Work Plan > Health Work Plan

Health Care Team Work Plan from February 2019 to July 2019

In the new semester full of challenges and competitive pressures, all the staff of our health team are ready to use their talents, creatively carry out their work, and strive to make our garden's health care work better, for the survival, development and provincial level of kindergartens. A type of kindergarten assessment makes its own contribution.
Strengthening learning and advancing with the times: Our health team is preparing to continue to read self-motivated books such as "Who Moved My Cheese", "Letter to Garcia", "Fifth Practice" and other self-motivated books in the semester. Everyone actively and consciously learns to work enthusiasm and do their job well. Focus on the “School Level 1 Kindergarten Assessment Program”, and implement the health care-related content of the program to the people and refine it to each child. Seriously study the "Guidelines for the Guidance of Kindergarten Education" and combine the teaching and research work carried out by kindergartens to propose one or two relevant learning topics each month, so that the nurses can learn through self-study, lectures and discussions. This semester will continue to study the relevant theoretical knowledge of the park-based curriculum, guide the childcare staff to participate in educational and teaching activities, and combine their own business expertise to guide children's activities in the structural area and the art district. Secondly, in conjunction with the changes in the season, organize the nurses to learn about the child's health care knowledge, and use theory to guide their actual work to better care for the child's body and life.
Do a good job in sanitation and disinfection to prevent the spread of infectious diseases: providing children with a clean and living environment is an important part of preventing the spread of infectious diseases. This semester, we will continue to do a good job in the sanitation and disinfection of kindergartens, and guide cleaners to do environmental sanitation disinfection as required. According to the actual work, adjust and improve the class and environmental sanitation standards and checklists, ensure the number of inspections, increase the inspection form, strengthen inspection guidance, and do the work. Especially in the epidemic season of infectious diseases, it is necessary to strengthen publicity and education, disinfection, isolation, and guidance treatment. This semester begins to focus on the prevention and treatment of atypical pneumonia. According to the arrangement of the higher authorities, we will do a good job in propaganda work, and publicize the prevention and treatment knowledge about atypical pneumonia to parents and faculty through various forms such as the Internet, newspapers, and leaflets. Chinese herbal medicines are used by young children and faculty, and children's environment and class sanitation and disinfection should be done before the children come to the park, and ventilation and air disinfection work should be done. Strengthen morning inspections to prevent children with infectious diseases from entering the park.
Do a good job in meal management: In order to provide children with a more scientific and reasonable diet, we will continue to calculate and adjust the weekly recipes for the semester, and then do it for the children to make them more suitable for children's growth and development. . The Diet Committee is held regularly, and parents' consultants are invited to come to the Diet Committee to discuss and adjust the feedback of the class meal information feedback form. Continue to issue a feedback form for the children's family meal status to the freshmen. Instantly publish the weekly children's diet online, listen carefully to the parents' opinions and suggestions on the diet, adjust the diet so that the kindergarten's food is more suitable for the child's taste, and better meet the child's growth and development needs.
Do a good job in daily health care to ensure the healthy growth of young children: The first thing that children come to kindergarten every day is to attend the morning check. The first person to see is a health care doctor. The health care doctor should make full use of the morning check to conduct a physical education check on the child. And the observation and appeasement of psychological emotions, so that children have a happy start every day. Regularly organize young children and faculty members to conduct health checkups. In February, the whole school’s children’s height and weight were measured for the children in the middle class. In March, the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital was assisted in the physical examination of children entering the park. In April, it was the physical examination of the faculty and staff of the whole school and the female physic examination of the female teachers. In May, the city’s maternal and child health care park was assisted as a child-seeking visual function in the whole park. Height and weight and evaluate the growth of each child. Do a good daily feeding and patrol work, do a good job of stress treatment for sick and traumatic children, and do a statistical registration of various forms.
Do a good job in the physical exercise of children: according to the requirements of the city's women's health care, conduct a survey and evaluation of the class's physical exercise activities, and guide the physical education teachers to organize the children to carry out physical activity, so that the intensity and density of the children's physical exercise are more reasonable and better. Promote the growth and development of young children.
Attachment: Monthly work focus:
February: 1. Do a good job of sanitation in the whole garden to welcome children to enter the park.
2. Formulate a new semester work plan
3, organize new students to enter the hospital physical examination, for the whole park children to measure height and weight
4. Strengthen morning inspection and disinfection to prevent infectious diseases such as atypical pneumonia
March: 1. Measure vision for large and middle school children
2. Assist the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital as a physical examination for all children in the park.
3, children's self-care ability to observe.
April: 1. Assist the hospital to protect the teeth
2, do a good job in the statistics and correction of childhood diseases
May: Assisting the Health Center to test visual function for large and middle school children
June: 1. Measure the height and weight of the children in the whole park and evaluate the growth and development of the children.
2, the nurses observe the study

[1] Sharing inspirational life experience]

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