Work Summary > Teacher Work Summary

2014 Kindergarten Teacher Work Summary

Article 1:

Rethinking the work of a semester, I have a deep understanding: we all have a feeling that when you catch up with time, you will feel that time passes quickly, and when you wait for time, you will feel time Very long. Inadvertently stepping into another year of life, the busy figure at the beginning of the school is still in sight, it is really a sigh of time flies. However, I have tasted it, but I have found that I have matured a little. Looking at the growing children, I feel a sense of self-consciousness from them. One semester has turned to the past, and it seems that the children are just entering the park, and there are half a year of collective and game life. The children have learned a lot and the progress in all aspects is not bad. In order to do a better job in the future, we will make the following summary of this semester work.

Teachers are hailed as engineers of the human soul, and the political thinking of teachers directly affects children. I am strict with myself in the high standards of thinking. Actively participate in various activities in the park and earnestly make records. Do not be late, do not leave early, and establish an image of a teacher.

First, teaching

Starting from the actual situation of the children in this class, carefully arrange the contents of the weekly program activities and carefully organize each event. In the activity, let the children learn in the actual operation, so that the child truly becomes the master of learning. The teaching aids before the class should be adequately prepared, rich in content, vivid and novel, and have strong operability. They are childlike and vivid in teaching, and they are integrated with young children to create a relaxed and happy for children. learning environment. Let the children learn to find problems and solve problems in the game.

Second, regular education

1, courtesy

Start with yourself and say hello to leaders, colleagues, and parents. Give children a good start, and strictly demand their own words and deeds, while cultivating young children to become a good old child who loves the young, polite, civilized, and can be friendly with others.

2, classroom activity discipline

Start from life and cultivate good routine habits of children. It is necessary to correctly guide the sitting posture of the children in the classroom and cultivate good classroom routines; do not allow them to raise their hands, raise their hands when answering questions, and learn to respect others, quietly listen to other people's speeches, and develop a speech that does not casually disrupt others.

3, health habits

Keep children's outdoor sports activities every day, and lead young children to seriously carry out various sports activities and exercise. In the weekly planning activities, according to the current situation of children, reasonable design of the daily outdoor sports activities and the amount of exercise to understand the importance of cleanliness, strengthen the habit of washing hands after children, and can take the initiative before meals, meals After washing your hands, you can take the initiative to gargle, wipe your mouth, and organize your tableware and fold your own clothes.

Third, business learning:

I deeply understand that the times are developing, the society is improving, and the concept of education and teaching is constantly being updated and changed. I pay great attention to business learning, constantly enrich myself, dissect myself, analyze myself, face myself, constantly charge myself, improve myself. Quality, improve the level of cultural expertise.

Fourth, home communication

1. Actively communicate with parents. I make full use of the morning and after school hours to communicate with parents so that parents can understand their children's situation in the park.

Through the home contact form, interviews and other forms to understand the various performances of young children at home and in the park.

2. Respond to the parents' performance in kindergartens in a timely manner and obtain close cooperation from parents in a timely manner.

3. When communicating with parents, pay attention to enthusiasm and courtesy, and treat the special situation calmly and systematically.

4. Strengthen interaction at work and listen to the parents' advice humbly.

5. Combine monthly theme education activities to guide parents to pay attention to the progress of the activities, and actively participate in relevant activities to deepen parents' understanding of kindergarten education, promote good relations between parents and kindergartens, and enable parents and children to grow together.

Article 2:

"Tick and ticking..." With the rotation of the clock, the work of one semester in the blink of an eye is over. Looking back at the semester, it is really mixed. Every step of the children's progress has devoted the efforts of each of our teachers. Of course, we cannot do without the support and cooperation of parents in our work. Looking at the children's lively, cute smiles, I feel that my efforts have not been in vain. The work of this semester is summarized as follows:

First, the ideological aspect

As an excellent kindergarten teacher, only repetitive and continuous learning can make progress. In this semester, in order to make our minds take a new step, our teachers have studied the Outline. And practice in life: according to the interest, hobbies, and personality characteristics of children at different ages, adopt different educational methods, adhere to positive education, and advocate to encourage children by encouraging praise. Improve the level of teaching according to law, and earnestly perform job duties, care for and care for every child, and strictly abide by the rules and regulations of kindergartens.

Second, the education work.

In the work, I will learn from the main class teacher and the teachers who are experienced in early childhood education to observe other teachers. Guided by the new "Outline", close to the life and age characteristics of young children, choose the things and problems that children are interested in and discuss with them.

Through a semester of activities, many children can concentrate on their classes. The children also develop good routines and hands-on skills, and their imagination and creativity are greatly improved. However, it needs to be strengthened in terms of cooperation and sharing. Many children have begun to be passive in their activities organized by teachers, and there are many people. In cooperation, they often have conflicts and some discordant voices. Therefore, in every activity, we try to design some activities for the children to operate more, increase the children's practical operation activities, and let the children know the relationship of mutual cooperation...

Let them try their own hands in everything, experience the joy of hands-on in action, and change their dependence. And give the children some "small tasks" that they can do to let them complete, so that the children can be more confident, more active to do things, complete the task.

In terms of learning, young children have improved to a different extent on the basis of the original, especially the children's songs, and have achieved good results. In the class, I can listen carefully to the recording and follow the reading. I imitate the tone in the recording and have a feeling to read the children's songs. In the pleasant atmosphere of young children, children grow very well and have a high attendance rate.

Third, home work.

Parental work is also an important part of our education. After a semester of hard work, we and our parents have become friends with strangers. In order to let parents know more about our work, we also go through various forms: home visits, televised, writing growth files, morning lunchtime reception. Talk and so on. Introduce the parents to the life and learning situation of the children in the park, and actively communicate with the parents and answer their doubts carefully. In conjunction with the problems of the child, we will work with parents to discuss educational measures that are consistent with the characteristics of young children and jointly promote the growth of children. Let parents put their children in our kindergarten more confidently, learn and live in our class.

Of course, there are still deficiencies in our work. In the operation activities of young children, coordination and cooperation need to be strengthened. Therefore, I think that in the future work, I will continue to practice and summarize, and strive to take each lesson as a training class, learn to capture the opportunity of teaching, improve my ability to control the classroom and the ability to respond. I will continue to learn more in the new semester, think more, try more, and work hard to do a better job.

Article 3:

Time flies, unconsciously, our lovely children will graduate into the national small, reviewing the work of one semester, the teaching work of the big class this semester is under the joint efforts of six teachers in our department. A perfect period. Under the guidance and help of the leaders and colleagues, all teachers have been consistent in their work, conscientious and conscientious, guided by the spirit of the "Outline", and carried out various forms of teaching around the creation of "Promoting the Spirit of Folk Culture" Scientific research activities have effectively improved our business level. The work of this semester is now reported as follows:

1. Unite and cooperate, actively participate in education and teaching, and reflect the characteristics of each class.

1. Conducting a mentoring and pairing activity.

We have 3 classes in the middle of the year and have young teachers. Based on the training of young teachers, the requirements for the rapid growth of new teachers. We launched a mentoring and pairing activity. Guide new teachers to design teaching plans and trial teaching. And open classes in front of all kindergarten teachers. Improve the teaching business of new teachers in one-time activities.

2, unity and cooperation, striving for achievements

We maintain a good working atmosphere for the team of the year, mobilize the enthusiasm of each teacher and explore their specialties, concentrate more and concentrate on the work of kindergartens, unite and accomplish the tasks well.

3, work together and promote each other

Under the leadership of the leaders of the park, all the teachers of the Taipan team united, worked diligently, learned from each other, promoted each other, cooperated closely, and treated the work with the attitude of the master. They formed a good atmosphere of unity, unity and teamwork, and excellent completion. Various work.

Second, the development of education and teaching work.

1. Speak with the environment.

The environment is an important part of kindergarten education, and its educational role is getting more and more attention. This semester, we continue to explore the issue of environmental education, and strive to create an environment that is closely integrated with the teaching curriculum, emphasizing the full participation of young children. The creation of the theme wall also reflects the new educational concept of teacher-student interaction and active learning. Each class teacher has a plan combined with the teaching theme, and the theme wall is arranged in an orderly manner. In the three-dimensional interaction of parents, children, and teachers, the theme wall is no longer a masterpiece of the teacher, but more of the children's ideas, the participation of young children, and the support of parents. The theme wall has become a small world for interactive communication, discussion and knowledge sharing.

2, rich in regional materials.

Regional activities are activities that children love. During the semester, each class has been adjusted on the basis of the original, and more local materials, waste materials, and teaching materials are combined to carry out activities. After the event, the children's works will be displayed in time, and the children's subjectivity will be emphasized. The children will be allowed to use the regional activities to create classrooms by hand and painting.

Third, increase teaching and research efforts and improve research quality.

1. In-depth study of the "Outline."

We plan to open a teaching and research activity at noon every Tuesday, study professional knowledge and political thoughts together, listen to classes, evaluate classes, discuss the content of the theme activities together, and communicate the confusion in the work.

2. Teaching and research in the park.

The development of early childhood education is changing with each passing day. Only by continuous learning, continuous practice and constant reflection will it not be eliminated by the times. The teachers in the group actively participated in group discussions and group discussions. Adhere to the teaching and research activities of each Monday, the content of each activity is adequately arranged, and all members of the group participate in the seminar. Every teacher is the master of teaching and research activities. In each teaching and research study, everyone is always actively involved in the discussion, each with unique insights. During the year, a strong learning atmosphere of unity, mutual help, and active discussion was formed.

During this period, all of our teachers studied and understood the research content together, and then combined with the actual situation of the children in this class, through discussion, we determined to cultivate young children from the following four aspects: the cultivation of classroom etiquette for large classes of children, the cultivation of sense of responsibility of large class children, and the large class. The cultivation of children's persistence and the cultivation of learning habits of large class children. Each class will determine the content and approach of the research phase and develop a practical research plan. At the same time, our work also pays attention to the communication and learning of young connections, and expands the continuous communication between kindergartens and small countries. To lay a good foundation for the smooth development of young children.

3. Improve academic qualifications.

Professional growth requires continuous learning of professional knowledge. In addition to improving their academic qualifications, teachers often access information online, read various educational magazines and theoretical books, enrich knowledge, and improve professionalism.

Fourth, carry out a variety of activities to establish a scientific parenting bridge for home interaction.

Parental work is an important part of children's work. "How to improve parents' education awareness and education level", "How to make parent-child education and kindergartens work together to promote the development of young children" is the most concerned issue for our large group teachers. .

Treating parents is always based on equality, communication is a bridge, participation is the principle of action, and the idea of ​​serving the children wholeheartedly and serving the parents is reflected in the action for all children and all for the parents. In normal times, we strengthen the communication of homes through class blogs, parent conferences, home contact columns, home contact books, parent-child activities, etc., and care about the progress of children.

Under the communication and communication with parents, parents gradually realized that educating children is not only the responsibility of teachers, but also the important responsibility of parents. As a result, parents are paying more and more attention to the teaching of kindergartens.

In the face of achievements, the joy is short-lived, and the longer is the pressure. We feel that only by changing the scores as the driving force can we improve the level of education and teaching. There is no end to learning, we will continue to learn from books, learn from experts, and learn from other years. More scientific organization of children's day activities, more solid teaching and research activities, continue to carry forward the spirit of unity and struggle, with unremitting efforts to meet a challenge!

Fifth, the direction of efforts.

1. Continue to study in depth the "Educational Guidance Outline", understand the spirit of the outline, love and care for every child, and effectively promote the development of children's abilities.

2. Strengthen the theoretical study of teachers, guide education and teaching behavior with new ideas, and strive to improve the ability to sum up experience and write papers.

3. Each class will continue to do a good job in the safety education of young children. The routines of one day are often unremitting, so that children can develop good study and living habits and prepare for entering the national small.

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