Work Summary > Teacher Work Summary

2014 excellent teacher work summary

Summary of excellent teacher work

My name is XX*. I am 31 years old. I am a member of the Communist Party of China. I have a bachelor's degree, a primary education teacher, and I joined the work in 1993. I have been working for 13 years. Since I joined the work, I have always adhered to the four basic principles, supported the leadership of the Communist Party of China, loved the socialist motherland, cared about the great cause of China's socialist modernization, cared about national affairs, and cared about world affairs; loved the party's educational cause, cared and loved. Every student is enthusiastic about solving problems for teachers and students; obeying laws and regulations, obeying the rules and regulations of the school, and strictly demanding themselves in all aspects, and strive to improve their political and ideological awareness and education and teaching. In the past 13 years, I have been working on the ground, not in the air, not scorning, and persisting in a pragmatic attitude towards the education of the party and the people. Here, in order to sum up experience, I will correct the shortcomings in the work in the future. Do the following summary:

I. Ideological and moral aspects: I have been working for nearly 13 years, especially since I have been working as a teaching director for more than 3 years. I love to work hard, teach and educate people, and ideologically abide by the professional ethics and post standards of teachers, and consciously abide by social morality. Strict self-discipline. In the usual work, I never do anything that violates the professional ethics of teachers. In order to assist the principals to do a good job in the professional ethics of teachers, I have also formulated the teachers' morals and teachers of our school in combination with the professional ethics of Chinese teachers in Sichuan Province. Seven is not allowed. In order to further standardize the behavior of our school teachers and played a very good role in restraining.

Second, in terms of teaching ability, I actively participated in education and teaching reform and research, learned new curriculum reform theory, and actively mastered modern educational technology. My education and teaching ability has been continuously improved. My teaching and research class won two county-level awards: in 2000, I won the first prize in the National High School English Class Competition; in April 2000, I won the first place in the biological competition class of Bailu Town Middle School, thus representing white Luzhen participated in the Hejiang County Biological Theory Competition and won the third prize of the county. In 2001, he won the Teacher Counseling Award in the Chinese Small Patriotism Film Criticism Essay Activities held by the County Education Bureau. In March 2002, he guided the class students to Gu Zhi. The essays written by four students, such as Mei and Leiqin, won two awards and two prizes in the New Fourth Generation Hope Star Innovation Composition Competition for the middle school students in Zhangzhou City; in 2002, they were awarded as outstanding teachers; "On the grasp of the art of moral education" won the first prize of the selection of papers in Hejiang County; in November 2002, the composition of the students who wrote the writings of Gu Zhiyin was published in the Luzhou newspaper; in 2004, the teachers in Hejiang County were selected to participate in the curriculum reform of Quzhou City. The quality class competition won the second prize; in 2004, Hejiang County was rated as an excellent moral education worker; in 2004 and 2005, it was rated as excellent by the school for two consecutive years; in 2005, it was named as the show teacher and Hejiang County teacher moral model; I participated New course in Hejiang County in September 2005 Quality class political discipline by the county and the first prize in the competition for the second round of the finals four people.

Third, in terms of attendance: Because I am very passionate about the party's education, I have devoted myself to the work of teaching and educating the party and the people for nearly 13 years. I am conscientious and diligent, and I have never been late for nearly 13 years. The phenomenon of early leave and absenteeism.

Fourth, in the first line of teaching, I think that I am diligent in teaching work. In the 13 years of implementing quality education, in the specific education and teaching practice, my education and teaching level has achieved good results, and achieved the following results. : From 1993 to 1996, I fought side by side. I was teaching in English at the middle school. The graduation examination results of the teaching department were ranked in the forefront of the county township middle school. The graduating class in 1997 was taught in English at Mamiao Middle School. My new school has achieved the best results in the history of the senior high school entrance examination, and has been well received by the society and parents. It has been rewarded twice by the government. Three of the graduating classes brought in 2000 were admitted to the middle school and 6 to the high school. In 2001, the Chinese Language Department of the National Primary School was awarded the first place in the county. In 2001-2002, the Chinese and English teachings were better. In 2002-2005, the teaching and teaching management of secondary and national schools was also completed. Work, this year's teaching results won the first in this area.

V. Management work:

In the daily management of the daily school, I strictly followed the instructions and requirements of the superior business department and the principal, combined with the actual work of all aspects of the management work of our school, and spent a lot of time to modify the past system of the school and Perfect, re-established a number of school routine management systems in line with the actual situation of our school. Focus on regular education for students. Strengthened the education and teaching management of the school. The system of our school is more perfect, the contents of regular education are more comprehensive, the daily management is more scientific, the measures are more effective, and it has been well received by the superiors. For many years, our school has continued to maintain the advanced units of flood control and disaster relief in Hejiang County, the regular management qualified schools in Hejiang County, the county-level civilized units, the county-level school wind demonstration schools, the county-level health advanced units, the county-level youth civilizations and Hejiang County. The honor of the Red Flag Brigade has contributed.

In the work of the class teacher, I am good at thinking, actively exploring and courageously practicing.

In my practice of class teacher management for many years before I was a teacher, I found out that the cadres in the class are only a minority of the class. For many students who are not cadres, their abilities will not be cultivated. To this end, after extensive listening to opinions and discussions, I solemnly proposed at the squadron meeting whether the "rotation system" system can be implemented so that every student can have an opportunity. This activity aroused the enthusiasm of students to participate in class management. At one time, the class atmosphere was suddenly active, and learning, discipline, and activities all had a new look. In this way, almost every student in the class has been a cadre, which not only cultivates the abilities of all the students, but also makes the students realize the true meaning of the "cadres." Through this activity, the cohesiveness between the students has been greatly enhanced, and the sense of collective honor has also been greatly enhanced. In the excellent class evaluation of the school once a year, the class he brings is often excellent.

6. Regarding students with learning difficulties and poor students. I always care for the students, enter the emotional world of the students, treat the students as friends, and feel their joys and sorrows. I know that loving students should be based on respect and dependence. We must do it with strictness, strictness, strictness, strictness, and rigor. I never give up on treating afterwards, paying attention to thinking, learning, and more counseling, giving "preference". For example, Wang Jian, who has been afflicted with bad habits for many years, will eventually return to life, and take more care and help from life. Give "love". I care for the poor students. My classmate Zhu Zhijiang was transferred in 2003. His father was in jail. My mother also went out for many years, and lived with the old and frail grandmother. My grandfather died last year. Life is very difficult and there is no money at all. Teaching fees, after I learned about this situation, I did not let go, but took the initiative to pay him tuition and living expenses, and also gave him more counseling in the study. The grades of the classmates are now at the forefront of the class. In the 12 years since I taught, I have paid part of the tuition and miscellaneous fees for more than ten students, such as Wang Qun, Gu Zhiyin, and Wu Xiaochao, who have financial difficulties. They have given rewards to progressive students, and brought the love of teachers to those who are on the verge of being out of school. Brought them hope. In the future education and teaching work, I will continue to be student-oriented, aiming at different levels of students, using different methods of education and teaching, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude; continuing to follow the "teaching students as the mainstay, teachers as the leading" education and teaching principles, to the maximum Give full play to the initiative and enthusiasm of students' learning, and use various teaching methods to encourage students to actively and actively participate in the whole process of classroom teaching, in order to comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of education and teaching. Efforts will be made to improve the management level and continue to make new contributions to the smooth development of our school.

Summary of excellent teacher work

Since I stepped into the post of education, I have always treated my work with diligence and pragmatism. I have standardized my education and teaching work with "teachers' morality" and "being a good teacher" as the motto of my work. The work of one semester is summarized as follows:

First, in the mind, patriotism loves the party and is motivated.

I actively participated in various study and training, earnestly participated in political studies, and earnestly studied the party constitution. In order to improve my ideological consciousness, I seriously studied General Secretary Hu’s "Speech at the Symposium on the Theory of Three Representatives and Thoughts" and thought "How do I I practice the thoughts of the three representatives in my own position. I also know that to educate students well, teachers must first be at the forefront, always teach and educate people, preach and preach, be a teacher, and behave with their own personality and behavior. To infect students, articles such as "Building Personality Charm of Teachers", and strive to make students and parents accept me and like me. This year, it is worthy of the new curriculum reform. In order to adapt to the new form, I carefully read the articles "Activating my role in the new curriculum reform" and tried to make myself not overwhelmed by the new curriculum reform.

As a teacher's own teacher, the image of the teacher should always pay attention. I pay great attention to the comprehensive training of the students while paying attention to the image of the teacher. Because I am convinced that good conduct is the most beautiful thing for everyone. In terms of the climate of society and the microclimate of students, I put the moral education and aesthetic education of students into the most important position. In the work, I am active, proactive, diligent, and responsible, and I am willing to accept the work arranged by the school; I also pay attention to cultural studies and participate in the undergraduate training of "National Education." In continuous learning, efforts have been made to improve their ideological consciousness, theoretical level, and business ability.

Second, in education and teaching, dedication and love, and rigorous governance.

Teaching students well and making students successful is the greatest wish and highest honor of every teacher. As a school-based curriculum teacher, the most pressing issue is to have a new teaching concept, and to study how to integrate the Huamu culture and the school-based curriculum organically, thus showing the school-based characteristics of our school. In the preparation of lessons, we try to reflect the comprehensive, open, practical and experiential nature of the school-based curriculum, integrating language, mathematics, science, art classes, music, etc. into the school-based curriculum, focusing on the teaching of “flower and wood culture to improve the overall quality of students”. Objectives, some classrooms allow students to observe and write words, analyze beautiful articles, some classrooms allow students to imagine paintings, and some classrooms allow students to sing and enjoy famous songs. In the lower grades, students are encouraged to conduct exploratory learning through observations, surveys, etc. Now, for teachers in the curriculum reform environment, it is not enough to have a bucket of water. It is necessary to expand students' learning resources according to the actual situation of the school and the localities. I pay attention to the study of the application of modern educational technology in classroom teaching. By combining the local Huamu cultural resources with the network resources, the teaching resources are reorganized, and the classroom teaching effect is optimized as much as possible. Therefore, the children still prefer the colonel.

For teachers in the curriculum reform environment, it is not enough to have a bucket of water. Teachers have tap water. In my work, I deeply understand the importance of learning, seize every opportunity to study hard, and constantly improve my education and teaching level and teaching management level in continuous learning and continuous practice. In the school, he humbly and actively learns information technology from Wu Jianping and Xie Xiaozhong, enriches teaching methods, and asks Ding Guigen and Zhang Yongmiao to ask natural and scientific knowledge to make their teaching language more rigorous. Grasping the school to arrange the opportunity to go out to class, learn with humility, not ashamed to ask, digest in time, absorb the essence of others, practice in their own teaching, constantly sum up, and constantly improve. I usually study with books, learn from experienced teachers, and improve my classroom teaching. In this school year, I have not only improved my business ability, but also in education and teaching. However, there are many places where I need to improve in my usual work. For example, the theoretical knowledge is not enough, the quality of the papers is not strong, and the computer knowledge is not growing fast. In the future work, I will make a difference and make constant efforts.

3. In the work of the tube, obey the arrangement, be proactive

In the case of 18 lessons per week, it is sometimes difficult to arrange your own line work. However, under the guidance and support of the school leaders, the regular competition of disciplines is carried out in an orderly manner under the efforts of teachers. The work of in charge of management is clear, so that reasonable planning can be carried out at the beginning of the period, implementation of the implementation process, timely reflection of the summary, summary at the end of the period. In order to promote the new curriculum in a semester, the teaching department arranged a comprehensive practice classroom teaching and research activities. I tried to take time out, follow the plan, implement the research work, and discuss and communicate with the teachers in time. The teacher teaching competition can actively cooperate with the class teacher to prepare for the game, and can help the teacher to modify the case of the paper. Student subject competitions can also do their part to provide counseling.

Our school, whether it is environment, leadership or teachers, gives people a sense of relaxation, harmony, democracy and solidarity. Therefore, although working in such a group is sometimes a task, it is psychologically easy and enjoyable, so work I am more active and hope that I can contribute a little to the construction of the school. In peacetime, we can promptly report and report on the work situation, problems and difficulties to the leaders. Comrades can take care of the overall situation, obey arrangements, care for each other, help each other, and communicate with each other.

Improve literacy and strengthen the implementation of the plan

In the constant work practice, I deeply understand that the reform of the curriculum requires me to continuously strengthen learning, reflection, and improve my own quality. In the management of the line, it also exposes the shortcomings. How to do scientific planning, scientific implementation, scientific evaluation of students and teachers, how to manage the line, these need to continue to work hard. I hope that everyone will strictly supervise me.

Summary of excellent teacher work

The work in XX has ended. In this year's work, under the leadership of the school party committee, I will earnestly study the spirit of the 18th Party Congress, love and dedication, love students, study new educational theories, and constantly improve my ideological and political quality. Comprehensive quality, continuous improvement of their own education and teaching level, education and teaching work has achieved certain results, and has been unanimously affirmed by school leaders and colleagues. The summary of personal work this year is reported as follows:

First, political and ideological aspects:

Seriously study new educational theories and update educational concepts in a timely manner. Actively participated in school-based training and made a lot of political notes and theoretical notes. The new form of education does not allow us to repeat the lectures in the classroom. We must have advanced educational concepts in order to adapt to the development of education. Seriously study new educational theories and update educational concepts in a timely manner. In the work, I constantly improve my knowledge and business level and strengthen the professional ethics of teachers. Enthusiastic education, love students, and concentrate on coaching. Keep up with the new era of education reform model, constantly innovate in teaching, keep pace with the times, and seek truth and be pragmatic. Seriously study the form of experience to be a qualified teacher of the new era. Persist in earnestly study and implement the "all-churchry spirit", comprehensively promote quality education, take the "six modern educational concepts" proposed by the school as the guide, take "learning to care" as the main line, and focus on "three-view education" to further improve Students' political literacy and scientific literacy. Adhere to the principle of people-oriented and harmonious development, and promote the spirit of democratic equality, unity and cooperation, and positive and enterprising spirit in the class, further strengthen the team spirit construction of the class and enhance the collective cohesiveness. Adhere to the research of moral education, focus on mental health education, in-depth study of typical cases in the class, write valuable moral education papers, and improve the effectiveness of moral education. Therefore, I not only pay attention to the collective political theory, but also pay attention to taking nutrition from books, and earnestly study the form of experience to be a qualified teacher of the new era.

Second, education and teaching work:

1. The key to improving the quality of teaching is to take good classes. In order to get a good class, I did the following work:

1) Preparation before class: Prepare a class. Carefully delve into the teaching materials, make clear the basic ideas and basic concepts of the textbook, understand every sentence and every word, understand the structure of the textbook, focus on and difficult points, master the logic of knowledge, use it freely, know what information should be added, how can Teach well.

2) Understand the quality of students' original knowledge and skills, their interests, needs, methods, habits, what difficulties may be encountered in learning new knowledge, and take appropriate preventive measures.

3) Consider the teaching method and solve how to pass the mastered materials to the students, including how to organize the teaching materials and how to arrange the activities of each class.

4) Actively participate in lectures, evaluate classes, and learn from the peers to learn teaching methods, learn from others, and improve teaching.

5), love students, treat each student equally, let them feel the teacher's concern, and a good teacher-student relationship promotes students' learning.

2. Education aspects of students

1) Make full use of class meetings and conduct worldview education in conjunction with current events at home and abroad. For major domestic and international events such as the Taiwan issue, combined with the students' practical thinking, we will take a ten-minute speech, a small debate, a reviewer's article, and a special report to conduct a worldview education.

2) Make full use of the activity time, carry out patriotism education, and guide students to explore higher levels of ideals and beliefs, and give directions for their life goals.

3) Make full use of class meetings and breaks to organize students to learn the heroic deeds, biography of great people, etc., so that students can form certain "coordinates and balances" in their own hearts, and play the role of value judgment at any time to determine their own behavior and attitude. And the way to initially form the correct values.

3. Team spirit education

1) Grasp every class meeting. Put forward the overall goal of the class, take the class training as a guide, and let the students work hard to work together for the future of the class, forming a good atmosphere of "I am proud of the class, the class is proud of me", and further enhance the class collective Cohesion. Carry out the "Daily Environmental Knowledge Competition" to enhance students' awareness of environmental protection.

2) Grasp the first sports meeting. The most important thing is to promote the spirit of "striving for the class and fighting hard", which is also the spirit necessary for any work in the future.

4. Psychological quality education

1) Psychological education: In conjunction with the actual situation, explain to students the importance of psychological adjustment and how to conduct psychological debugging.

2) Self-confidence education: Make full use of the class to explain the establishment and realization of self-confidence, and combine the student's case to make it clear that self-confidence is the primary condition for success, but the basis of self-confidence is that you must have certain strength, and the strength must be Rely on effort and effort.

3) Will quality education: Start with small things, let students know themselves and evaluate themselves from small things. At the beginning of the school, each person is required to formulate a study plan, and asks to insist on any difficulties encountered in daily life, as long as persistence is victory, and summarise at the end of the period.

4) Correctly guide the direction of innovative education: a sense of responsibility for innovation. It is worthless to make students clear that there is no sense of responsibility, that is, to emphasize that moral education is the premise of other education.

It is difficult to talk to, talk to them, study learning methods, encourage them to build self-confidence, shorten the distance from the top students as soon as possible, and strive to catch up with the top students. In the end, the class will form an overall advantage.

5. Combination of school education and parental education

1) Combine the monthly test scores, open each parent meeting, discuss the problem-solving methods with the parents, and make arrangements for the next step to form a three-in-one education model for parents, teachers and students as soon as possible. .

2) In normal times, feedback the performance of students in all aspects of the school to parents, communicate with parents in a timely manner, so that parents can know what their children are doing in school, and ask parents to help encourage or help students to do their ideological work. To understand the performance of the students at home, to find the problem in time, the right medicine.

Third, work attendance:

I love my career and never delay my work because of my personal affairs. And actively use effective working hours to do their own work within the division.

Since I took office, I have achieved certain results. In the future education and teaching work, I will be more strict with myself, work hard, carry forward the advantages, correct the shortcomings, open up the progress, and dedicate my strength to the beautiful tomorrow.

In short, as a teacher, I must strictly demand myself from the ideological point of view, improve my sense of responsibility in my actions, and establish all ideas for serving students. Improve your own research spirit and play the ideological style of courage to fight all difficulties. I work hard to study business knowledge and achieve political business. Cultivate people with a heart of sincerity, noble personality charm affects people, and noble morality shapes people. Only by continuously improving the moral quality of teachers themselves can we cultivate high-quality talents with ceremonies, integrity, self-respect, self-love, self-confidence and innovative spirit. To this end, I have a firm belief in hard work, are willing to teach, and teach the wholeheartedly to serve students. In teaching, I have faced difficulties, pioneered and innovated, dared to explore, and worked tirelessly for education and teaching. This is the case now, and in the future it will be the same for the education industry to contribute to the cause of education and contribute to one's own love.

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