Summary of work > Summary of half-year work

Summary of the half-year work of the community culture center

In 20nn, the Cultural Center worked under the leadership of the Party Working Committee and the office of the street, working closely around the center of the street, basing on the community, facing the people, adhering to the people-oriented, integrating community resources, and relying on the rich cultural and sports resources of the street. A series of unique activities have created a healthy and uplifting cultural atmosphere, enriching and satisfying the needs of community residents and villagers' spiritual and cultural life. The work in the first half of the year is summarized as follows:
First, the basic situation. In the first half of the year, we carefully cooperated with the streets to do all kinds of conference reception work. In the first half of the year, we received 21 batches of streets from other provinces and cities, and held 153 meetings, 18 lectures, 23 training sessions, and 27 indoor performances. The development of various activities has enriched and satisfied the spiritual and cultural needs of the community residents, and has been loved and praised by the general public.
In 20nn, the Cultural Center made full use of the current venue resources to open a "style home" propaganda column, make full use of the propaganda work of the propaganda column, and publicize the party's policies, publicize the Expo knowledge, and publicize popular science knowledge to the residents of the community. The public can better understand the country and the major events happening around them, and can understand the good deeds that happen to be around them, and build bridges with the community residents through the bulletin board. In the first half of the year, a total of 18 leaflets were published, 26 pages of event information, 20 pages of Expo knowledge and information, and 1 feedback from readers. The content was colorful. At the same time, it also makes full use of the role of the bulletin board to carry out activities such as campaign publicity and enrollment, which extends the service content of the center, expands the service group of the center, and increases the propaganda method of the center, so as to strengthen the foundation better and solidly. The construction of cultural facilities has greatly promoted the completion of the central tasks and the development of cultural activities in various periods.
Second, the construction of the cultural team. The first is the cultural foundation work. The Cultural Center takes the scientific development concept as the main body and vigorously carries out cultural activities. At the beginning of the year, there are plans, activities, texts, photos, and specifications. While doing basic work, we will carry out various cultural and sports activities and continuously improve the political quality and professional quality of the backbone team. In the first half of this year, a new community weaving salon and community table team were newly established, which added new strength to the community team and promoted the development of community cultural and sports activities. In XX, we conducted business training for the four backbone teams of the community 75 times, created 3 finished dances, 1 finished fashion show, organized 3 training sessions for city and district business, and organized key members to coach the committee. Times. Under the guidance of professional teachers, the overall business level of each team has been significantly improved. In the first half of the year, the center won the first prize of the men's team and the second prize of the women's team in the "climbing" competition held in Shanghai; the community aerobics team won the second class in the competition of Shanghai Changbai Cup Yishou Health Exercise. Award results. The second is the regular activities. In the first half of the year, the work of the Cultural Center focused on the work of the streets and carried out a variety of cultural activities, which played an active role in promoting spiritual civilization and building a harmonious community. At the beginning of this year, the center continued to carry out various cultural and sports activities around the four themes of "Sound of Spring", "Summer Night", "Autumn Rhyme" and "Winter Music": New Year Garden Activities, Sanba Women's Day Image Sea Election, Yuan Zhen A total of 16 performances including festival performances, various variety shows, opera specials, and team talents exhibitions; 6 exhibitions of community calligraphy exhibitions and World Expo photo exhibitions were held; and the civilized etiquette lectures and traditional folk festivals were held as an opportunity to welcome the World Expo. On the occasion of the Ching Ming Festival, 7 lectures, such as lectures on "Close to the traditional peace and clearness", and 6 sports events such as community skipping competitions and billiard exchange activities were held. The development of the activities has greatly enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the community residents, improved the moral and artistic accomplishment of family members, and promoted the construction of a harmonious community.
Third, the development of featured culture. The first is the development of thematic activities. With the rapid development of the Wujiaochang economy and the rapid advancement of urbanization, the demand for culture by residents is becoming more and more urgent. We take the popular community cultural and recreational activities as an effective carrier to enrich the residents' spare time and meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the residents. We promote the exchanges of residents with activities, improve the good cultural quality of the residents, build harmonious interpersonal relationships, and create a healthy and up-to-date community culture. The center not only uses the festivals as a starting point, organizes and conducts activities, but also carries out targeted activities in accordance with the working principle of "not at all, the service is distinctive". This year, in conjunction with the "4.23" World Book Day, we organized a far-reaching "Love the World Expo, Love My Chinese Heritage Art" Wujiaochang Community's Second Reading Month Series Event and the First Anniversary of the World Expo Countdown; Better to carry out the annual "Wujiaochang Community Culture Festival" series of popular cultural activities. In the first half of the year, the center will start the activities of the cultural festival, the creation of works, the rehearsal of the team and other specific work arrangements, and strive to make the community culture festival It has laid a solid foundation for the construction of spiritual civilization and cultural construction in the community. The second is the development of resource distribution work. In order to better improve the sharing degree, our center has established a resource distribution menu, and achieved breakthroughs in five aspects through the distribution of books, exhibition boards and other materialized resources, small cultural performances, cultural lectures, art demonstrations and other comprehensive literary resources. The participation of the people has been continuously expanded, the various carriers have been continuously developed, the forms of performance have been continuously enriched, the long-term mechanism has been continuously improved, and the quality of activities has been continuously improved. This year, we have carried out resource distribution seven times with the North Tea Garden, Sanxiang, Culture and other neighborhood committees; and helped the Northern Tea Garden Committee to carry out the planning, promotion and organization of the Dragon Boat Festival Buddy Competition, and to build a harmonious community through joint efforts. Really meeting the growing spiritual needs of the community residents has made new contributions to the construction of a harmonious community. While doing a good job in the distribution of resources in this community, we will assist the municipal and district business authorities to carry out the sinking work of distribution resources: establish a long-term co-construction mechanism with the Shanghai Pingtan Group, and carry out the "voiceless evaluation bookstore" week. The event activities, the activities of the staff continue to expand, near the surrounding areas, far from Pudong, Xuhui, so that the art of ballistics as an intangible cultural heritage protection project can be promoted in my community, so that more community residents can feel the elegance of art Charm; contacted the Shanghai Dramatic Art Center several times to carry out the adaptation of the urban sitcom works; at the same time, with several other professional colleges to formulate the performance plan for the second half of the year; and carefully do professional teachers into the community counseling, participate in the training staff Organizational work, etc., innovate and build a carrier, so as to effectively promote the in-depth development of the twin-building activities and achieve practical results.
In the second half of the second half of the year, we will continue to follow the plan of the beginning of the year, focusing on the "four season songs" of "Sound of Spring", "Summer Night", "Autumn Rhyme", "Winter Music" and "Welcome to the World Expo" "Based on the theme, proceeding from reality, adhering to the goal of creating a healthy and up-to-date community culture environment, joint unit development and joint construction, carefully designing and organizing community cultural activities that are popular and easy to participate, and strive to form a culture of participation for all. Activities, everyone cares about the good situation of cultural construction; coordinate various departments, creatively carry out work, meticulously organize the activities of the third community culture festival, and strengthen the intensity of cultural co-construction, through the form of cultural co-construction and the captain The drama art center carefully creates urban sitcoms. At the same time, the "national fitness" work and popular science work are integrated into the activities of the community culture festival, so that the community culture can produce quality, effect and characteristics; at the same time, it will be based on the cultural center. The evaluation of the cultural and sports clubs carries out various tasks.
The construction of community harmonious culture is a systematic project, which plays an important role in the construction of three civilizations and the construction of a harmonious society. As the cultural functional department of the government, we will always adhere to the direction of advanced culture, seriously consider the scientific development concept, coordinate the development of community culture, innovate the working mechanism, and solve the problems encountered in the community cultural work in the development of innovation, and strive Create a harmonious cultural community with unique characteristics and people to participate in the construction and sharing, and jointly create a beautiful and comfortable home.

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