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2019 Health Center Epidemic Prevention Work Plan

In order to do a good job in the health and epidemic prevention work in our hometown, better serve the health of the people, continuously improve the health of the people, and strive to raise the score of 2019, we are now developing a 2019 epidemic prevention work plan.

I. Management: Strengthening the leadership and management of epidemic prevention work. Establishing an epidemic prevention work group, Zhao Guanghui, dean of the Health Center, and the head of the anti-insurance team, Li Haitao, deputy head of the epidemic prevention department, and the heads of the clinics of each village are members. Participate in various epidemic prevention work to complete the various epidemic prevention tasks on time and in volume. At the end of the year, a village medical conference was held to arrange epidemic prevention tasks and hold a summary meeting of village medical epidemic prevention work at the end of the year.

Second, the work of tax exemption: 12 regular cold chain operations were completed within the year, and the villages were used as the unit to do the leaking card leakage work over the years, focusing on XX to 11 years. Each operation strives for a “five seedlings” vaccination rate of more than 90%. At the same time, we will do a good job in reporting and sorting out various data and exemptions, and manage the storage and equipment cleaning of various vaccines. Strengthen supervision over the work of the village doctors.

Third, infectious disease management: improve the awareness of epidemic reporting, perfect epidemic reporting system, report on time, the statutory infectious disease miss rate is zero. Collect the epidemic situation of village health clinics on time. Once a serious epidemic is discovered, measures such as isolation and disinfection of the epidemic will be taken immediately, and the hospital leadership will be urged to supervise all departments of the hospital to eliminate the occurrence of iatrogenic infectious diseases; actively manage the centralized management of TB patients.

Fourth, food hygiene : focus on this year's food business, processing units for the certification and physical examination work, strive for food practitioners physical examination rate of 100%, the accreditation rate of more than 85%, food workers "five diseases" transfer rate of 100 %, the training rate of food practitioners is 100%, and the food hygiene management supervision work is carried out every month. The food samples are sent for inspection, and the food business units are filed separately.

Fifth, the prevention and treatment of skin diseases: strengthen the prevention and control of skin disease prevention knowledge, more wall reports, do a good job in the distribution and collection of village clues. Assist the county station to do a good job in the inspection of sexually transmitted diseases among employees and special people in public health, food and health, and at the same time do a good job in archiving materials.

Sixth, the prevention and control aspects: completed on time, reported various statistical tables on time, and actively carried out the complete work of iodine deficiency disease.

VII. School Health Work: Do a good job in school health monitoring and regular health publicity work, master the number of students in the township, the number of school health education, the list of teachers, do a good job in the prevention and treatment of common diseases of students, carry out small health education and physical examination and drive in China. The worm works.

8. Labor health : Do a good job in reporting occupational diseases and reports of productive pesticide poisoning, and report cases to the higher authorities within 24 hours.

9. Public health: The annual physical examination of employees in public places is 100%, and the annual inspection rate is 100%. The supervision and inspection work is done every quarter.

X. Health promotion work: Actively carry out annual publicity work, mobilize village doctors to actively participate in publicity, take out forms, post slogans, distribute flyers, hang banners, etc., publish wall posters on specific health promotion days, and vigorously do special promotion jobs.

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The following contents are related to the main points of the 2019 disease prevention and control work in this article. For reference, please refer to: Sharing Inspirational Life Experience]

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