Work Plan > Health Work Plan

2013 school year school health work plan

guiding ideology

In order to certify the implementation of the "Regulations on School Health Work", strengthen school health work, and improve the health of students, according to the requirements of the city's work tasks, combined with the specific conditions of our school, we will formulate a work plan for 2008.

specific measure

First, student health check

A health checkup is conducted for all students from September to October, and the physical examination rate requires more than 98%. Do a good job in the organization of the medical examination, quiet and orderly, and use this work as a platform to demonstrate the student's behavioral norms. After the end of the physical examination, the student's nutrition and height and weight level development evaluation will be done well, and the student's physical examination system feedback will be done.

Second, the comprehensive detection of students' health status

Grasp the student health checkup due to illness and lack of class management. Assist the City Center to monitor hemoglobin and intestinal parasitic diseases and correct positive students.

Third, class health supervision

1. Regular indoor health supervision for indoor and outdoor health in each class. In order to do a good job in the school's health work, the school's regular health supervision and inspection, the establishment of a supervised post, the inspection of the student team, from the second grade to the sixth grade shifts on duty to check.

Ground: no chalk head, no paper, no shell, no stains.

Windows, walls: windows are clean and free of dust, no stains on the walls, fingerprints, footprints, etc.

Sanitary tools, desks and chairs: sanitary tools are neatly arranged, desks and chairs are neat and tidy.

Personal hygiene of the students: The students are neatly dressed, the red scarf has no broken stains, no head lice, diligent nails, and clean hair.

Fourth, health education

1. "9.20" National Love Tooth Day, our school will use banners, broadcasts, video recordings and other different forms.

Widely publicized.

2. Do a good job in the prevention and treatment of AIDS.

3. According to different seasons, prevent intestinal and respiratory infectious diseases and common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of students.

End, personal hygiene habits to promote publicity.

4. Carry out special health education such as oral hygiene and adolescence, and cultivate good health behaviors for students' self-care.

5. Master the health education class

6, each class should adhere to the weekly three-week personal bathroom check, the record is complete.

V. Prevention and treatment of common diseases among students

The leading groups for common disease prevention and control in each school hold regular meetings. At the beginning of the period, there are plans, mid-term inspections, and conclusions at the end of the period. According to the "National Student Common Disease Prevention and Control Program" and "Technical Specifications", we will earnestly do a good job in preventing students from common diseases. According to the vision, the school takes effective measures to reduce myopia.

1, anti-near work

In the first week of the school year, in order to prevent the near-publicity week, the publicity of protecting students' eyesight was widely carried out, and the prevention and control of the tabloids was handed over to the city's CDC.

Vision management is implemented in a sub-file, focusing on the prevention and treatment of 5.0-5.1 edge visual acuity students. For students with vision loss, comprehensive prevention and treatment with eye drops such as Shuangxingming and Zhenshiming are adopted. The correction rate is over 95% and the edge correction rate is over 90%. .

The new incidence rate is expected to be controlled within 2.5%.

2, trachoma prevention

According to the results of the physical examination, students with trachoma were treated with eye drops such as “rifampicin” and “flufoxacin”. The correction rate is over 95%.

3, dental caries prevention

According to the results of the experience, the students who have suffered from permanent teeth have gone to the hospital for correction by notifying the parents, and the filling rate of permanent teeth is required to be more than 30%.

Promote the use of health care toothbrushes and fluoride toothpaste among students.

Do a good job in oral health publicity and education, so that students can develop a good oral hygiene habit of "three-two-two brush".

Sixth, do a good job in the absence of class testing due to illness, master the health of students

Strengthen the management of infectious diseases, improve the epidemic reporting system, and find out that the epidemic is "four early" and control the source of infection.

7. Student nutrition and food hygiene

1 Strengthen the health education for students, popularize the nutrition knowledge of food hygiene knowledge students, and develop good eating habits.

2 Strengthen the health management of the two meals, strictly control the purchase channels, and prevent the occurrence of food poisoning incidents to protect the students' bodies.

Eight, report all kinds of statements, strict case management:

1 Seriously report all kinds of school health statements, the data is correct, and report according to the prescribed time.

2 Improve the management of the “School Health Care Archives”, complete, clear and correct.

9. Actively participate in technical training, improve business level, and conduct regular training.

X. Project Immunization:

1 Do a good job in enrolling freshmen's voucher and keep it complete.

2 Do a good job in planning immune-related vaccines
First, the guiding ideology:

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, conscientiously implement the Regulations on School Health Work, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, and the Food Sanitation Law, and adhere to the actual situation of our school, and adhere to the establishment of "people-oriented", "health", "safety" The guiding ideology of "one" focuses on the principle of prevention, treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and comprehensive management.

Second, the work objectives:

We will earnestly improve the school's environmental sanitation and personal hygiene, strive to improve the health of students, promote students to develop good health habits, actively carry out prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, and prevent vaccination, and earnestly do a good job in school health .

Third, work measures:

1. Study hard and improve the understanding of health work

Conscientiously implement the spirit of instruction on strengthening patriotic health work, organize teachers and school personnel to seriously study the "Regulations on School Health Work", the "Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Law" and the "Food Hygiene Law", and fully understand the school's environmental sanitation and personal hygiene. The importance and necessity make it clear that the school is an important position for the construction of social spiritual civilization. Only by doing a good job in environmental sanitation and personal hygiene can we create a good education environment and enable students to grow healthily.

2. Strengthen organizational management and give full play to the role of all staff management

Strengthen the organization and management of health work, implement the personal grasp of the principal, and the responsible persons of each line will take the initiative to grasp the management mode of all teachers, and implement the system of responsibility for environmental sanitation, health education and food hygiene , and regularly check and ensure that School health work is up to standard.

3. Strengthen environmental sanitation and create a good education environment

Responding to the call, actively carry out greening activities to purify and beautify the school environment. Actively carry out national patriotic health activities and promote the overall health level of the school. Strive to create a clean, civilized and beautiful learning environment, and cultivate the sentiments of teachers and students. The school is scheduled to clean the group every Friday.

4. Strengthen health education and improve the quality of health education

Regularly publish blackboard newspapers and galleries to publicize health care knowledge and cultivate students' good health habits.

Each class uses the class meeting time to conduct a health promotion every month to teach the prevention and control of seasonal and epidemic diseases.

5. Strengthen prevention and treatment work and enhance students' physical fitness

Pay attention to eye hygiene , do eyesight examination and prevent near work, and strictly control myopia rate.

Study and implement the "Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Law", further improve the disease prevention and control work, and conscientiously implement prevention and control measures. Cooperate with relevant departments to do vaccination, strengthen morning inspections, find infectious diseases, immediately conduct strict isolation, and adopt corresponding disinfection measures to avoid the spread of diseases.

Continue to do a good job in the prevention and treatment of common diseases, such as myopia, dental caries, malnutrition, anemia, trachoma, mites and other six diseases publicity and education work.

Regularly carry out student health checkups and do a good job in statistical analysis of student illnesses and physical examinations. Students who have illnesses are promptly notified to take the students to the hospital for diagnosis and return the information to the school. The school will inform the physical education teachers of the results, pay attention to the student's exercise load and prevent accidents.

6. Strengthen school vaccination management

Formulate implementation plans and systems for schools to check vaccination certificates, and use various forms to publicize the meaning and related knowledge of vaccination to students and parents, so that parents can actively cooperate with schools to check vaccination certificates, and special persons are responsible for registering books.

7. Continue to strengthen the inspection of student diseases and related epidemic registration reports.

Using the weekly school flag raising morning meeting time, strengthen the statistical quarantine work for students who are absent from school due to illness, in order to facilitate the dynamic observation of common diseases and infectious diseases of students, and find that the disease can be detected early, treated early, and the student attendance rate is improved. Do a good job in collecting and collecting personal treatments.

Fourth, specific distribution measures

2-4 months to do the first-year freshmen admission prevention health card acceptance and preservation work

Do a good job in the first-year freshmen admission examination.

Health Education Seminar held in April-May

Complete student health electronic file from May to June

From June to July, we will do a good job in registering student leave and calculate the rate of absenteeism.

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