Work Summary > Financial Work Summary

Cashier's work summary and 2019 work plan

In 2019, all departments of our company have achieved gratifying results. As a company cashier, I have fulfilled my duties in the aspects of collection, payment, supervision, and management. In the past year, I have been continuously improving my methods of work. At the same time, earnestly study and master financial knowledge and successfully complete the following tasks:

Cashier's work summary and the first part of the 2019 work plan

Experience and lessons in this year's work

1. Strictly implement the cash management and settlement system, carefully check the cash and journal accounts on a daily basis, and find that the cash amount does not match, so that timely inquiries can be processed in a timely manner, and the bank statement is reconciled every month. table.

2. Recover the company's various incomes in a timely manner, issue receipts, and promptly recover cash for deposit in the bank.

3. According to the basis provided by the accounting, timely payment of employee wages and other funds that should be paid.

4, adhere to the financial procedures, strict audit calculations, no payment for invoices that do not comply with the formalities.

5. In order to meet the needs of the company's development, the department heads have completed the work together, the bank has returned the goods, and opened the bank acceptance bill account and the margin account.

Cashier's work summary and the second part of the 2019 work plan

With continuous learning and deepening, I have a deeper understanding of my job. The content of my work can be said to be simple and cumbersome. For example, the company's cash journals and bank deposit journals are all registered by me. The huge workload and accurate accounting requirements make me must work with care and patience.

Summary of Cashier Work and Part 3 of the 2019 Work Plan

As the company continues to grow and develop, learning new knowledge has long been important. Summary of cashier work and work plan for 2019:

1. Familiar with the "Cash Management Regulations" and "Bank Settlement System", strictly implement the "Cash Management Regulations", "Bank Settlement System" and the company's expense reimbursement regulations, etc., responsible for the reimbursement of loans and various expenses, payment of payables . In the case of tight funds, the right to pay the various expenses;

2. Manage the cash in stock, do not take the branch, do not accept the white goods, do not arbitrarily use the cash in hand, and do not float the cash outside the account;

3. According to the accounting vouchers, after the receipt and payment, the signature vouchers are signed and stamped with “receipt” or “paid 讫”, so that the documents are legal and accurate, complete procedures and complete documents.

4. Register cash journals and bank deposit journals on a case-by-case basis, so that the daily settlement is completed, and check with the cash on hand, find the error and find the cause in time, and report to the leader in time. At the end of each day, register the “Daily Statement of Changes in Monetary Funds” and issue a “Monthly Summary of Changes in Monetary Funds” at the end of each month;

5. Fill in various bank check vouchers such as various checks and authorized payment vouchers according to the regulations, and the number is accurate;

6. Properly keep relevant seals, bills, etc., and organize and archive accounting documents such as documents, books, and statements;

7. Report work to the Finance Manager on a regular and irregular basis;

8. Assist the human resources department manager and department manager to do the preparation and revision of the job description of this post, as well as the recruitment, training and performance appraisal of the staff in this position;

9. Complete other tasks assigned by the Finance Manager.

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