Work Plan > Health Work Plan

School patriotic health annual plan

In order to earnestly do a good job in the school's patriotic health work, improve environmental sanitation, strengthen disease prevention and control, carry out health education, cultivate students' good health habits, green campuses, and eliminate four evils, the following plans are formulated:

1. Establish a sound patriotic health leading group and various health systems and work plans. The specific patriotic health work system, value week system, dormitory health system, canteen health work system, civilized health class selection system, health education work plan Regular meetings are held on the basis of paintings, work plans for four evils, school health work plans, and educational programs.

2. Strict value week system, do a good job of school appearance, daily inspection of campus environmental sanitation, bicycle emissions, student civility, discipline, instrument cleanliness and other regulations, and record, monthly selection of civilized classes.

3. Adequate funding for greening, four pests, health education, and hardware facilities, and full-time staff.

4. Strengthen the hygiene management and drinking water management of the canteen. The canteen and the double leadership are responsible. The canteen is equipped with disinfection and anti-flying facilities. The canteen practitioners conduct physical examination and knowledge training every year, strictly carry out disinfection of tableware and cooked food, and do not sell corruption. Deterioration of leftovers and other foods, once a day to supervise and check, to prevent food poisoning, prevent intestinal infectious diseases, run school canteens, and improve the student's meal supply.

5. Actively carry out health education work, establish propaganda positions, regularly change the window, four times a year, the health tabloid is 12 times a year, the health blackboard is reported in 12 issues; the health education class is included in the formal class schedule, and the adolescent health is Adolescent mental health, mental health and psychoanalysis, diet nutrition and health classes, if necessary, with video education.

6. Establish a student health record, complete an annual student health checkup, conduct daily outpatient, common disease, and frequently-occurring registration work, do a good job in infectious disease management, and students are absent from school due to illness, carry out simple clinical and first aid dressing, and carry out Statistics, the results are reported to the higher authorities.

7. In accordance with the requirements of education and health, rationally arrange educational programs, reasonably arrange work schedules and schedules, and ensure the normal development of physical education classes, inter-curricular exercises, eye exercises, and extracurricular activities.

8. The leaders in charge often go deep into the classes to check and understand the teaching hygiene, sports hygiene, labor hygiene, personal hygiene, classroom lighting, lighting, ventilation, noise and the use of desks and chairs, and find timely and reasonable adjustments and appropriate improvements.

9. Carry out a monthly cleanup, leaving no dead ends and eliminating four evils.

10. Conducting voluntary activities such as tree planting, nursing homes, and kindergartens.

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