Work Summary > Financial Work Summary

Financial Department Annual Work Summary

Financial Department Annual Work Summary

Time is like a shuttle, and in a blink of an eye, it crosses an annual hurdle, looking back, although there is no vigorous battle, but it has also experienced an extraordinary test and temper.

At the beginning of the year, the management model of the real estate company was adjusted, the financial work was merged into the finance department; the staff of the branch company was diverted, and the financial work was merged into the finance department; the new company emerged like a spring after the rain, accounting and financial management work was included in the finance unit. In XX, the group company launched the financial contract management month, and the finance department was pushed to the forefront of the position; in XX year, the actual budget management of the group company, the finance department was the vanguard of the charge. Within the company, the management level is constantly improved. Externally, the tax authorities have focused on the real estate enterprises' key inspections, tax policy adjustments, and national financial policies. In this extraordinary year, all the financial personnel worked hard and worked together. Everything has been broken down. Let's summarize the work of the year.

First, functional development

In the past year, the Finance Department has taken a big step forward in its functional management.

1' Established a detailed breakdown of the cost and expense categories, so that cost accounting and budget contract management have a basis for unified management.

2. The accounting statements were sorted out and the format was adjusted accordingly, and the accounting statement management method was formulated. The need to make accounting statements more manageable.

3. Revised and improved the accounting statement, introduced the management method of accounting documents, and made preliminary work to strengthen internal management.

4. Set up the capital budget management form and method, which laid a good foundation for the company to further standardize the target management, improve business performance, co-ordinate and use funds efficiently.

Financial contract management month summary

The company launched the “Financial and Contract Management Month Activities”, which explained the importance that the company's leaders attach to the financial and contract management work. It also shows that the current financial management work still does not meet the requirements of the company's leaders.

In order to enable financial personnel to fully understand the importance of “financial and contract management month activities”, Chief Financial Officer Yao Zong personally mobilized the finance department staff. At the meeting, the financial personnel were satisfied with the status quo, lack of competition and crisis, and looked at the problems. Doing things is lack of forward-looking, and one-on-one analysis is carried out. At the same time, it is proposed that the finance department is not the accounting department. It is not enough to do accounting well. The management is not going to be used. The accounting is not useful. Accounting is the foundation and management is the purpose. At the same time as doing basic work, we must improve management awareness and require financial personnel to attach great importance to financial management in their thinking. For the accounting of each economic business, while considering the accounting requirements, we must also consider the impact of the business on the company's current and future management and taxation policies. Now, the consideration is not sufficient, and it will be difficult to make up for it later. . Work arrangements were made for the “Financial and Contract Management Month Activities”.

2. According to the particularity of the real estate industry, combined with the company's management requirements, the accounting second-level and third-level detailed subjects of development cost and period expense are sorted out, and the detailed subjects are briefly explained. The purpose is to unify the accounting caliber and ensure the data collection. And the consistency before and after the analysis and comparison; the second is to facilitate the responsible person of each responsible unit to understand the contents of each financial data. This work has been completed this month and has been reviewed by General Yao. Currently entering the implementation phase.

3. Coordinate with the target responsibility system, and re-adjust the format and content of the financial internal management report. The purpose is to meet the requirements of financial management; the second is to meet the requirements of the responsible person of the responsible unit and the requirements of internal assessment. The financial internal management report has been adjusted and revised several times. It is recommended that the group company conduct a certification of the format and content of the newly adjusted financial internal management report, and make it clear that it is a relatively stable form in a certain period of time.

4. In view of the fact that foreign companies are far away from the group companies, they also set up accounting institutions independently. In order to strengthen the management of the group companies' foreign companies, ensure the uniformity of accounting and the timeliness of information feedback, the requirements for financial work contact with foreign companies are proposed. In September, it exchanged with Ningbo Finance, and made clear the financial accounting requirements, information transmission, the approval procedures for external statements, and the reports submitted to the group companies.

5. Conduct an internal audit of each company for the purpose of comprehensively understanding the business status of each company and doing a basic job for future financial management.

Financial Department Annual Work Summary

With the strong support of colleagues from various departments, the Finance Department has completed the daily work of the Finance Department with a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism, and has better cooperated with the business of each branch and partner, and timely and accurately for the company. Leaders and relevant government departments provide financial data. Of course, there are still some shortcomings in completing the work.

Let's report to the company's leaders about the work of the Finance Department in 20XX:

I. Financial management and financial accounting of the company headquarters

As a functional work department, reasonable control of costs and expenses, in the spirit of "serious, rigorous and meticulous", effectively exerting the internal supervision and management functions of enterprises is the top priority of our work. In 20XX, the financial department has a certain improvement in cost control compared with previous years. With the continuous expansion of the company's business, the initial investment of new projects is large, and the cost is also increased. The daily office supplies and office equipment are A small amount of expenses, the Ministry of Finance actively cooperated with the company's administrative department, strictly controlled in the procurement work, and achieved certain results in cost control.

In the 20XX year, the daily accounting work of the Finance Department is as follows:

1. In the aspects of loan, expense reimbursement, reimbursement review, payment and payment, we adhere to the principle and strictly abide by the company's financial management system, and reject some unreasonable borrowing and expense reimbursement.

2. In the voucher review process, we carefully review each voucher, resolutely put an end to non-conforming bills, and do not bring the problem to the next link.

3. Calculating the monthly salary of more than 100 people is the most arduous task of the Ministry of Finance. In addition to calculating the salary, we also need to explain the salary composition and the company's relevant regulations for the new employees. This requires the financial staff to be patient and meticulous. To make fewer mistakes or not to make mistakes. After hard work, the company basically pays wages on time every month.

4. Complete the company's tax return, invoice purchase and management, and account registration on time.

5. Complete the work issued by the relevant government departments: the company's annual industrial and commercial inspection, the financial audit of the accounting firm, and the quarterly declaration to the statistical bureau.

6. Collections are the most important part of the finance department. Due to other reasons, the collection difficulty of the project has also increased. Although we have made great efforts and achieved certain results, it is not very satisfactory.

In short, with the continuous expansion of the company's business, the workload of the Finance Department in 20XX is getting bigger and bigger, and the number of financial personnel has not increased accordingly. But we can prioritize and carry out various tasks in an orderly manner. In the past year, we have completed the daily accounting work of the Finance Department, and provided accurate and effective financial data in a timely manner, basically satisfying the financial requirements of the various departments of the company and related external units.

2. Financial accounting work of branch companies and partners

Follow-up payments from each branch, with the help of the operation department, can basically collect the funds of each branch on time and in accordance with the agreement.

In the current year, due to the increase in the business volume of the A branch, part of the business of the B branch, the C branch and the D branch was transferred to the head office to issue invoices and retract the cooperation funds, which greatly increased our workload. For example, the annual output value of the A branch is 50% higher than that of the 20XX year; the invoice for the 20XX years of the B, C and D branches, the follow-up of the cooperation payment, the accounting return, and the payment of the bid bond are charged. The Finance Department has made full efforts.

The business volume of the partners this year has also increased significantly compared with previous years. This part of the profits accounted for a higher proportion of the company's profits. Similarly, the invoice of the partner, the follow-up of the collection of the project payment, the return of the accounting, the payment of the bid bond, etc., the Ministry of Finance also fully cooperated to complete the work attitude and work results have been fully affirmed by the partners.

3. Insufficient and areas for improvement

In the middle of the year, the Finance Department still has work that should be done but not done, and should be done well, such as in the construction of assets physical management, in the control of various management costs, in the regulation of financial accounting In terms of programs and unified financial management forms, we provide financial data and financial analysis to company leaders in a more timely and accurate manner. In the financial work, we also found that some of the company's basic management work is relatively weak; daily cost expenses are relatively arbitrary; these should be the issues that should be considered and solved in the financial management of 20XX.

As financial personnel, we should make greater efforts in strengthening management, standardizing economic behavior, and improving the competitiveness of enterprises. We will continue to summarize and reflect, constantly spur ourselves, strengthen learning, adapt to the development of the times and enterprises, make progress together with everyone, and grow together with the company.

Financial Department Annual Work Summary

With the strong support of colleagues from various departments, the Finance Department has completed the daily work of the Finance Department with a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism, and has better cooperated with the business of each branch and partner, and timely and accurately for the company. Leaders and relevant government departments provide financial data. Of course, there are still some shortcomings in completing the work.

Let's report to the company's leaders about the work of the Finance Department in 20XX:

I. Financial management and financial accounting of the company headquarters

As a functional work department, reasonable control of costs and expenses, in the spirit of "serious, rigorous and meticulous", effectively exerting the internal supervision and management functions of enterprises is the top priority of our work. In 20XX, the financial department has a certain improvement in cost control compared with previous years. With the continuous expansion of the company's business, the initial investment of new projects is large, and the cost is also increased. The daily office supplies and office equipment are A small amount of expenses, the Ministry of Finance actively cooperated with the company's administrative department, strictly controlled in the procurement work, and achieved certain results in cost control.

In the 20XX year, the daily accounting work of the Finance Department is as follows:

1. In the aspects of loan, expense reimbursement, reimbursement review, payment and payment, we adhere to the principle and strictly abide by the company's financial management system, and reject some unreasonable borrowing and expense reimbursement.

2. In the voucher review process, we carefully review each voucher, resolutely put an end to non-conforming bills, and do not bring the problem to the next link.

3. Calculating the monthly salary of more than 100 people is the most arduous task of the Ministry of Finance. In addition to calculating the salary, we also need to explain the salary composition and the company's relevant regulations for the new employees. This requires the financial staff to be patient and meticulous. To make fewer mistakes or not to make mistakes. After hard work, the company basically pays wages on time every month.

4. Complete the company's tax return, invoice purchase and management, and account registration on time.

5. Complete the work issued by the relevant government departments: the company's annual industrial and commercial inspection, the financial audit of the accounting firm, and the quarterly declaration to the statistical bureau.

6. Collections are the most important part of the finance department. Due to other reasons, the collection difficulty of the project has also increased. Although we have made great efforts and achieved certain results, it is not very satisfactory.

In short, with the continuous expansion of the company's business, the workload of the Finance Department in 20XX is getting bigger and bigger, and the number of financial personnel has not increased accordingly. But we can prioritize and carry out various tasks in an orderly manner. In the past year, we have completed the daily accounting work of the Finance Department, and provided accurate and effective financial data in a timely manner, basically satisfying the financial requirements of the various departments of the company and related external units.

2. Financial accounting work of branch companies and partners

Follow-up payments from each branch, with the help of the operation department, can basically collect the funds of each branch on time and in accordance with the agreement.

In the current year, due to the increase in the business volume of the A branch, part of the business of the B branch, the C branch and the D branch was transferred to the head office to issue invoices and retract the cooperation funds, which greatly increased our workload. For example, the annual output value of the A branch is 50% higher than that of the 20XX year; the invoice for the 20XX years of the B, C and D branches, the follow-up of the cooperation payment, the accounting return, and the payment of the bid bond are charged. The Finance Department has made full efforts.

The business volume of the partners this year has also increased significantly compared with previous years. This part of the profits accounted for a higher proportion of the company's profits. Similarly, the invoice of the partner, the follow-up of the collection of the project payment, the return of the accounting, the payment of the bid bond, etc., the Ministry of Finance also fully cooperated to complete the work attitude and work results have been fully affirmed by the partners.

3. Insufficient and areas for improvement

In the middle of the year, the Finance Department still has work that should be done but not done, and should be done well, such as in the construction of assets physical management, in the control of various management costs, in the regulation of financial accounting In terms of programs and unified financial management forms, we provide financial data and financial analysis to company leaders in a more timely and accurate manner. In the financial work, we also found that some of the company's basic management work is relatively weak; daily cost expenses are relatively arbitrary; these should be the issues that should be considered and solved in the financial management of 20XX.

As financial personnel, we should make greater efforts in strengthening management, standardizing economic behavior, and improving the competitiveness of enterprises. We will continue to summarize and reflect, constantly spur ourselves, strengthen learning, adapt to the development of the times and enterprises, make progress together with everyone, and grow together with the company.

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