Summary of work > Summary of scientific development concept

The second batch of study and practice of scientific development concept activities summary

First, the overall situation

I will start fast and progress smoothly and achieve the intended purpose. Through the study and practice activities, the leadership team and all party members and cadres basically achieved the goal of “four further”, which further deepened the understanding of the scientific development concept , further enhanced the party’s concept of purpose, and further changed the work style, further Played the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist Party members.

Second, the main work situation

Establish institutions and strengthen leadership

After the mobilization meeting of the city, I will immediately hold a team meeting to study and deploy related work, and set up a leading group with the chairman of the board of directors and the deputy chairman as the deputy leader. The leading group has an office, and the vice chairman is the director of the office. And mobilize a comrade with good political quality, strong sense of responsibility, and a certain level of business and ability to be responsible for the work, laying the foundation for the smooth development of learning and practice activities.

Strengthen learning and raise awareness

I will study throughout the whole process of learning and practice activities. The leading group will ask the members of the team, all party members and cadres and workers to combine the forms of concentrated learning and self-study, and thoroughly study the "Summary of Important Discussions on the Scientific Outlook on Development " and "Mao Zedong," Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin on Scientific Development and the relevant cores of the party's leadership cores on democratic centralism have raised their ideological understanding. In order to deepen our understanding of the scientific concept of development , we also held a counseling class and a scientific development concept test. First, all party members, cadres and workers are required to attach great importance to this study and practice activities, and they are equipped with special notebooks in order to organize and archive study notes and related materials. Second, it is required to combine the work of the job and carefully write the experience of learning. The third is to timely distribute promotional brochures and study materials to each party member, asking them to study hard, to ensure learning time and quality, and to deepen their understanding.

Through study, all party members and cadres have deepened their thinking and discussed the scientific development concept , raised their level of understanding, and laid a good foundation for their thinking. I have carried out the scientific development concept knowledge test. After careful evaluation, I will participate in the test staff and the results are excellent. Through the examination, the party members and cadres and workers of the plenary session have deepened their understanding of the scientific development concept and enhanced their confidence and determination to do well in learning and practicing activities.

Leaders take the lead and play a leading role

In the study and practice activities, the leadership team took the lead in setting a good example, taking the lead in coordinating, leading the organization, taking the lead in participating, and driving all party members and cadres and workers to seriously study theories, formulate rectification plans, solve hot and difficult problems, etc., and vigorously promoted the smooth progress of all stages. Implementation, always play the role of "locomotive". The leading role of the leadership team is fully reflected in the new improvement in the understanding of learning and practice activities, the research has made new breakthroughs, the analysis has made new progress, and the work has been newly strengthened.

Strengthen publicity and create a public opinion atmosphere

I will carry out the propaganda work of learning and practice activities as an important topic propaganda task in the first half of this year, increase publicity efforts, guide public opinion, and create a strong atmosphere. A total of two promotional banners were hoisted, and a column on in-depth study and practice of scientific development activities was produced.

Formulate an implementation plan

I will put the study and practice activities as an intrinsic requirement for accelerating the scientific development of the work of disabled people and put an important political task on the agenda. Combining with the reality of the work of disabled people in Nankang, I will formulate the scientific development concept of the study and practice of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation. Active Work Plan. At the same time, according to the arrangement and requirements of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation's In-depth Study and Practice of the Scientific Outlook on Development , the work opinions on learning, research, analysis, problem solving, and improvement of the system are formulated. Therefore, the party members and cadres and workers of the plenary session have a clear understanding of how to do a good job in this study and practice activities and work at all stages, so that they can better work with high political enthusiasm, good mental state, and pragmatic work style. Do a good job in learning and practicing activities.

Hold a mobilization meeting

On the morning of February 22nd, I will hold a mobilization meeting for in-depth study and practice of the Scientific Outlook on Development , and officially launch learning and practice activities. On April 28th and June 21st, I will hold separate mobilization meetings for the analysis and inspection phase and the reorganization and implementation phase. At each mobilization meeting, we carefully studied in a timely manner, conveyed the spirit of the meeting of the municipal party committee, and ensured the smooth and orderly development of each stage of work. In addition, I will also hold special meetings to organize all party members, cadres and workers to seriously study the spirit of the 17th Party Congress and Comrade Hu Jintao's discussion on the scientific development concept .

Carry out the "I offer a strategy for development" activity

By widely mobilizing party members and cadres and people to offer suggestions to the municipal party committee, the focus is on the "one theme, nine key points" of the municipal party committee and the countermeasures that exist in the people's production and life. According to the comprehensive, the cadres and workers have put forward 8 opinions or suggestions. In addition, in conjunction with the actual work of the disabled, we also distributed 60 questionnaires to the party members, the public, and the disabled, and the 60 questionnaires were collected from the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation to study and practice the scientific development concept. Activities, especially how to solve the "six questions" in the implementation plan, and push the learning and practice activities deeper.

Develop a plan and conduct research

In view of the actual and current impacts of the work of the disabled and the development of the scientific development of the work of the disabled, I will hold a team meeting to study carefully, requesting research and practical results, carefully arranging the deployment, formulating the research work plan, and decomposing the problems to be investigated into the department. And personal. In mid-April, I will organize five research groups to invite 65 people in charge of disabled work, members of disabled people's associations, and representatives of disabled people to hold five symposiums to conduct research activities on how to do well. Through investigations, the awareness of the purpose of all disabled cadres has become stronger, the party members have become more aware, the work style has become more practical, and the work has become more effective. On this basis, I will also hold a team member study and exchange meeting. Through the investigation activities, the members of the team agreed that to solve the problems existing in the current work of the disabled, it is necessary to proceed from the actual situation and take practical measures around the purpose of “dividing the party and the government and solving the problem for the people”. To solve the problem.

Open a leadership class special democratic life meeting and special organization life meeting

In order to open a special democratic life meeting for the leadership team, we will do a good job in preparations before the meeting. First, extensive consultation is sought. Widely soliciting opinions is the key to finding the right questions. Sixty consultation forms were issued and issued, and members of the party members and disabled persons were asked for opinions. At the same time, the opinions of the disabled people and the members of the city were widely sought. The second is to carry out talks. According to the actual situation of the unit, our branch conducts talks and conducts “one-on-one”, “one-to-many”, “many-to-many” and “face-to-face” conversation activities among team members, party members and cadres and workers. The third is to carefully write a personal research report and prepare for the speech. The team members carefully wrote the research report in strict accordance with the requirements, and made full use of the personal research report, correspondingly revised and improved, and prepared for the special democratic life meeting.

On May 18th, I will hold a special democratic life meeting for the leadership team. At the meeting, the implementation of the corrective measures for the democratic life of the leading group was explained and summarized. The members of the team carry out criticism and self-criticism, and at the same time closely combine the actual situation of the unit and their respective in charge of the work, analyze and examine the problems existing in the implementation of the scientific development concept , earnestly sum up experience and lessons, and clarify the direction of future efforts. In addition, we also convened a party member special organization life meeting, combined with personal ideological reality and work practice, carried out analysis and inspection, focused on changing the ideological concept that does not conform to the scientific development concept, and effectively enhanced the consciousness and firmness of implementing the scientific development concept . I consciously unite my thoughts and actions to implement the requirements of the scientific development concept .

Writing a team analysis report

On May 23, I will hold a meeting of leading groups to discuss the analysis report, solicit opinions and find out the reasons. Through symposiums, questionnaires, etc., various departments, grassroots disabled persons, party members and cadres were extensively consulted and faced with suggestions from the leadership team on implementing the scientific development concept , party style and clean government, and cadre style rectification. More than 30 questionnaires were collected and nearly 6 opinions were collected. Make full use of the results of emancipating the mind to study and discuss activities and study and research, closely link with the current situation, the work of the system, and the actual thinking of party members and cadres, and seriously analyze the problems that exist in the subjective aspects of the development of the cause of the disabled, and write a report on the analysis of the leadership team. .

Formulate a rectification plan

I will carefully formulate rectification plans for the outstanding problems in the research, analysis and analysis, and rectify the content, objectives, measures, time limits and responsibilities. After the rectification plan is formulated, the rectification plan will be sent to the party members and cadres to let the public know what to change, how to change, when to change, what problems have been solved, what goals to achieve, to listen to the opinions of the people, and to accept the opinions of the people and constantly adjust and improve.

Do a good job in the evaluation of public satisfaction

The main evaluations are two contents: one is to satisfy the influence of the unit and to constrain the outstanding problems of scientific development, and the other is to satisfy the actual effect of the learning and practice activities. It is reasonable to determine the scale and scope of the participants, and they must have a certain degree of representation, but also have a moderate scale and appropriate scope. From the actual situation, the participants participating in the assessment are mainly cadres and workers, representatives of disabled persons and other relevant personnel to participate in the assessment. The specific method of evaluation is to organize the public satisfaction assessment meeting to focus on the evaluation, and at the same time take written assessments, symposiums, public comments and other means. The results of the assessment will be announced to the public in an appropriate manner, and according to the assessment, further comments will be sought from the public, and the implementation measures for rectification will be further improved to ensure that the unresolved issues in the learning and practice activities continue to be effectively dispelled. Related topics: Scientific development concept, summary of scientific development concept Work summary The second batch of study and practice of the scientific development concept activity summary is only for the reference of the essay writing, do not completely copy! Second, the results achieved

Improve the relevant systems for the scientific development of the work of the disabled

In accordance with the requirements of the scientific development concept , I will closely link the actual work of the disabled, fully carry forward the democracy, discuss and study collectively through the team, and further improve the working ideas of the scientific development of the disabled. The "Nine Systems of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Office" and the "City Disability Government Publicity System" and the "Services Supervision System of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation" were improved, the internal management system was standardized, and the system construction was carried out throughout the team building. Good situation in management, management, and management

The work of the Center for the Disabled has been fully carried out.

Based on the reality of the work of disabled people, I will implement the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development of the Disabled". At the new starting point, we will make every effort to promote the coordinated development of the cause of the disabled and build a well-off society in an all-round way. Work.

1. The construction of grassroots disabled people's organizations has achieved remarkable results. Through open recruitment, a group of full-time members with disabilities who have certain working ability and people's work experience have been hired to enrich the township street disabled associations and carry out good organizational guarantee for the work of grassroots disabled people. These full-time members of the disabled are active in the streets and towns and villages, effectively deepening, meticulous and regularized work for the disabled at the grassroots level, providing better personalized services for the disabled at the grassroots level and gaining recognition from the disabled. sure. The achievements in the construction of grassroots disabled persons' organizations have been mainly manifested in four aspects: first, the status of disabled persons has been strengthened; second, the social environment for the development of disabled persons has been optimized; and third, the work of disabled persons has been promoted; Fourth, the problems encountered by people with disabilities can be reflected and resolved in a timely manner.

2. The construction of the service system for the disabled has become increasingly perfect. First, vigorously carry out vocational training for disabled persons and promote full employment of disabled persons. In order to ensure the employment of disabled persons with disabilities, I will provide vocational skills training for disabled persons with working ability by entrusting professional training institutions, which greatly improves the chances of successful job seekers. The second is to pay attention to the needs of disabled people and promote the development of rehabilitation work. The third is to fully mobilize social forces to enrich the cultural life of the disabled. In the cultural and sports activities for the disabled, five specialized associations, including blindness, jealousy, physical, intellectual and spiritual, have played a role as bridges. Under the guidance of our association, the associations have actively carried out various thematic activities to greatly improve the cultural living standards of the disabled. The fourth is to speed up the construction of barrier-free facilities, facilitate the travel of disabled people, and provide convenience for the disabled to participate in the society.

In the study and practice activities, through the active efforts of all the people, many good facts have been done for the disabled. Mainly: more than 7,000 towns that meet the minimum living security conditions, more than 1XX poverty-stricken persons in rural areas are included in the government's minimum living allowance, and enjoy the minimum living guarantee; more than 3,100 people in rural poverty-stricken persons with disabilities are included in the five-guarantee, 2400 Many elderly people with disabilities who are helpless and disabled are concentrated in rural nursing homes. During the National Day of Helping the Disabled and during the New Year's Day and the Spring Festival, the city launched a visit to condolences to the disabled and disabled people. A total of more than 3,000 people with disabilities were visited, and more than 900,000 yuan of condolences and condolences were distributed.

Third, future work

First, continue to carry out in-depth activities to enhance party spirit and improve the efficiency of the work of the organs, and focus on strengthening the party-style party discipline. The second is to further establish and improve a long-term mechanism in line with scientific development. We will fix the results of the study and practice activities in the form of systems, formulate a number of policies, systems and plans that are in line with reality and promote scientific development, and strive to establish and improve institutional mechanisms that are dynamic, efficient, open, and conducive to scientific development. Promote the sound and rapid development of disabled people in the city.

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