Work Summary > Teacher Work Summary

Summary of outstanding teachers' personal work

Ordinary posts, extraordinary careers--summary of outstanding teachers' personal work

Time passed by inadvertently. I was an ordinary college student a year ago. In the twinkling of an eye, I have become a member of the teaching team. Every day I stand on the platform of the classroom, there are always endless words, endless trivia. . Putting a pen to sum up, it seems that there are some pens. In the first semester, there are no sensational events, and there is no astounding trajectory. The ordinary life gives me more thinking!

I like children, I like every student, but not all of them like all the students. I love working, but not all of them love all the work. Fortunately, I am a person who dares to take responsibility. I believe that I have excellent qualities: self-discipline, self-discipline, and self-improvement. Class management and teaching, I can do it myself; I can do self-discipline in the routine of the school; I pursue self-improvement in my own life. I am proud to say: I did it!

First, class management and teaching

In the class management work, I always uphold:

1. Lead by example and be a teacher. The teacher 's every move, every word and deed directly plays a subtle role for the students. Educators in ancient and modern China and foreign countries all emphasize that teaching is better than words and teaching, and that students are required to do it. Teachers must do it first, and do better and more exemplary. They set an example for students in the invisible. Especially the class leader, his world view, his character, his behavior, his attitude towards each phenomenon, affects all students in one way or another. Chernyshevsky said: "What the teacher will cause the student, he should be such a person." I hope that my students become positive, innovative, not afraid of difficulties, treat each other with sincerity, and have compassion. And the sense of responsibility, do everything possible to do anything, have a certain psychological endurance of all-round development of useful talent, and I must first make myself such a person.

Students are a group with imitative power. They constantly observe the teacher's every move and imitate in some aspects, so the teacher must have an exemplary role in front of the students. I remember that in a general cleaning, in order to enable each student to complete the task seriously and responsibly, I first picked up a rag, took the lead to wipe the glass, and tried to clean it. Action is a silent language. Without any agitating language, it has fully mobilized the students' enthusiasm for labor. They consciously follow the teacher's division of labor, and work hard to get better, and also compare the quality requirements with the teacher. Who is doing it fast and good.

Facts have proved that in the education work, we must strive to achieve the goal of being a good person and being a student. For example, educating students to abide by the law, teachers can not have illegal behavior; education students are not afraid of dirty, not afraid of tired, teachers must be hands-on, bitter in front, do the student leader, otherwise, even if you say The sky is a mess, the head is the road, and you don’t pay attention to your own cultivation, and you won’t get satisfactory results.

2. Be good at thinking, actively explore, and be brave in practice.

In my practice of class management in this year, I found out that the cadres in the class are only a minority of the class, and that there are many students who are not cadres, and their abilities are bound to be untrained. . To this end, after extensively listening to opinions and discussions, I solemnly proposed at the class cadre meeting whether the "rotation system" system can be implemented so that every student can have an opportunity. This activity aroused the enthusiasm of students to participate in class management. At one time, the class atmosphere was suddenly active, and learning, discipline, and activities all had a new look. In this way, almost every student in the class has been a cadre, which not only cultivates the abilities of all the students, but also makes the students realize the true meaning of the "cadres." Through this activity, the cohesiveness between the students has been greatly enhanced, and the sense of collective honor has also been greatly enhanced.

At the same time, this is also the best reward for the underachievers. A qualified class leader can not only do a good job of excellent students, but also should do a good job of transforming the students. And this is a very good way, they will try to prove their ability in the management of the class.

3. Trust students and respect students.

Desire to understand, eager to trust is a normal need of people. For young children, trust is the driving force behind them. There are also a few students in the class who have some difficulties in learning. Many of the left-behind students are not clear about their learning goals. Coupled with their own playfulness, parents go out and self-enclose, resulting in poor academic performance and poor experience in all aspects. Despise. Through a period of observation, I mastered some of the basic conditions of the student, and talked with them alone, let him clarify the goals of learning, and the academic performance has also made significant progress. Another classmate is because the thought is lazy, not listening carefully, the homework is not completed on time, the study habits are poor, and the results are not going up. In the face of this situation, I helped him overcome laziness, corrected his study habits, and made him love to learn. As a class guide, I first approached them, respected them, patiently guided in learning, cared for in life, often talked with them, understood the state of mind, seized the opportunity, tried to be more praised and encouraged. Give them more opportunities to correct mistakes, build self-confidence, and let them feel help from all sides, and improve their academic performance as soon as possible!

Teaching work, I am based on the classroom. In order to better play the most effective role in the classroom position, I study hard. Due to the cumbersome work, I often go to the reading room and look at the Internet. I pay for books and magazines, such as the popular Chinese Newspaper, Composition and Examination, and some supplementary materials. Before going to bed, always read through. I can always grasp the learning opportunities given by the school. Through study, I constantly enrich myself and establish new teaching concepts. In order to better play the most effective role in the classroom position, I promote the existing teaching achievements and actively explore new teaching paths.

In Chinese teaching, composition is a key point and a difficult point; as far as students are concerned, it is a performance of a student's comprehensive ability, and it is also a headache for students; as far as teachers are concerned, it is a teacher who spends the most time and achieves results. The slowest thing is also a headache for teachers . I did this in my teaching: the weekly notes asked by the school, I changed my name to the essay. In the first week of school, I didn't care what the students wrote and how to write them. They only asked for “quick and natural writing” after finding the writing materials. Beforehand, I also devoted a essay instruction class to explain how to write "the most important thing", such as: writing a funny little story; you can write only one or two sentences, but you must let others understand; one day can't finish Can be written into a group in a few days; write a line, a line to correct the typos or modify; give each essay a title. A week later, I volunteered with the students to choose the time of assignment and when to write. In order to improve the enthusiasm of students, in order to urge students who are not conscious of learning, I stipulate that they should be collected once every two weeks, and several outstanding works will be exhibited. In addition, I also let students participate in the review. First of all, before the essay, clear the requirements of the assignment, after writing the essay, write a "postscript". "Post-writing" should be written: Why do you want to write these things; why should you write this way; Where do you want to write and not write; Where are you most proud of? Where are you not writing well or don't know how to write... ...and then the teacher will read the composition, and the emphasis will be on guiding and guiding the students' thinking blockage and issuing modifications. The revised essay will be exchanged according to the group of four people and judge each other. The judgement should be specific: the wonderful place should be affirmed and praised, and the shortcomings should be revised. Will not modify the place to put forward commercial opinions. The general assessment points out at least two advantages and one shortcoming of the composition. Finally, the teacher evaluates. Agree to the student's judgment, only draw the wave line at the accreditation office, deny the place, continue to express opinions, and the essay is not ideal for 5-10 minutes, as long as there is progress

Give good scores and protect enthusiasm. After one semester, I obviously felt that the students' interest in writing was strong, and the subject matter was wide. There were more truthful feelings between the lines, and the expression was smoother.

Second, the school routine

Routine is the rule that is often practiced. It should be said that it is the minimum requirement for work. Only beyond the routine can work be proactive and innovative. I understand this, and I ask myself. First of all, abide by the various rules and regulations of the school, conscientiously do a good job in teaching routine work, and seek breakthroughs in the implementation of the routine. At the beginning of the semester, the teaching plan was formulated and handed in on time. In general, the teaching objectives can be set according to the teaching materials and the actual students. Since this semester, we have prepared classes in advance in all subjects in the seventh grade. Before class, I will extensively collect teaching methods and use the essence to apply to my teaching. In class, we can timely adjust and control according to the actual feedback of students, and face all students. Good, medium and poor, take into account the subjectivity of students and reflect the spirit of innovation. After class, the design is practical and the work of the students' comprehensive ability is improved as much as possible. Such as: continue to write "ugly duckling" according to the text. Supporting the excellent and replenishing work can connect with the psychological knowledge and pay attention to the strategy on the basis of helping the students to better master the Chinese knowledge and improve the Chinese language skills, and achieve the effects that have not been achieved in the past.

In short, I will always be loyal to the party’s educational cause and fully implement the education policy. Dedicated to work, dedicated to work. Work truth-seeking, truth-seeking, and innovation.

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