers and appraising teaching” and strive to obtain advanced units for county appraisal.
. Create a harmonious campus school to seize the opportunity to create a harmonious campus, create a sports model demonstration school, and deepen the people's sexual creation activities. Focus on service to promote the reform of the new curriculum, focus on creating a good atmosphere of concentration and construction, and development with one heart and one mind. The school will carry out the evaluation activities of civilized classes, civilized dormitory, and civilized students.
. Strengthening the comprehensive improvement of the campus and surrounding environment, firmly establishing the idea that school safety is more important than Taishan and stabilizing overwhelming, establishing and improving school safety, stable work responsibility system and accountability system, implementing comprehensive campus management measures, and opposing all uncivilized ideas and Acting, actively carry out the "Safe Campus" creation activities to ensure that the school education and teaching order is normal and orderly.
Fourth, the event arrangement:

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