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2019 community family planning work plan

It is a national policy of China to plan for the birth of the country and the people. It is a household name and a long-term unremitting work. But in the 2019, when it is about to be sent away, how to make the 2019 family planning work in the Mexi community It is necessary to delve into the taste and make it outstanding. Meisi community work plan for 2019 family planning work:

First, team building

The general secretary of the community party mainly grasps and assumes the overall responsibility; the family planning cadres grasp and let go. The construction of the Family Planning Association, the head of the central household, the information officer, and the family planning association will give full play to their respective advantages, lead the team and team members to learn the new policies and regulations of the party on population and family planning work, improve the management and family planning work, and do the work. Some people are arrested, and there are small things to be managed, so that the association can work so that the family planning services can truly satisfy the residents.

Second, innovation mechanism, publicity service

Providing plans for reproductive health and quality services, expanding the field of family planning services, from contraceptive birth control services to family planning health services including maternal health care, publicity and education activities of marriage and breeding, are inseparable from propaganda work. Large and small meetings in the community, and various forms of propaganda positions to promote the party's policies, laws and regulations on family planning. Give play to the role of community family planning associations, community coordinators and central households, family planning associations and information workers, carry out diversity publicity, and carry out publicity and education on household and family planning policies. Meet the needs of people of childbearing age and provide quality fertility and reproductive health services. During the special period, the propaganda propaganda staff of the project will send the materials to the door and the general publicity column will be updated in time for the residents to obtain information. Popularize “youth health” and “prevention of AIDS knowledge” education among community residents, so that community residents can scientifically plan health care knowledge, improve residents' quality of life, and raise awareness of reproductive health care among people of childbearing age.

Third, diligent visits, serving residents

The population and family planning work is a work of a person, and it is related to the basic national policy of the country and has a large workload. In the family planning work, we must implement the people-oriented work concept. Whenever someone in the community gets married, or if a newborn is born, they must come to visit. First, find out the information, easy to manage; second, to contact the feelings, easy to work; three to send a community care committee to care. We will publicize the latest family planning policies, publicize the marriage and breeding, and send them knowledge manuals on reproductive health, scientific parenting, post-natal care, and contraceptive choices. It is believed that visiting and providing warm services is the family planning service that community residents need.

Fourth, pay attention to the floating population

In view of the three characteristics of more street houses, more rented houses, and more floating population, these three should be taken as the community creation work. Adhere to the monthly check-up, and check the verification of the family planning census every quarter. The mobile workers plan to give birth, and they must distribute the family planning publicity materials to the floating population from time to time, and distribute contraceptives free of charge, so that the family planning work is truly accepted by the floating population of childbearing age. Organize 1-2 convenient service activities, conduct family planning policy consultation, distribute promotional materials and condoms, and let mobile workers enjoy the same services as household registration personnel.

In the new year, the community will expand its work ideas and improve the satisfaction of community residents in family planning work. Practice is the ruler of testing theory. It is necessary to provide high-quality services while taking the spiritual and civilized needs of modern community residents as the starting point. Make a good job of family planning and birth.

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