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Central Station Youth Civilization Creation Project

The "Youth Civilization" is an effective carrier to carry forward professional ethics and embody professional civilization. The creation of the Youth Civilization is an effective way to promote the growth of young talents, to establish a first-class service image and to create first-class work performance. In XX, the central station further developed the activities of the “Youth Civilization”, and created the plan for the creation of the “Youth Civilization” of the province and the city, and promoted the work to a new level:

First, the overall goal

The overall goal of the creation is: to create first-class service quality, first-class management level, first-class talent team, first-class work performance, and continuously lead the "Youth Civilization" creation activities to the depth, to build the central station into a first-class service window, and take the central station as Jiangling’s image window,

Second, based on quality education, create first-class talents

1. Strengthen learning, carry out training for staff in the whole station, organize station staff and management personnel to learn from each other at different levels and stages, learn from each other, and carry out study and training in management norms, business skills, etiquette and other aspects to achieve “ Knowledge, specialization, and professionalism are the goals to improve overall quality.

2. To build a central culture, we must integrate the theme of thought into the hearts of all employees in the central station, organically combine the activities of “Youth Civilization” with the development of industry culture, actively carry out various professional knowledge learning activities, and constantly stimulate the development of young backbones. Enterprising spirit and strengthen the cultural construction of the central station.

3. Cultivate the healthy life of the whole station staff, and strive to create the “Youth Civilization No.” at the provincial and municipal levels. According to the service characteristics of the central station, organize the whole station staff to carry out a series of activities, such as organizing cadres and workers to visit and learn at the advanced station. Activities such as cultural and sports competitions have reinforced the way of thinking of employees, civilized courtesy, and reception.

4. Do a good job in promoting excellent work, do a good job of recommending outstanding young people to join the party every year, and strive to train and create a group of “post-qualified” and advanced individuals, and strive for 2 to 3 person-times to commend advanced individuals at the county and city levels.

In XX, we must actively push the work of the "Youth Civilization" to a new height, continue to study hard and work hard, and make greater contributions to the promotion of the development of Jiangling transportation.

Service guidelines and requirements

The service continues to improve service awareness and continuously improve service skills. Visitors should be civilized and polite, patiently and patiently answering passengers' advice, and be enthusiastic about their work. All staff must wear work clothes, wear badges, generous instruments, neat appearance, full of energy, smile service, be greedy, patiently answer, ask questions, send enthusiasm, set up the concept of "passenger first", wholeheartedly for passengers service. The ticket seller’s ticket must be cleared in the future, and the invalid ticket and the wrong ticket should be strictly controlled within 5%.

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