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2019 teaching department work plan

2019 is the first year of the 12th Five-Year Plan, the second year of the Year of Quality, and the third year of the "Upgrade Project." The theme of the year's work is to improve quality, enrich the content, and highlight the characteristics. Continue to focus on improving the quality of education, strengthen quality awareness, strengthen the awareness of promotion, strengthen team awareness; strengthen management level as the core, strengthen cultural construction, strengthen connotation construction, strengthen equipment construction; accelerate the growth of teachers as the focus, strengthen classroom grasp Strengthen the grasp of teaching materials and strengthen theoretical grasp. Accelerate the goal of leading the city, the province's first-class, nationally renowned education and strong county.

First, the quality of education has been significantly improved

Quality is the biggest connotation and the greatest reward. Not improving is a retreat, a small increase is also a retreat. Continue to implement and revise the "three cups competition" program, reflecting the characteristics of different sections, and highlighting the graduation grade. Improve the assessment mechanism and increase incentives. Implement the contractor system of the director, the stock room, and the teaching and research staff, implement the superior school to help the weak school system, and implement the responsibility target and risk mortgage system.

High school education catches up with higher education. Grasping high school must grasp the college entrance examination, and see the college entrance examination mainly depends on one. The first is to highlight the teaching center. Strengthen process supervision, grasp practical teaching practices, and promote teaching reform. Implement the principal's listening system, highlight the concept guidance, and highlight method guidance. The interests are tilted to the front line, and the energy is focused on the front line. Establish a subsidy payment mechanism that is conducive to the use of team strengths and success or failure in performance. The second is to strengthen the study of the college entrance examination. Strengthen the study of the content of the college entrance examination, sort out the test sites; strengthen the review strategy research, inductive methods; strengthen the research of the college entrance examination direction, sum up the law. Actively introduce and digest the college entrance examination information, and enrich the preparation resources. The third is to promote responsibility contracting. Implement the eugenics and near-line student contracting mechanism; implement the implementation of the stipulation system and the tutor system; implement the bundled assessment of teachers of the same grade in the same year; implement the academic consultation and stratification measures, implement the special counseling system for students with scientific difficulties; implement the class teacher, discipline Teacher Bundle Evaluation; Implement the high school track-tracking system for outstanding students in the senior high school entrance examination.

The special funds will be listed, and the college entrance examination will be awarded to highlight the school and achieve the teacher's excellent performance award. Create conditions to help the county to resolve the debt burden. Explore the ways to try to run a school in Liugou High School and Shangbancheng High School. Strictly control the number of enrolled students in ordinary high schools and strictly enroll the bottom line of ordinary high schools.

Compulsory education grasps the quality. First, the quality must be grasped in all-round development. Grasping real habits, focusing on training habits, living habits and behaviors. Develop positive emotions, healthy mindsets, and correct values. Establish an extracurricular organization to develop individuality. Pay attention to the teaching of sound and body beauty, and pay attention to the experimental teaching of physical and chemical students. General practice activities are generally offered. Choose 6 schools to implement the “Sunshine Sports” initiative. Second, the quality must be grasped for the whole. Implement teaching in accordance with their aptitude and layering counseling. Implement incentive guidance and multiple evaluations. Pay attention to left-behind children, care for single-parent children, and care for "problem students." There are plans to carry out adolescent education. Implement a strict student status management system. The annual dropout rate is strictly controlled at 3%. Third, grasping the quality must grasp the basic knowledge. Highlight basic concepts, basic principles, basic common sense teaching, and highlight the deduction, derivation and extension of basic knowledge. Turn knowledge into wisdom by turning results into processes. Use knowledge to touch knowledge, touch thoughts, touch emotions, and make learning move from fascination to awakening, from inefficiency to efficiency, from burden to happiness.

Vocational education captures employment. Vocational education is employment education, and vocational education is skill education. With a smooth export, the entrance is booming. The first is to clarify the direction of running a school. Actively explore new ways to train skilled talents, face the market, cultivate appropriate talents; face the "three rural", cultivate rural technology experts. Establish a vocational education mechanism that closely follows the market, close to the industry, and rely on the enterprise. The second is to strengthen employment guidance. Strengthen employment market surveys and strengthen job market monitoring. Guide students to adjust their employment mentality and rationally reduce employment expectations. Establish a employment concept of “first employment, post-employment, and re-starting business” and encourage students to seek employment independently. The third is to implement employment tracking. Pay attention to student employment satisfaction rate, employment consolidation rate, pay attention to job promotion, and pay attention to wage growth.

Continue to expand cooperation and cooperation with secondary vocational schools outside the county.

Moral education is the determining factor of quality. Only adults can become talented. Love, responsibility and justice are the basic points of human morality. Highlight three educations to achieve multi-channel, multi-form, regularization and serialization. One is grateful education. Grateful parents, grateful teachers and students, grateful classmates, grateful to the school, grateful to the society, grateful to nature. Pre-school grasping enlightenment, heavy perception; small-scale grasping induction, heavy behavior; grasping and re-experiencing in the middle of the country; high school grasping self-awake, heavy introversion. The second is life education. Life is only once. Respect the lives of others and respect their lives. Being strict with others, pity for things, and grateful to people. Experience the joy of giving roses and hands to leave the fragrance, and experience the pleasure of being kind to friction and shaking hands. Think of frustration as wealth, make goodness a habit, and make courtesy a quality. The third is legal education. Adhere to the rule of law and adhere to the law school. Implement the police-collective system, implement the legal education curriculum, and implement the moral education institutions. Students are not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol, and students are not allowed to enter Internet cafes. Students are not allowed to go to the classroom together, and students are not allowed to join the dormitory.

Studying and promoting Zhao Cunzhi is both in the classroom and into the classroom. Chen Shutian understands both the education reform and the teaching reform. Zhang Haijun is both an expert and a practical cadre and Li Yongmei is an outstanding example of high-level research and high-efficiency organization. Research and promote the comprehensive level of the upper-level experience of the upper-class city, the phenomenon of unloading and battalion in the teaching and research level, and the rapid rise of the quality of teaching. The performance of the school and the teaching level of the Yifu School continue to climb.

Efforts have made the county's college entrance examination scores higher than the city's average level, and the scores of the senior high school entrance examinations are at the leading level in the city. The small and professional education has taken "a fresh move."

Second, the county's teaching and research form a unique feature

Focusing on the 4+4n classroom teaching mode, the round table-style row and the guide draft are used as the two wings, and the three seminars are used as the carrier to promote and deepen the teaching and research mechanism of “one model, two wings and three researches”. Strengthen the teaching materials, improve classroom teaching, and improve the quality of teachers. Pursuing practical, practical and practical results, the county has its own unique characteristics.

"A model" to grasp the depth. Strictly follow the principle of learning after school, to learn to teach, not to learn. Strict knowledge teaching 4 links. Pursuit of self-study has a solid degree, exchange efficiency, questioning depth, training gradient. Stick to a low starting point, a small pace, and a slow pace. Resolutely implement the "dignified". Strive to cultivate the ability to find problems and ask questions. Try to "show the error" and not "no error." Differences are an educational resource. Teaching is not equal to learning, learning is not equal to learning, learning is not equal to learning, self-reading text is not equal to self-reading textbooks. Strictly follow the discipline laws, highlight the essential characteristics of the discipline, follow the general process of subject teaching, and reflect the basic rules of student learning. Evaluate whether the classroom is effective by “whether the students learn, whether they learn positively, or whether they learn”. According to the 4+4n classroom teaching evaluation standard, teachers' classroom teaching is contested in different sections and sub-disciplines.

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"Two wings" grab points. Group cooperative learning is a profound change in educational thinking and teaching methods. Create conditions for small class teaching and round table seating. Pay attention to the construction of the study group, improve the ability of cooperation and communication; pay attention to the use of training by the team leader to improve the ability to guide communication. The timing, content, and form of the research group's discussion are timely, appropriate, and applicable. Strengthen the method guidance of small-component workers, cooperation, communication, and questioning, so as to be orderly, reasonable, and efficient.

The draft is a teacher's lesson plan, student's case, class assignments, and review materials. Advocate secondary schools to fully implement the draft of the guide. Implement the "one lesson and three preparations" system that is self-prepared, then prepared, and then prepared, and implement the "problem-based teaching plan" - problems that students can discover and raise through self-study; problems that students may not find; must be thrown Student questions. Unified form, standardized format. At the end of the semester, select the county-level excellent guide drafts and share them online.

Study the example of the round table-style rowing and guiding drafts of Yizhong Yiwu School and Yifu School, and explore the experience of Liu Qinghua, Liu Weimin and Zhang Xiuyun in practicing round-table platoons and guiding drafts, to improve the overall situation.

"Three Research" is a real one. Pre-class discussion and concrete. Research textbooks, textbooks are the collection of teaching ideas and teaching methods. The interpretation of textbooks as an absolute premise of pre-class discussion, the pursuit of the unity of authors, editors, and teachers. Implement 8 items of pre-class discussion. Study students, students are the origin of teaching. Study students as the absolute starting point of teaching, and pursue the harmonious interaction of teaching materials, teachers and students. Make wonderful class preparations a wonderful class.

Case study standardization. The teaching objectives are comprehensive, accurate and specific. Reflect the 4+4n mode of thought or process. Effective breakthroughs in key and difficult points. The depth of student questioning, the breadth of participation, and the degree of achievement of the test in the classroom. Subject requirements for student learning. The difference between the preset and the build. Research methods, explore the law. The idea of ​​implementing a flexible model.

Unified basic teaching progress and teaching plans to prevent teaching from being too fast.

The theme discussion series. During the year, with the theme of “How to communicate with teachers and students”, the county organized 4 forums, salons and lectures. Establish theme seminars, pre-class seminars, and case study mechanisms for bureau, school, and component levels. During the year, 10 outstanding teachers of school-based teaching and research were selected around the “One Model, Two Wings and Three Researches”. Carry out 10 times of "People's Education" after "taking the true meaning of education and listening to the voice of thought".

Each semester, the instructor lectures on the 6th section of the observation class, the backbone teacher lectures on the demonstration class 4, the general teacher lectures on the 2nd section, and the new teacher speaks the report class 2 sessions. The teacher listened to 20 lessons and was less than 4 lessons. Teachers are encouraged to regularly evaluate classes, and the principals are encouraged to take lectures and advocate for random lectures. Support teachers to take normal classes.

Third, the cultural upgrade highlights four key points

Cultural management is the highest management, and cultural competition is the most fundamental competition. Highlight four key points, experience cultural connotation, pursue cultural identity, inherit cultural heritage, realize cultural consciousness, and promote cultural upgrading.

order. Continue to practice the management culture chain of “institutional normative behavior—behavior cultivation tradition—traditional accumulation culture—cultural moistening system”. In the school, strictly upstairs and downstairs order, out of the assembly order, bedtime dining order, not arrogant, not noisy, not chasing; outside the school, emphasizing responsibility consciousness, public morality consciousness, rule awareness, obeying traffic rules, speaking civilized language, knowing etiquette Honor, shameless, not overbearing, not plundering. In the classroom, concentrate on and be proactive; in the activity, publicity and vitality.

tidy. Focus on neat, clean, fresh, and bright goals to achieve environmental education. First, the continuous use of strength, combined with work-study and school, combined with the construction practice base, carefully create a "garden" campus. The second is to use classrooms, dormitories, offices and school facilities to make the air fresh, clean and tidy, without messing up and messing up. The third is to standardize the teacher and student's instrument, dress properly, fall and generous, no heavy makeup, no strange clothes.

classroom. The advanced cultural connotation will make the classroom produce endless charm. One is to pay attention to student learning. The biggest secret of education is to stimulate the internal motivation to start student development. Through the active participation of the subject, the subject's perception of the object is realized, and the old knowledge and old experience are accepted to the new knowledge and new meaning, and the new structure is generated. As a teaching rule, "Improve the easy to hear, remember to remember, and personally do it, and tell others to learn the best" as the teaching rules, to achieve the rigor of teaching and profound learning. The second is to follow the essence of teaching reform. Starting from the origin of education, starting from the individual student. Respect the students' simple, pure and valuable original thinking, learn in the discussion, think in the debate, wake up in the doubt, relax, compact, smart, fresh, and enhance the true charm of the classroom. The third is to strengthen the group culture. The teaching is based on the group, the activity is based on the group, the evaluation is based on the group, the competition is the first, and the cooperation is excellent. Explore a new order in classroom teaching. Without respect, only discipline becomes tyranny; only respect, without discipline, becomes a sheep.

Logo. Master the cultural identity, cultivate the temperament of teachers and teachers, build the spirit of the school, and form the characteristics of the school. Everyone knows the source and everyone understands it profoundly. Refine regulations and regulate words and deeds. Carry out activities such as “Interpretation of Cultural Representation”, “Speaking of Celebrity Stories”, “I See School Spirit”, and other keynote speech contests, to “humanize” people and realize “integration of knowledge and action”. Collect and organize various logos of each school and appraise and commend them.

Through cultural construction, the school has its own characteristics, teaching has characteristics, and has its own specialties.

Focusing on cultural upgrading, the school culture construction standards have been revised to meet the standards, and school culture construction standards have been upgraded. The third large-scale training of school culture construction was held, and 10 advanced units for school culture construction were selected.

Fourth, capital investment focuses on connotation development

Focusing on the development of educational connotations, we will increase investment, implement investment policies, and adjust investment directions. Focus on strengthening school living facilities, teaching facilities and transportation facilities.

Living facilities. Focus on boarding schools to improve the living conditions of teachers and students. The first is to renovate and build new boarding school heating, water supply and bathing facilities to solve problems such as low heating temperature, low hot water supply, and difficulty in bathing for teachers and students. The second is to strengthen the construction of student restaurants, focusing on the problem of insufficient area, poor equipment and open-air cooking. The third is to start the construction of the health room. During the year, the construction of large-scale school health clinics was completed, equipped with essential medicines and professional medical personnel, and they were responsible for simple injury treatment, health and epidemic prevention, psychological counseling and health education.

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Teaching facilities. One is equipped with multimedia teaching equipment and updated computer classrooms. We will strive for national special funds and provide multimedia equipment for the county's schools through diversified investment. According to the age of equipment and the degree of aging, all computer classrooms in the county will be updated within three years, and teachers will be equipped with teaching laptops according to the 40% standard. The second is to strengthen the hardware construction of the information center website. Enrich high-quality distance education resources, upgrade equipment quality, upgrade speed, and upgrade network resources. The third is to strengthen the construction of laboratory equipment. Focus on popularizing high school education and complete the general technical laboratory and physical and chemical laboratory equipment. Additional laboratory equipment is provided according to the group experiment standard. Completed the construction of the laboratory equipment of Shanggu, Anshang, and the 30 sub-nationals and Chengxi School.

Transportation facilities. First, change the car to buy a car. Transfer special funds and try to equip some schools with school buses. The second is to build a school bus operating company. Unified scheduling, unified accounting, and unified identification. Establish school bus files and implement school bus access and elimination systems. The third is to pay attention to the difficulties and economic pressures of the “running hall” teachers and provide necessary subsidies.

Completed the Shanggu Guozhong Comprehensive Building Project; completed the construction of the Anshang, Ergou, Xinzhangzi, Shanshenmiao and Huangzhangzi National Small Teaching Buildings; planned to expand the Yifu School, plan to build a training school; plan to build two public kindergartens in Chengdong and Chengxi; Prepare to build the Guogou restaurant in the headland.

V. Teacher development focuses on mechanism innovation

Innovative teacher learning mechanism. The first is to establish a growth record for young teachers, clarify development goals, and formulate growth plans. The second is to deepen the teacher reading system, a per capita teaching publication, a school fixed teacher reading day, and an exchange day. At the end of the year, the county-level "100 Best" reading teachers were selected. The third is to implement the teaching reflection system, cultivate reflective habits, and improve the quality of reflection. Teachers write a reflection on teaching every week and write an educational story every month. Advocate online communication. The fourth is to consolidate the basic skills of teaching, and to carry out the activities of "four thousand teachers and large training" in the three contents of blackboard and chalk, language and standard words, drawing and stick figure. The county's teacher basic skills competition was held in different disciplines.

Innovative business research and training mechanism. First, focus on the construction of “big teaching and research”, integrate teaching and research rooms and teacher training schools, expert principals and special-level teachers, city-level teachers and county-level backbone teachers resources, carry out large-scale training, hold large lecture halls, conduct large-scale lectures, and realize Great improvement. Strengthen the application of information resources, collect and organize high-quality education and teaching resources, and conduct guided drafts, teaching reflections, and subject course evaluation activities on a quarterly basis. Second, re-determine the county-level backbone teachers by adding a batch, retaining a batch, and eliminating a batch. At the end of December, the number of county-level teachers was increased to 800. We will implement the two-person business lecture system for key teachers every semester, implement the “one-on-two” pairing system for key teachers and young teachers, and play a leading role in demonstration. Support the growth of special post teachers, take care of the life of special post teachers, and create conditions to make outstanding special post teachers stand out. At the end of the year, 50 teachers from the “Samsung” special post were selected. The third is to take the same school as the main form and enhance the teacher's actual teaching ability as the main goal. Carry out the teaching and sending to the countryside, the joint school and the training activities. Let everyone talk, think about it, improve the pertinence and timeliness of the training. .

During the winter vacation, experts from the province and abroad are invited to conduct the preparatory examination for the college entrance examination. During the summer vacation, with the help of “mountain villas”, national education celebrities are invited to hold national-level academic seminars in the county.

Innovative teacher development mechanism. Teachers are the embodiment of morality, and principals are moral guides. Grasping the teacher's morality is his job, and failing to grasp the teacher's morality is a dereliction of duty. First, strengthen the selection of the class teacher. The realm of the class teacher determines the realm of the student. Establish the working mechanism of the class teacher - qualification access, study and discussion, work meetings, evaluation of incentives; clear working conditions of the class teacher - good thinking, high level of service, strong dedication; research class teacher work strategy - concept articles, class articles, art Article, teacher love articles. At the beginning of July, a group of 100 class teacher work lecturers was on tour. At the same time, carry out the activities of 10,000 people appraisal. Student evaluation teacher, teacher evaluation principal, social evaluation school. Improve the system of student, parent, teacher, and social diversity teacher evaluation. Establish a mechanism for salary promotion, job title evaluation, evaluation and evaluation, and teacher-destruction construction. Education is the cause of cultivating life. Education requires love and love. Third, continue to strictly enforce the "six prohibitions" of teacher behavior. It is forbidden to enter the classroom after drinking, to ban mobile phones in class, to prohibit the sale of information to students, to prohibit corporal punishment or to punish students in disguise, to prohibit paid tutoring, and to sneak sarcasm to parents. In addition, public school teachers are prohibited from attending part-time classes at extracurricular educational institutions during the working day. Once the violation of the teacher's morality is verified, it is dealt with seriously.

During the summer, free physical examinations are generally conducted for teachers. During the year, 200 teachers' apartments were purchased in the county. Effectively solve the difficulties of poor teachers and the placement of their children. Support the work of the trade unions and run the home of the teachers. Continue to hold the faculty basketball game and the teachers and students art festival.

Sixth, the overall reform continues to advance in depth

In terms of distribution, performance pay is implemented. In the principle of more work, more rewards and better rewards, the incentive function of wage distribution is exerted, and it is inclined to rural teachers, front-line teachers and teachers with outstanding contributions. Set up rural teacher subsidies and raise the standard for class teachers. Differentiate positions, classify assessments, and develop a unified performance assessment reference standard. In the middle of the year, a school performance payroll work experience exchange meeting was held.

In terms of management, create a grade management entity. Expand the autonomy of the grade level, implement the human rights, distribution rights, and assessment rights within the grade level, and transform the grade group into a teaching entity and a responsibility, power, and unity that integrate teaching, teaching, research, and management. Clarify the responsibilities of the academic affairs, moral education, and logistics departments, and strengthen the awareness of the center. Solve the problem of unclear responsibilities of the department, unclear power, and rudeness; solve the problem of individuality and self-confidence in the grade group.

In terms of assessment, the unified assessment and evaluation system. Establish a comprehensive evaluation system based on performance. The "two evaluations and four examinations", the faculty and staff performance appraisal, and the annual appraisal are organically combined. The appraisal standards, appraisal methods, and results are used in a unified manner. Qualitative and quantitative assessment, bundling and individual assessment, process and outcome assessment, and other assessment methods are unified. The special post teachers will be included in the "two assessments and four exams" scope.

In terms of institutions, a full-time supervision organization will be established. Improve the flat management, strengthen the principal responsibility system, set up a full-time supervision organization, and someone has the right to be responsible and directly responsible to the principal. Timely inspection, supervision, feedback and notification.

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7. County-level education pursues comprehensive planning

County education must not only improve quality, but also adjust the structure; it must not only achieve faster development, but also change the mode of development; it must focus on development and balanced development.

The vocational education center has expanded its scale. The first is to develop an active policy. Broaden enrollment channels and flexible enrollment models. Continue to “2.5+0.5” diversion in the middle of the country, try to divert after the second year of high school, and limit the outflow of students. Achieved 1,000 students in the same year, the school scale of 2,500 people. The second is to run a good backbone. Make full use of existing advantages, build a backbone of the profession, and highlight the professional brand of electronic and electrical. The third is to increase the intensity of control and editing. Increase the number of professional teachers, set professional teacher standards, and improve the treatment of professional teachers. After the summer vacation, the number of “control and editing operations” was increased by 10. The fourth is to implement a free policy. Increase publicity, increase supervision, and increase support.

Ordinary high schools improve quality. Strict source of quality, strict control of student source outflow; strict management of school membership, strict teaching management; increase the intensity of introduction and absorption, increase teaching and research reform; increase incentive standards, improve support. A high school teaching achievement award of 500,000 yuan was set up to directly supplement teachers.

The development of compulsory education is balanced. The first is the balance of teachers. Try the excellent teachers in the town to support the weak schools. County schools are no longer new teachers. The second is the balance of students. Re-enact enrollment planning, strictly implement stencil enrollment, and strictly prohibit cross-regional enrollment; focus on the actual situation of the school and create school characteristics. The third is equipment balance. Unified standards, unified purchase, unified assembly. Balanced development does not equal average development. We will build five high-quality school districts, including Anshang, Xiabancheng, Shanggu, Sangou and Dougou, and implement educational demonstration zones and demonstration schools.

Preschool education has developed steadily. The first is infrastructure construction. Increase the construction of day care facilities to ensure that 30% of the income is used for equipment in the park. Create conditions to achieve kindergarten delay service. The second is the construction of the community. The deepening county kindergartens and the school district center park, the central park and the standard garden support education. The third is the construction of the teaching staff. Supplement professional teachers and improve the treatment of self-employed teachers. The fourth is to standardize the private park. Unified office qualification, unified business guidance, unified supervision and inspection.

Before and after the "June 1st", a special performance of the "Qingzhu" orchestra of the Youth Activity Center was held. During the year, 10 standardized daycare parks were selected.

Special education special development. Vulnerable groups need strong care. Free education for special education students. Make "ribbon embroidery" into an industry, make a brand, and make a big impact. Strengthen rehabilitation training, strengthen skills training, and strengthen life training. Research teaching methods, classification requirements, and differential evaluation.

Party building. Party construction work and teaching work at the same time assessment, synchronization rewards and punishments. Carry out the "one party member, one banner" competition, and cultivate the typical quality, management typical and teacher's morality among the party members and teachers. Before the "July 1", among the teachers and party members, 15 were selected as teaching and research experts and teachers and morals. Continue to hold the "July 1" cultural activities.

Safety supervision. Learn from the lessons of the "12. 8" incident in the country. Be safe to management, be safe to technical defense, and be safe to accountability. We will implement a more stringent “one-on-two-responsibility” system and accountability system. Implement a weekly notification system for safe work.

Parent school. The parent school was fully launched, the activity plan was carefully formulated, and the funding equipment was guaranteed. Establish a county-level tutor lecturer group. Close contact between home and school, promote cooperation between home and school, and achieve mutual education in home and school.

Financial Management. Eliminate arbitrary charges, control hospitality, do not set up accounts, and ban small treasury. Special funds, school and school. Raise the public funding standards for the school district. Strictly implement the “three-person signing” system for school finance.

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In 2019, the overall requirements of the city's education work are: guided by the scientific concept of development, comprehensively completing the objectives of the 11th Five-Year Plan, highlighting the establishment of regional education modernization, the balanced development of compulsory education, comprehensive implementation of quality education and active preparation. Taizhou University's four key points, and strive to achieve "new breakthroughs in career development, new improvements in education quality, new steps in team building, new management in overall management, and a new image of education for the people". The five-year education development plan lays a solid foundation.

In 2019, the main tasks of the city's education work were:

I. Guided by the creation of regional education modernization, we will strive to take a new step in modern education, informationization and internationalization.

1. In-depth promotion of the regional education modernization creation project. Actively sum up the experience of Jiang Yan and Hailing education modernization creation, consolidate and expand the creation results. Further strengthen the guidance and supervision of the establishment of education modernization in Jingjiang, Taixing, Gaogang and Xinghua, strengthen special investigations, clarify the work priorities, refine the creation measures, implement tracking and rectification, and ensure the adoption of Jingjiang, Taixing and Gaogang. At the provincial level, Xinghua completed the annual creation of work tasks.

2. Constantly increase the intensity of education informationization. We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the city's education informatization work promotion association and the "Taizhou City Education Informationization Development Plan 2011-2019", and urge all localities to set up educational informationization work leading groups to formulate educational informationization development plans and work plans for the region. Focusing on the construction of the five basic platforms for the construction of the basic education informatization public service system and the education informationization, the construction of the city and city network centers will be strengthened, and the Taizhou Education Metropolitan Area Network will be built to realize the provincial, city, city and school network. Interconnection; the establishment of a two-way video conferencing system and online office system from the city to the city; the establishment of an online teacher studio, teaching and research system and subject professional training network platform; the opening of online learning classrooms and network tutoring platform, the establishment of mathematical and physical Network simulation laboratory; built educational metropolitan area electronic journals, general teaching resource library, p2p resource sharing system and Shidisheng electronic wall chart; to ensure the completion of the digital campus to create annual goals, all municipal schools have built digital campus.

3. Actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation in education. Establish a platform for international exchanges and cooperation in regional education, fully implement the education cooperation agreement with Sydney, Australia, and actively carry out educational cooperation with Singapore in various aspects; encourage schools to carry out international cooperation and exchanges, and add new Chinese and foreign friendship schools. 3. 箇 China Small International Department, expand the scale of international students coming to Thailand; increase the introduction of international high school curriculum, further deepen the cooperation project between vocational schools and Luzhou University, expand the scope of education managers and teachers' outbound training, and strengthen Chinese Promote the construction of the base; convene the city's education internationalization work conference, issue opinions on accelerating the internationalization of education, and start the special supervision of education internationalization work.

Second, focus on the development of high-level balanced compulsory education, and strive to create new advantages in basic education

1. Deepen the balanced development of compulsory education. Fully implement the Municipal Government's "Opinions on Further Promoting the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education", and strive to promote the innovation of institutional mechanisms and working methods in accordance with the overall requirements of the "four basic balances" of school conditions, teacher strength, management level and quality of education. Standardization construction of schools in compulsory education, alliance of quality schools with weak schools, integration of weak schools in quality schools, establishment and improvement of urban teachers to rural schools, compulsory education and compulsory education schools, teachers and teachers exchange mechanisms, etc., to promote regional, urban and rural compulsory education balance development of. In accordance with the principle of "non-public is the people", the "four independent" reformed school cleaning standards are in place. In principle, the city's compulsory education schools implement enrollment in the nearest district, students are exempted from entering the school, and resolutely curb the “choosing school fever”. Continue to expand the proportion of target students in key high schools. Continue to carry out cross-regional teaching and special teacher lecturers to send teaching activities to the countryside, timely sum up the experience and practices of helping each other, organize on-site observation and evaluation, and improve the level of regional matching education. We will earnestly carry out the creation of the Provincial Modernization Special Education Model School and accelerate the extension of special education to the pre-school and high school education.

2. Further improve the sustainable development level of ordinary high schools. Full implementation of the four-star high school and municipal high school sustainable development three-year plan, around the model high school's target positioning, characteristic construction and responsibility, holding a four-star high school and city straight high school presidents forum. Continue to implement the general high school layout adjustment project, earnestly do a good job in the evaluation of Samsung and four-star high schools, and newly create 2-3 three-star high schools.

3. Continue to increase the quality of early childhood education. In-depth implementation of the "Opinions of the Municipal Government on Further Strengthening the Work of Early Childhood Education in the City", continuously promote the implementation of the "county-based" management system; further standardize the behavior of the park, continue to increase the establishment of quality kindergartens and qualified kindergartens; The curriculum reform is a breakthrough, with the teaching and research topics as the starting point, and the provincial and municipal high-quality parks as the experimental base for teaching reform, and strive to improve the connotation construction of early childhood education. Seriously implement the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Early Childhood Education for 0-3 Years Old Children" and "Basic Conditions for Parent-Child Park Establishment", strengthen the reform and experiment of child care integration, and standardize the early education work for infants and young children aged 0-3. Improve the education rate of infants and young children aged 0-3.

4. Actively cultivate high-quality basic education resources in the new district. On the basis of requesting the municipal government to announce the "Taizhou City Kindergarten and Small and Medium-sized Layout Plan", cooperate with the implementation of urban education layout adjustment project, accelerate the construction of quality education resources in the new district, relocate Kanghe and Mingzhu Experimental School, and establish the Taizhou Youth Activity Center. The construction of the campus of the Taizhou Middle School New District was started.

Third, to deepen the burden reduction and efficiency improvement project as a carrier, and strive to create a new situation of quality education

1. Strictly implement the "five strict" regulations and implement the project of reducing burden, increasing efficiency and improving quality. Establish a joint meeting system led by the government supervision office, the relevant departments of the Municipal Education Bureau and the relevant persons in charge of the municipal education bureaus, and implement a “burden reduction” working mechanism combining inspection, feedback, rectification and supervision. Pay close attention to and in-depth study of the new situations and new problems that emerged during the implementation of the "five strict" regulations, and continuously strengthen the research on the education and teaching strategy under the background of "five strictness." Focusing on the topics of “building an efficient classroom”, “promoting students to actively learn” and “expanding the school education space”, the company conducted in-depth research exchanges and observations, and continuously promoted the implementation of the “five strict” regulations. With the theme of self-management and independent learning, the city held a high-school community event on-site meeting to organize a high school student debate contest. With the establishment of standardized management standards, we will deepen the project of reducing burdens, increasing efficiency and improving quality, and thoroughly implement the "China Small Management Regulations". 70% of China's small-scale construction and standardization management schools. Organize the commendation and commendation activities of the advanced schools for the promotion of quality education in the general high schools of Taizhou City.

The same subject article of the Education Bureau's work plan for 2019: The Education Bureau's 2019 work plan
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2019 is the ending year of the 11th Five-Year Plan. The guiding ideology of the city's letters and visits work is: guided by the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee, with the focus on ensuring social stability, to promote the "four breakthroughs" of the city, and to adhere to the work of the people. Entrusting the work of letters and visits, consolidating the successful mechanisms of investigation of hidden dangers, "three decisions and one openness", constantly exploring new work mechanisms, and highlighting the "five key points": focusing on "double bases", focusing on improving work efficiency; grasping investigations and focusing on prevention Contradictions; grasping the source, focusing on reducing contradictions; grasping and guiding, focusing on alleviating contradictions; grasping the results and focusing on resolving contradictions. Fully promote the "five major changes": that is, strive to achieve change "waiting visits" as "down visits" and enhance the initiative of the work; change "post-treatment" to "pre-existence prevention", strengthen the forward-looking nature of work; change "blocking" into " "Draining" to prevent and reduce the problem of letters and visits; to change the "temporary affairs" to completely solve the problem, to vigorously promote the solution of the problem; to change the "safety of the people" as "serving the people" and fully safeguard the fundamental interests of the people. The goal of the struggle is to strive for the number of people to visit and the number of letters and visits to be moved back to 1-2 places in the ranking of prefecture-level cities. There will be no major cross-level visits, collective visits, abnormal petitions, and abnormal visits that affect the external image. Or group events, strive to create a more harmonious and stable social environment, and promote the sound and rapid development of the city's economy and society.

First, further lay a solid foundation and focus on improving the level of letters and visits. The first is to further build an organizational leadership system that is “in the end and in the end”. Put the strengthening of leadership in an important position, implement the main leadership responsible for the overall responsibility, personally grasp, take charge of the leadership, take full responsibility, directly grasp, other leaders "one post and two responsibilities", specific grasp, focus on forming a smooth, efficient and efficient, horizontal to the side And the working network, building a strong organizational leadership system. The second is to further communicate channels. We will further implement the "three-in-one-open-open" petition mechanism, and do our utmost to resolve the hidden dangers of letters and visits in the towns and villages, and consolidate the basis of letters and visits; in accordance with the deployment requirements of the central, provincial and municipal governments, organize and carry out "the county party secretary's visit." ", the "official cadres' next visit" activities, in the municipal organs continue to implement the party and government leadership team members take turns to openly visit every day. The public visit insisted on the combination of random interviews and scheduled visits. At the same time, the visitors received random visits at the same time, and the respondents from the key cases within the scope of the appointment were visited by the polling visitor. The relevant units involved in the petition were called on the spot. Study and implement specific measures for the case of contingency. At the same time, insisting on open access and the combination of the next case, after the members of the team openly visited, they will promptly visit the case in a timely manner, and go deep into the front line to understand the specific situation and coordinate the practical problems. The third is to continuously improve the efficiency of handling letters and visits. Further improve the specific systems for accepting, assigning, supervising, and responding to people's petitions, strictly standardizing the work of petitions, improving the efficiency and quality of petitions, ensuring that people's interests are handled promptly and effectively, and continuously reducing the number of petitions. ", to resolve the "stock." The fourth is to further strengthen the basic work of the grassroots. Establish and improve the work network for the investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes at the grassroots level. In accordance with the principle of “local management, grading responsibility” and “who is in charge and responsible”, the city will carry out major investigations on contradictions and disputes. Continue to adopt the "block and block" approach. "Articles" means that the relevant municipal departments directly from the perspective of business work, divided into six areas: construction field, industrial system, military personnel, original private teachers, law-related complaints, and other hidden dangers of petitions, and conduct a centralized investigation every month; It is required to conduct a comprehensive investigation of all hidden dangers in the jurisdictions of each town and district every week, establish rolling accounts on the unstable factors identified, and strictly implement the daily report and zero report system, and report to the Municipal Bureau of Letters and Calls for the record, which is convenient for implementation. Dynamic management of letters and visits information; organize joint meetings of local and departmental departments, hand over letters and visits, clarify work responsibilities, clarify time limits, clarify stability measures, and implement a leadership package system. Strengthen the work guidance at the grassroots level, especially those with many contradictions and disputes, large numbers of people's petitions, and relatively weak work in the streets and departments of the townships. Early detection of problems and tendencies, timely resolution of conflicts and disputes, and focus on post-processing Transfer to the pre-existing investigation and resolution.

Second, further innovate working methods and focus on solving the problem of letters and visits. First, increase the implementation of "one post and two responsibilities". It is actively recommended that the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Mayor's Office further emphasize the implementation of the "one post and two responsibilities" and coordinate the handling of letters and visits, and regularly implement and implement the system, and mobilize resources and strengths to participate in letters and visits; Mediation, consultation, education, diversion, and assistance will promote the thorough resolution of the difficult letters and visits. The second is to continuously improve the coordination and linkage mechanism between departments. Constantly improve the work pattern of large letters and visits, relying on departments and towns to pass the policies and other means to do a good job, and on the basis of clear responsibilities, strengthen the coordination and cooperation of relevant parties, and promote the problem of letters and visits from the source. The third is to vigorously guide the petitioners to resolve the contradiction between letters and visits according to law. While continuing to communicate channels, we will actively guide the people to use litigation, arbitration, mediation, administrative reconsideration and other legal channels to solve problems, effectively play the role of these channels in resolving conflicts and disputes, and gradually reduce people's petitions. The fourth is to comprehensively analyze the information of letters and visits, and strive to serve the leadership decision-making. Through the research and judgment of petition information, grasp the implementation of policies and the signs and trends of social contradictions, and put forward suggestions and opinions on improving working methods and improving policies, serving leaders in decision-making, and giving full play to the role of the “Second Research Office” of the petition department.

Third, further increase the intensity of the treatment, and focus on "things to solve." The first is to strengthen the handling of initial letters and initial visits. We must do a good job in the filing rate and resolution rate of the initial letter and initial visit, and solve the problem of the initial visit of the initial letter as soon as possible on the basis of careful handling to avoid a small incident. The second is to further rectify the special governance of re-visiting and revisiting. Organize special forces to comprehensively clean up the cases of re-visiting and revisiting, thoroughly review and analyze the case, combine the resolution of complaints and requests to solve difficulties in life, do a good job in ideological work, strengthen legal education and deal with the law, implement the policy according to the case, prescribe the right medicine, and openly handle it. The realization of the case is closed, to ensure that the special governance is effective. The third is to increase the handling of outstanding problems. Efforts should be made to solve the problems that the people in the current city have reformed, requisitioned and relocated, involved in lawsuits, and related to the military and related issues. If the appeals are reasonable and in line with the policy, they will be strictly fulfilled in place and will not be discounted. At the grassroots level.

First, the guiding ideology

Taking the spirit of the 17th Party Congress as the guide, and taking the people's satisfaction education as the purpose, we must conscientiously implement the work requirements of the county party committee, the county government and the higher education administrative department, and focus on "preserving the whole, strengthening the quality, improving the quality, and making the special features". The goal of the work, study and practice the scientific concept of development, focus on management, consistently grasp the quality, and strive to promote education to a new level.

Second, the main work objectives

Nine-year compulsory education

1. The enrollment rate of children of primary school age in the county reaches 100%, the dropout rate is controlled within 0.5%; the enrollment rate of the middle age population is over 98%, the annual dropout rate is controlled within 2%, and the national retention rate is 95%. Above; visual acuity, hearing and intelligence, the rate of enrollment of disabled people is more than 80%; the pass rate of physical fitness tests for primary and secondary school students is 100%.

2. Construct a long-term mechanism for moral education to ensure that the crime rate of Chinese small school students is zero. Improve the long-term mechanism to help the healthy growth of left-behind children. To cultivate students' concept of labor, more than 70% of rural middle schools and more than 90% of rural small schools have student labor practice places.

3. Scientifically and reasonably prepare the school budget. Under the premise of ensuring the normal and safe operation of the school, funds with a total public expenditure of not less than 40% shall be arranged for the development of the school; the liability insurance of the campus shall be 100%; and the safety insurance of the teacher shall not be less than 90%.

4. The scores of the senior high school entrance examinations entered the top three in the city, and the results of the college entrance examination were shifted from the previous year.

High school education

Vigorously develop high school education. Successful completion or over-fulfillment of ordinary high school enrollment and vocational high school enrollment plans, the rate of enrollment of middle school graduates strives to reach more than 70%. Vigorously develop vocational education and start the construction of county vocational education center. The online rate and key online rate of undergraduate courses in ordinary colleges and universities have increased compared with the previous year. The number of students admitted to colleges and universities accounted for more than 97% of the total number of candidates.

Early childhood education

During the year, 2-3 township center demonstration kindergartens were added. The enrollment rate of children aged 3-5 years was over 80%, and the enrollment rate in pre-school years reached over 95%.

Improvement of school conditions

Accelerate the process of establishing rural standardization schools, strive for the construction of the school of the Love Fund School, speed up the construction of special education schools in the county, basically complete the transformation of Yongyang Middle School, Wanfu Middle School and Guantian Middle School, and build 50,000 square meters of new school buildings throughout the year to complete the county middle school. The construction of the plastic runway completed the equipment of the general technical laboratory of the county middle school and the county. The school security project was implemented to eliminate 21,800 square meters of d-class dangerous buildings. Actively create a number of "garden-style" schools of different categories and levels. Complete the task of resolving the debts of the nine countries.

Strengthen the construction of principals and teachers

In the whole year, 2,100 Chinese teachers were trained, including 800 key teachers and academic leaders; a group of outstanding teachers and principals were selected; on the basis of the basic standards of the national, middle and high school teachers in the county, the teacher qualifications of each stage were improved. Not less than 5%.

Actively implement the people's livelihood project

All students are exempt from compulsory fees and textbook fees during the compulsory education period. Establish a Student Financial Management Center and earnestly do a good job in subsidizing students from poor families. Improve the rescue methods for poor students in high schools and middle schools. Supervise the township government to establish a long-term mechanism for poverty alleviation. Ensure that the school is safe and stable, there is no school liability accident, and the group's leap-level petitions are zero; the education and people's livelihood project is implemented, and the top three are ranked in the city.

Third, the main tasks and measures

Increase security and stability efforts to ensure harmonious and stable education

1. Actively create a safe and civilized campus. Implement the responsibility system for comprehensive management of public security, and implement the "one-vote veto" in the evaluation of the problem of serious public security on campus, and handle the relevant responsibilities according to the seriousness of the situation. Strengthen fire safety education and management, plan to carry out disaster prevention and fire safety evacuation drills, enhance the self-rescue ability of teachers and students, fire extinguishers on each floor of student dormitory; improve lighting facilities, strengthen student education, and implement high-rise buildings to go downstairs, important time schedules Teachers are on duty at the building to prevent the occurrence of student trampling; deepen the "food safety into the campus" publicity and education activities, further strengthen the supervision and management of the school canteen shopping channels, educate students not to buy snacks to ensure the safety of teachers and students. Strengthen the management of school gatekeepers on duty, strictly implement the registration system for entry and exit of schools, and the central government should supervise the security of school gates in the jurisdictions. Schools with conditions should install electronic eyes at the school gates.

2. Adhere to the prevention and control of prevention of influenza A and seasonal infectious diseases, improve the prevention work management system, and further improve the "early detection, early isolation, early treatment", and plan to implement the A-stream vaccination work and take measures. Ensure the safety of teachers and students.

3. Improve the work efficiency and service quality of the organization. Give full play to the function of education and convenience service center, provide education legal policy consultation services, do a good job of reception and reception of letters and visits, quickly resolve conflicts, maintain the stability of the education system, strictly regulate the behavior of education fees, and shape the new image of the education system.

4. Persevere in the implementation of the school building safety project, standardize the school construction management order, and ensure quality, security and progress.

Further promote quality education and comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching

1. Further strengthen the moral education of students. Extensively carry out educational activities with rich content and various forms, hold reading and learning contests, speech contests and debates for primary and secondary school students, and carry out the competition of "three-character classics" and "disciplinary rules" for primary and secondary school students. Through the construction activities of the scholarly campus, students will develop good Behavioral habits and morality.

2. Continue to promote effective teaching and improve teaching quality. Carry out the county's "effective teaching" classroom teaching competition, teaching and research, evaluation activities, organize the first batch of "effective teaching" pilot school evaluation work, guide the second batch of pilot schools' declaration; convene effective teaching work experience exchange We will do a good job in guiding and deepening the second round of curriculum reform in the righteousness stage to promote the healthy development of curriculum reform.

3. Healthy and orderly, steadily promote the reform of the high school curriculum. First, strictly implement the "Implementation Opinions on Improving the Quality of High School Teaching in Our County", paying attention to the implementation of the process, and grasping the fine teaching practices. The second is to do a good job in the high-level new curriculum experimental phase evaluation, improve the "Jian County ordinary high school new curriculum experimental evaluation program", strengthen the process management, reward and punishment, to ensure that the new curriculum experimental work is implemented. The third is to hold a high-level curriculum reform stage summary meeting, through research and summary of experience, find problems, and propose improvement measures to promote the healthy development of high school curriculum reform.

4. Vigorously develop vocational education. Focusing on the talent market and social development needs, strengthen the backbone professional construction, improve the overall quality of students and the development level of vocational education; further increase the publicity of vocational education. Continue to increase the propaganda of the "Private Education Promotion Law", effectively transform the education concept, talent concept, and talent concept of students and parents, and strive to create a good atmosphere for the development of vocational education. Start the county vocational school project construction project. Continue to do a good job in "after the middle school", "after high school" vocational skills training.

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