Work Plan > Health Work Plan

2019 Community Health Service Center Work Plan

2019 is a crucial year for promoting medical reform, and it is also a year for community health service centers to face opportunities and challenges. The Street Community Health Service Center will seize the opportunity, forge ahead, and innovate, and guide the important ideas of building a harmonious society, carry out the “township health center management year” activities, further deepen reform, strengthen personnel training, and accelerate discipline construction. Enhance the core competitiveness of the center and promote the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the basic medical care, preventive health care, health education and chronic disease management of the center. In 2019, we will focus on the following aspects:

First, unite and unite, accelerate the construction of the center

Strengthen the building of leading bodies and enhance the cohesiveness of employees. In the new year, we will conscientiously implement the important thinking of "harmony**", so that we can talk about party spirit, dedication, unity, enthusiasm, work as a public servant, and create a clean and honest, diligent and pragmatic leading cadre image. Create a "four good" leadership team, play a role in the demonstration of the team among all employees. Pay attention to creating a healthy and harmonious human environment and team spirit, so that leaders and employees, employees and employees care for each other, care for each other, exchange emotions, and live in harmony, so that the broad masses of employees can unite and work together to accelerate the construction of the center. To provide patients with high quality medical services more effectively.

Improve the openness of the affairs of the hospital and strengthen democratic management. Continuously improve the openness of the hospital affairs, such as the major construction of the center, the reform of the personnel system, and the bonus distribution plan, etc., through the public affairs column, the team meeting, the functional department meeting, the staff meeting, and other forms. Explain clearly to the staff, communicate ideas, listen to and answer opinions, and let the staff know the situation of the hospital, participate in the hospital administration, and the house affairs, embody the principles of openness, fairness, and impartiality, and provide the basis for the scientific decision-making of the center. According to the requirements of the higher authorities, the requirements for drug management, publicize the procurement of medical devices and drugs according to regulations and procedures, and enhance the transparency of equipment and drug management. Form a monitoring mechanism with unimpeded channels of public supervision, administrative supervision, inner-party supervision and social supervision. Regularly publicize the contents of the central development plan, medical accidents and disputes to promote the improvement of medical quality; combined with the assessment contents of the staff, regularly publicize the results of the center office, medical rehabilitation, and community health service station satisfaction assessment results, outpatients per capita Prescription quota, employee reward and punishment, patient satisfaction survey, patient complaints and medical insurance deductions, in order to curb the "big prescription" phenomenon, promote the decline of per capita prescription quota, thereby reducing the burden on patients and improving patient satisfaction.

Second, deepen various health reforms, rely on reform for survival and development

Continue to vigorously deepen the reform of the personnel system and create a good employment environment. On the basis of competitive recruitment of middle-level cadres, in accordance with the principle of two-way selection, competition for employment, and selection of merits, rationally formulating, arranging posts, and appointing staff, clarifying job responsibilities, implementing full-employment and department-level employment systems, and strengthening the employer’s autonomy. Establish a benign employment mechanism that can be able to enter and exit, and enable the talent team of our center to be more vital and energetic, and at the same time more combative and competitive.

Continue to strengthen the responsibility system at the hospital and department levels. The center's management of the department insists on the responsibility of the department director, strengthens the position of the person in charge of the department, and the director of the department is responsible for the administrative and medical management of the department. We will do a good job in the implementation of departmental rules and regulations, operational norms, and labor disciplines, and sign a comprehensive target responsibility letter for the two levels of hospitals and departments.

Deepen the reform of the distribution system and improve the internal assessment system of the center. On the basis of the two-way evaluation system that allows the public to evaluate the public, assist the department and the logistics administration to let everyone evaluate, gradually establish a flexible and competitive assessment plan and bonus distribution system, and adopt the bonus distribution to lean toward the community health service. The personnel and departments with outstanding contributions are inclined to allocate to the staff engaged in preventive health care, and the work tasks such as work indicators, work quality, medical ethics, and spiritual civilization construction are refined and quantified into each department. Each employee, at the same time, according to the assessment score, cash the bonuses of each employee, appropriately open the distance, fully mobilize the enthusiasm, creativity and enthusiasm of the staff of the whole center.

Implement performance appraisal to reduce the burden on patients. In order to adapt to the new situation of changing with each passing day, our center will cancel the management concept of calculating the bonus by economic assessment and implement the workload accounting work in order to gradually strengthen and improve the management of the center. At the same time, actively reduce man-made waste, reduce cost and improve central economic efficiency. Through the management of performance appraisal, all departments actively carry out service-oriented, patient-oriented humanized service activities, while ensuring the provision of quality services for patients, strictly control the "three reasonable" standards according to the condition. In the scope of the policy, our center will also reduce the burden on patients for some elderly, disabled, and families with difficulties in reducing medical expenses, so as to achieve good social benefits.

Third, increase the intensity of spiritual civilization and work style construction.

Improve the legal system and govern the hospital according to law. Seriously organize and study and strictly implement relevant laws and regulations, actively carry out special work on commercial bribery in the field of medicine purchase and sale, establish a long-term mechanism for rectifying the work of equal emphasis on education, system and supervision, and improve the legal system and strict supervision from the source. Put an end to the red envelope and rebate problem in my center.

Strengthen ideological education and professional ethics education for all employees. Extensively carry out ideological education and professional ethics education that is devoted to duty, dedication, pioneering spirit, and dedication. It establishes an industry trend of saving the wounded and dying, patient first, warm service, and civilized medical practice, and strives to establish a new type of doctor-patient relationship that meets the requirements of the broad masses of the people. Through in-depth "Year of Work Style Construction" activities, all employees are responsible for their work, full of enthusiasm for the people, and the spirit of excellence in technology. Efforts to achieve "patient-centered", "depending on patients such as relatives", "thinking what the patient thinks, urgency of the patient", to build a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients.

Fourth, improve the construction of echelon and enhance the competitiveness of the center.

Committed to cultivating talents and continuously optimizing the talent structure. In the year of 200*, our center will still proceed from the actual situation and increase the training of talents. Promote on-the-job health technicians to constantly master new technologies, new knowledge, and new theories. Advocate the concept of “lifelong learning” among medical staff, and encourage employees to actively participate in various forms of continuing education such as academic education and general medical training. The general practitioners and community nurses are trained according to the 100% ratio, and the clinician Chinese medicine training program is seriously implemented. At the same time, the technical backbone will be selected to go to the tertiary hospital for further study and improve the business level of the medical staff of the center.

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Fifth, improve the quality of medical care and ensure medical safety.

Seriously implement the various rules and regulations for medical quality and medical safety. Focusing on the spirit of the “Medical Quality Management Year” campaign, our center still puts medical quality and medical safety at the forefront. The responsible persons of each functional department should take the lead in implementing various rules and regulations and personally implement them. According to the specific circumstances, timely improve the relevant rules and regulations to promote continuous improvement of medical quality. Further strengthen the management and control of the medical links, standardize the rational use of drugs, and standardize the writing of medical records. In view of the weak links and outstanding problems of the quality of each clinical specialty, strengthen management and reduce the incidence of medical disputes in our center.

Strengthen "three basic training" to strengthen the management and control of medical links. In the year of 200*, our center will continue to strengthen the “three basics” training of medical staff as a long-term task of cultivating talents and improving technology. Through various forms of training and assessment of “three basics” knowledge, the basic theory of medical personnel will be continuously improved. Basic knowledge and basic skills, and his operation, "central management evaluation guide", "drug management law", "practical physician law", "medical accident handling regulations", etc. as the three basic exam content, test scores and points, rewards and punishments hook up.

Standardize the behavior of medical services. Treatment of diseases and regulation of medical services are important measures to ensure medical quality and medical safety. In the 200* year, our center will hold regular doctors' meetings to organize various systems, laws and regulations to promote medical safety. Specialized convening seminars on strict implementation of the safety medical system, standardizing the medical staff's diagnosis and treatment behavior, ensuring reasonable inspection, rational use of drugs, reasonable treatment, and ultimately guaranteeing medical quality and medical safety.

Strengthen the construction of hardware. In accordance with the National "Building Standards for Community Health Service Organizations", the construction of hardware equipment in the center will be continuously improved, and the system of diagnosis and construction will be established in a timely manner.

Sixth, strict financial management of the center to further improve the management level of the center

Improve the financial system and strengthen economic accounting and supervision. The various economic activities of the center must be disciplined, follow the rules, adhere to the financial management principles of “unified leadership and centralized management”, achieve the unification of economic decision-making, and coordinate the economic operation. It is strictly forbidden to set up accounts outside the departments and departments. Accounts, small treasury, major projects must be discussed in groups and approved in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and implement the leadership responsibility system and accountability system for major economic issues.

Promote quality, efficiency and low consumption of medical services. According to the actual situation, our center will explore and establish an appropriate accounting system, budget and account for the central cost, determine the cost target, strictly implement the budget management, control the expenses, reduce waste, reduce consumption, improve work efficiency, and make the center finance Management gradually adapts to the requirements of modern social development.

Increase the transparency of medical charges and consciously accept social and patient supervision. Our center will strictly implement the national drug price policy and medical service charging standards, standardize various service charging standards, earnestly carry out medical service information disclosure, publicize major medical service items, medical service charges, commonly used drugs and consumables prices, etc. Provide price and fee inquiry services, and promptly answer questions from patients and their families about the center's charges, so that patients can clearly understand the disease. Reasonable control of drug costs, the use of valuable drugs, such as high-grade antibiotics, nutraceuticals, etc., should follow the principle of informed consent, allowing and guiding patients to choose the appropriate drugs according to their economic conditions.

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