Work Plan > Health Work Plan

Municipal Health Bureau Health Supervision Work Plan

In 2019, Shanghai's health supervision work should thoroughly implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, take the important thinking of building a socialist harmonious society as a guide, conscientiously study and practice the scientific development concept, enhance the sense of responsibility, seize opportunities, explore and innovate, and further deepen health. Supervise the reform of the system, speed up the construction of the health supervision system, improve the ability of health supervision, severely crack down on all kinds of illegal acts that endanger the health and safety of the people, effectively maintain the order of public health and medical services, and protect the health rights of the people.

I. Further promote the construction of the health supervision system

1. Strengthen the construction of health supervision bureaus at all levels. The health administrative departments at all levels shall actively implement the funds for health supervision, so that the law enforcement equipment, office buildings and law enforcement vehicles of the Health Supervision Office will meet the relevant standards of the State and this Municipality.

2. Strengthen the construction of the health supervision team. Promote the reform of civil servant management at all levels of health supervision. Health administrative departments at all levels should, in light of actual needs, enrich the frontline health supervisors, continuously optimize the personnel structure, and ensure the smooth implementation of daily work. Strengthen the training of health supervisors in various forms and continuously improve the overall quality of the health supervision team.

3. Further strengthen the supervision of health supervision. Health administrative departments at all levels shall implement the funds for health supervision and inspection work, strengthen the construction of health supervision and inspection teams, and conscientiously carry out health supervision and inspection work.

4. Strengthen the capacity building of health supervision technical support. In accordance with the "2019-2019 Shanghai Health Supervision Technical Support Capacity Building Plan" requirements, comprehensively strengthen the capacity of health supervision technical support and improve the level of technical support for health supervision.

5. Accelerate discipline construction and personnel training. We will increase support for health supervision disciplines and academic leaders, strengthen the training of outstanding young talents, focus on research on key areas of health supervision such as on-site law enforcement techniques, and strive to improve the technical content of health supervision work.

6. Do a good job in the reform of the administrative examination and approval system. According to the city's relevant administrative examination and approval system reform archives requirements, optimize the preventive health audit of construction projects and the approval procedures for public places health permits, do a good job in preventive health audits of construction projects and parallel approval of public health permits, improve the efficiency of examination and approval .

Second, do a good job in the public health supervision and protection work of the World Expo

7. Do a good job in public health supervision and support for the World Expo. According to the "Notice on Issuing the Work Plan for the Public Health Supervision and Protection of the Shanghai World Expo 2011-1919", the completion and acceptance work of the construction project of the Expo site and the issuance of health permits for public places will be completed. Strengthen public health supervision and protection work in public places, drinking water, etc., strengthen public health supervision during the World Expo, and effectively maintain public health order.

Third, strengthen occupational health supervision work

8. Establish and improve an integrated prevention and treatment system for occupational diseases. With the goal of building a government-wide leadership, departmental coordination, employer responsibility, industry standardization management, and employee public supervision, the implementation of the Shanghai Municipal Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Plan will enhance the comprehensive prevention and control capabilities of occupational diseases.

9. Further strengthen occupational health supervision. In accordance with the division of responsibilities of occupational health supervision and management in this Municipality, strengthen the supervision and inspection of occupational health surveillance and occupational health service agencies of employers. Strengthen the supervision and management of radiological protection in medical institutions, and effectively protect the health rights and interests of radiation workers, subjects and the public.

10. Strengthen the construction of occupational health service institutions. Establish a unified "Shanghai Occupational Health Management Information System" in the city. Establish quality control centers for occupational health service institutions, strengthen guidance and training for occupational health service institutions, standardize occupational health service behaviors, and improve the capacity and level of occupational health services.

11. Expand the pilot work of basic occupational health services. On the basis of carrying out the pilot work of the basic occupational health services of the Ministry of Health, the city ​​will steadily expand the pilot work of basic occupational health services, strengthen the construction of grassroots occupational health service networks, and explore the basic occupational health services and supervision models of the city.

12. Further strengthen the promotion of laws and regulations. We will carry out various forms of publicity and training on laws and regulations such as the Law on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, raise awareness of the importance of occupational disease prevention and control work in the whole society, enhance the awareness of employers on the prevention and control of occupational diseases, and raise the awareness of workers' self-protection.

Fourth, strengthen public supervision of public places, drinking water, wading products and disinfection products

13. Strengthen public health supervision and inspection. Actively promote the quantitative and hierarchical management of public health supervision in this Municipality. Carry out supervision and inspection of centralized air conditioning and ventilation systems in key public places in this Municipality.

14. Strengthen the supervision and inspection of drinking water. Strengthen the supervision and inspection of centralized water supply, secondary water supply, ready-made water and pipeline water supply units to ensure the health and safety of drinking water in this city. Continue to promote the pilot work of the city's drinking water monitoring network, and expand the pilot area of ​​the city's drinking water monitoring network in the pilot areas of the city's drinking water monitoring network in Jiading and Fengxian. Complete the pilot work of the Ministry of Health's urban drinking water monitoring network.

15. Strengthen supervision and inspection of wading products and disinfection products. Continue to carry out supervision and inspection of wading products, disinfection products and production enterprises, and conscientiously carry out the implementation of the " Sanitary Standards for Disinfectant Production Enterprises" and "Provincial Administrative Licensing Procedures for Drinking Water Hygiene and Safety Products".

V. Strengthening the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and school health supervision

16. Strengthen supervision and inspection of infectious disease prevention and control work. Continue to do a good job in the supervision and inspection of the prevention and control of key infectious diseases with A-type h1n1 influenza. Combined with the seasonal characteristics, the supervision and inspection of the prevention and control of intestinal infectious diseases in the winter and spring respiratory tracts and summer and autumn are carried out.

17. Strengthen supervision and inspection of hospital infection control work. We will focus on strengthening the supervision and inspection of the implementation of disinfection and isolation measures for infectious diseases, oral and endoscopic departments of medical institutions.

18. Further strengthen supervision and inspection of medical waste disposal work. Strict medical and health institutions manage medical waste to prevent the loss, leakage and spread of medical waste. Strengthen the supervision of medical wastes in village clinics and family beds, and further regulate the disposal of medical waste. Strengthen supervision and inspection of sewage treatment in medical institutions.

19. Strengthen the biosafety supervision and inspection of pathogenic microorganisms laboratory. Continue to do the filing of the pathogenic microbiology laboratory. Carry out routine supervision and inspection and special supervision and inspection of pathogenic microbiology laboratories, and focus on strengthening supervision and inspection of highly pathogenic pathogenic microorganisms laboratories.

20. Strengthen supervision and inspection of schools and child care institutions. In accordance with the "Regulations on School Health Work" and the "Regulations on the Reporting of Epidemic Situations of Infectious Diseases in Schools and Child Care Institutions", etc., strengthen supervision, inspection, publicity and guidance for schools and child care institutions, and urge schools and child care institutions to further regulate the management of infectious diseases. Work to ensure the health of the majority of students.

6. Strengthen medical service and blood safety supervision and management

21. Strengthen the supervision and management of medical institutions. In conjunction with the implementation of the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Institutions in the Ministry of Health , the Bank strengthened the evaluation of the implementation of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Points of Bad Practice in Shanghai Medical Institutions, and further improved the Interim Measures for the Management of Poor Practice Points in Shanghai Medical Institutions. . Strictly follow the relevant laws and regulations to carry out supervision and management of large-scale medical equipment and medical technology, and strengthen the supervision of clinical inspection quality. Explore the standardized management of the settings and names of Chinese medicine hospital departments. Continue to carry out special governance and rectification of medical advertising and Internet health care information services to regulate medical advertising and Internet health care information services.

22. Strengthen supervision and management of medical personnel. To formulate the “Regulations on the Regular Assessment of Physicians” and the “Management System for the Record of Bad Practice of Medical Staff in Shanghai” to standardize the practice of practitioners.

23. Improve the informationization level of medical service supervision and management. Explore the establishment of a medical service supervision information management system to provide an information support platform for medical service supervision.

24. Strengthen the guidance and training for medical institutions to practice according to law. Through special lectures, training courses and other forms, we will carry out publicity and training on the laws, regulations and related policies of medical institutions and their employees, enhance their awareness and consciousness of practicing according to law, and standardize medical practice.

25. Continue to increase blood safety supervision. Strengthen the supervision of blood collection and supply institutions and clinical blood units to ensure the safety of clinical blood. Strictly regulate the behavior of collecting cord blood. It is necessary to strengthen departmental linkages and increase efforts to crack down on illegal organizations such as selling blood, impersonating replacement blood donations, and so on.

7. Continue to carry out the work of combating unlicensed medical practice and rectifying "medical care"

26. Continue to crack down on undocumented medical practice. Focus on combating unlicensed medical practices in fixed places, especially illegal births and illegal termination of pregnancy. Establish and improve the working mechanism led by the government and multi-department linkage, increase the punishment for unlicensed medical practice, and conscientiously do a good job in the relevant judicial connection.

27. Continue to carry out the work of rectifying “medical care”. According to the "Shanghai Municipality's "medical care" work program" requirements, through the use of departmental joint, up and down linkage, comprehensive remediation, unblocking and other measures, severely crack down on "medical care" illegal behavior and maintain medical service order.

8. Do a good job in public health supervision information disclosure and complaint reporting

28. Promote the publicity of health supervision information. According to the relevant provisions of the government information disclosure, the city's health supervision information disclosure work norms are formulated. The district/county health bureaus shall, according to the requirements, formulate the management norms for the supervision of the publicity of information on the supervision of the districts, and implement the work of information disclosure.

29. Strengthen the supervision and reporting of health supervision complaints. Further improve the handling procedures for complaints and reports, strengthen the reporting and analysis of complaints and reports, and continuously improve the efficiency and level of complaints and reports.

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