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Main points of national tax work in 2019

XX annual national tax work points implement five major strategies to promote national tax work XX years work ideas XX year work ideas The party's 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed a new goal of strengthening the ability to govern, pointing out the direction for taxation work; Deepening tax reform, strengthening taxation grassroots construction, and promoting scientific and refined management are the focus of grassroots taxation work; in the tax collection and management work, there has been a new trend of privatization of market entities and urbanization of tax sources, which is the national taxation work. The new challenges faced; seriously addressing the new problems and new contradictions facing the current national taxation work are the key points that must be worked hard and strengthened in the work of the new year. Based on the judgment and analysis of the situation, in accordance with the overall requirements of the scientific and refined management proposed by the General Administration, combined with the actual state tax work in the city, in XX years, the national tax work of the city should focus on the theme of taxation work in the new era to improve The taxation work ability and the quality and efficiency of the collection and management work are the targets. The tax source monitoring, law enforcement guarantee and performance evaluation system are established, and efforts are made to optimize resource allocation, taxation services, working environment and education mechanism. Close to the work theme. The theme of taxation work in the new era is to promote taxation by law, deepen tax reform, strengthen scientific management, and strengthen team building. This topic scientifically summarizes the laws of taxation work and is the core of taxation work in the current and future periods. It fully embodies the requirements of the scientific development concept, and is a concrete manifestation of conscientiously implementing the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and earnestly strengthening the building of the ability to govern. Closely adhering to the theme of taxation work, we must correctly grasp the unity of taxation and leadership, grasp the unity of reform and management, adhere to the unity of continuity and innovation, and adhere to the unity of forward-looking and phased, so that the national tax work Practice has been continuously improved. Achieve two improvements. The first is to improve the ability to work in taxation. In accordance with the requirements of the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee, we will focus on improving the overall taxation work of the grassroots tax authorities with the focus on improving the ability of the leading group to lead the taxation, the ability of the national tax cadre to gather funds, and the efficient collection and management capacity of the national tax system. ability. The second is to improve the quality and efficiency of the collection and management. It is necessary to establish a new concept of scientific management, legal management and democratic management, highlighting the two characteristics of scientific and refined, and achieving the goals of law enforcement, high rate of collection, cost reduction, and social satisfaction. The construction of the three major systems is to establish a tax source monitoring system. In order to make the number of tax levies close to the number of legal applicants, we will further strengthen taxation supervision for key enterprises and key industries, vigorously carry out tax assessment, strengthen the analysis of taxation and economic comparison, and continue to improve the focus on “six rates”. The income quality assessment, the establishment of a key tax source monitoring system, tax quota system and tax administrator system. The second is to establish a law enforcement guarantee system. With the norms of behavior, coordination, fairness, transparency, honesty and efficiency as the standard, with the unification of internal and external governance, the combination of taxation and governance, and the implementation of the tax administrative law enforcement responsibility system and the law enforcement fault accountability system, The machine control function of the tax information system is the carrier, establish and improve the law enforcement supervision mechanism, and form a monitoring system for the operation of power. The third is to establish a performance appraisal system. With the principles of political integrity, business proficiency, structural optimization, and remarkable performance as the standard, and strengthening incentives and restraints as a means, we will continue to deepen the reform of the labor distribution system, fully implement the “energy level + performance” management approach, and build capacity and performance as the main content. An objective, fair and scientific performance evaluation system. Focusing on the four optimizations is to improve the ability as the core, optimize the education mechanism, and implement the taxation of talents. Development depends on talent support, and political achievements are created by talents. Implementing the taxation of talents is an important task of taxation work under the new situation, and it is also an inevitable choice for the national taxation work to meet the development requirements of the times and sustainable development. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a scientific concept of talents, strengthen the concept of talent-based, focus on solving the outstanding contradictions of insufficient talents and poor talent structure, and focus on improving the "six abilities" of cadres, in order to continuously promote national taxes. The sustainable development of the business provides talent guarantee. First of all, we must continue to strengthen the building of the leadership team, taking learning as the basis for improving the ability, comprehensively implementing the academic evaluation system, term responsibility, annual theoretical business examination system, establishing and improving the evaluation index system, reward and punishment mechanism and vacant positions for the team construction. Competing for the post-employment system, improving the ability of leading cadres to manage the team; secondly, establishing a talent cultivation system of “full-learning + stratified training + expert examination” to comprehensively improve the team's taxation management, taxation services and technology application ability; the third is to strengthen human resources. Resource management, optimize labor mix, establish a human resource management structure of “capable job matching + two-way choice”, and transform personnel pressure into talent advantage. Establish a talent incentive mechanism, explore the establishment of an energy level management system, continue to carry out expert competition activities, and form a talent selection mechanism for competitive selection. The second is to improve the quality and efficiency of the collection and management, optimize resource allocation, and promote scientific management. Scientific management is the foundation, which is the general grasp of optimizing the allocation of resources and improving the efficiency of collection and management. It is also the fundamental way to effectively solve the problem of “reduce management and dilute responsibility”. We must extend the concept of scientific and refined management to the whole process of taxation work, in order to promote the overall development of all aspects of the work, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs in tax administration. The first is to optimize the collection and management process, focus on the link constraints, and fully implement professional management; take the process control as the core and actively promote business restructuring. The second is to integrate information resources. It is necessary to take the tax-based “one-family” tax management as an opportunity to realize effective link and information sharing among all information systems, continuously improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency of information resources, and support tax collection and management to the greatest extent; establish a unified e-tax service platform. Further expand the tax declaration and tax payment channels, and continuously improve the efficiency of tax collection to facilitate the collection and reduction of the cost of collection. The third is to enforce the law for the people, optimize tax services, and play a tax regulation function. To strengthen the building of the party's ability to govern, it is necessary to play a fiscal and regulatory role in taxation to provide sufficient financial resources for the development of social democratic democracy, the construction of advanced socialist culture, and the building of a socialist harmonious society. To fully implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session, we must adhere to the working purpose of gathering wealth for the country and law enforcement for the people, ensuring the steady growth of tax revenue, giving play to the role of tax regulation of the economy and regulating distribution, and supporting the coordinated development of the economy and society and building a well-off society in an all-round way. Some contributions. The first is the awareness of a solid income center, adhering to taxation according to law, doing a good job of income analysis, grasping the management of key tax sources, continuously improving the management methods of income and expenditure, giving full play to the role of auditing functions, vigorously clearing taxes and levying taxes, and ensuring stable growth of tax revenue; Secondly, continuously improve the ability to administer taxes according to law, strictly implement the tax laws, regulations and policies in accordance with the statutory licensing rights and procedures, implement various tax incentives and policies, support industrial upgrading, structural adjustment and high-tech development; Further optimize tax services. With the convenience of collecting and reducing the cost of collecting, we will gradually expand and improve the service function of “one window” management mode, continue to improve the “one-stop” service, implement “one-time” inspection, expand the tax service field, and continuously improve taxation. Service level. The fourth is to aim at the high efficiency of civilization, optimize the positioning of work, and promote the construction of national tax base. The grassroots taxation department is the promoter and practitioner of the important thinking of the "Three Represents". Strengthening grassroots construction is the foundation of taxation work and the basis of various taxation work. In the concept of construction, correctly understand the essence of the new tax collection and management model in the new era, break through the thinking set under the traditional collection and management mode, and use the scientific, modern and advanced concepts to control the practice of grassroots construction; in the connotation of construction, adhere to the correctness of grassroots work. Positioning, further implementation of centralized tax collection, hardware centralized construction, centralized information processing, and centralized staffing. On the construction goal, we will focus on building a learning organization, a rule of law department, a service organization, a civilized unit, and a digital base. We will carry out in-depth civilized activities, promote the coordinated development of two civilizations at the grassroots level, and establish a new type of benign interaction. To collect the relationship, create a tax-ruled environment that is in charge of co-management, and shape a diligent and efficient national tax image. Implementing the five major strategies to promote the national taxation work in the face of new situations and history has given us a new mission. To achieve long-term development of national taxation work, it is necessary to follow the trend of social development, continuously deepen reforms, and vigorously implement the taxation and taxation strategy, and promote The national tax work has developed to a higher level. In the future, the city's national tax system will focus on implementing five major strategies: First, implement the reform and strong tax strategy in accordance with the requirements of systematization. The national taxation department must strengthen the fiscal function of taxation and promote the coordinated development of the taxation economy. It must systematically and comprehensively carry out the reform of national taxation work. First, we must actively promote a new round of tax reform. The country's new round of tax reform plan is in the pipeline, and the deepening of tax reform will certainly play a better role in the role of tax raising fiscal revenue, regulating the economy, and regulating distribution. The primary task of the national taxation department is to strengthen investigation and research and make full preparations to ensure the smooth implementation of the tax reform. The second is to deepen the reform of tax collection and management. The reform of the tax system will inevitably lead to the reform of the collection and management. The core problem that needs to be solved in the future of the collection and management reform is to establish a high-quality and efficient operation mechanism. It is mainly necessary to establish a supervision and control mechanism, a coordination and coordination mechanism, a competition mechanism, and an information transmission machine.

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