Work Plan > Health Work Plan

The second semester of the Baishan National Primary School in the Lushan Street Sports Health Work Plan

The second semester of the Baishan National Primary School in the Lushan Street Sports Health Work Plan

First, the guiding ideology:
In accordance with the requirements of the "New Curriculum Standards for Small and Medium-sized Physical Education", in order to fully implement the Party's educational policy, the "Regulations on School Sports Work" and the "National Fitness Program" will be conscientiously implemented; the 2008 Olympic Games will be greeted with a good spirit: "Health first, educate people first" as the purpose, the school sports work as a breakthrough in the implementation of quality education; strengthen the physical education curriculum reform teaching and research activities, and strive to implement the new curriculum standards, with new ideas to strengthen education and teaching activities. Striving for the school's sports characteristics and cultivating students with all-round development.
Second, the main points of work:
1. Teaching of sports. Every teacher in the sports group is required to seriously study new teaching materials, prepare lessons carefully, and earnestly take good lessons. Fully implement the spirit of curriculum reform, highlight the subjectivity of students, and improve classroom efficiency.
2. Grasp the construction and training of the school sports team, and train people in a fixed, regular, and fixed manner, no less than one hour a day. Prepare for all kinds of sports competitions held in cities and streets in the next semester. Group performance strives to stay ahead.
3. Conduct group competitions. This semester will be held in various sports competitions between classes, such as: school-wide broadcast gymnastics competition; track and field events; three chess competitions.
4. Conscientiously implement the "Management System for Sports Equipment Room", require the care equipment, the equipment to be neatly arranged, and the equipment can be recycled in time. At the end of the semester, the equipment inventory of the sports room and property registration work should be done to ensure that the school property is not lost.
5. Develop the practice of school-based curriculum development in accordance with the requirements of the school.
6. Strengthen school health work, improve campus environment, implement health measures, strengthen health education and prevention of common diseases, frequently-occurring diseases and infectious diseases, focus on food hygiene education, adolescent health education, and cooperate with prevention organized by higher authorities. Publicity and education of infectious diseases such as mumps, typhoid and paratyphoid to ensure the physical and mental health of students.
Third, the main activities:
1. Participate in the meeting of the leaders of street sports teaching and research.
2. Formulate sports teaching plans and teaching progress.
3. City Primary 1 and 3rd grade sports preparation activities.
4. The school track and field team began training. The three chess interest groups started their activities.
5. The competition rules for the school broadcast gymnastics competition will be issued.
1. Street quality class evaluation.
2. City small sports teaching and exhibition activities.
3. Physical education safety education.
4. City sports teaching plans, papers, case evaluation.
5. Do a good job in the layout of the sports room, the placement of equipment, etc.
6. School broadcast gymnastics competition.
1. School sports teaching and research activities.
1. School track and field events.
2. City small and famous brand research activities.
1. Teaching demonstration of China's small physical education class in Ningbo.
2. The fourth three-game competition of the school.
3. Final assessment. Do a good job in statistics.
4. Inventory sports equipment.
5. Summary of sports work.

Baishan National Small Sports Teaching and Research Group
February 2006

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