Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers

Summary of the Work of the Junior Youth League Brigade in 2019

Hubei Wuchang Fruit Lake Second Country Small XX Year - 2009 Academic Year Last Semester

Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers Brigade

As if flowing inadvertently, time slipped through the fingers and blinked at the end of the period. Looking back on a semester, the footprints left on the road of the Young Pioneers’ work are so insignificant, and more are leaders who support and guide me as elders. The trust, understanding and assistance of my colleagues and friends have made me deeply understand my life, especially my work of the Young Pioneers is inseparable from everyone around me.

Under the support of the school leaders and with the help of the Political and Education Department, the Young Pioneers Brigade Department guided the Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", adhered to the scientific development concept, and comprehensively implemented the "Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" to further strengthen and "Some Opinions on Improving Minors' Ideology and Morality" and the spirit of relevant conferences in the provinces and cities, striving to implement the concept of "living the moral education", focusing on improving the overall quality of students, and firmly establishing the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, in order to cultivate students' good habits As the core content, the experiential education is the basic way, and a variety of activities have been carried out, which has strengthened the education of students and enhanced the collective sense of honor of students. A brief summary of the work of this semester is now available:

First, improve the organization of the brigade department and improve the system of the brigade.

On October 19, XX, the brigade of our school held a campaign for the Brigade. Under the principle of fair, just and open elections, from class elections to school elections, each student exercised his or her democratic rights. One of his most valuable votes was voted for the most trusted players. Through democratic voting, 10 members of the brigade team were formed to form a new brigade. As the backbone of a school's students, they should have a good style and a noble moral style. They should lead by example and take the lead in setting a good example. In order to improve their own quality and build a team of talented students with excellent style, high efficiency and strict discipline, the school’s Young Pioneers Brigade will organize regular meetings of the team on Mondays and Fridays to provide training for the team; The division of responsibility responsibility system, each person has specific grades and specific work arrangements, to achieve coordination and cooperation; for each team committee has an evaluation system, and their work was evaluated at the end of the semester. Since the establishment of the Young Pioneers Team, they have taken their respective responsibilities and played a demonstration role.

Second, the new team's pre-education and new team members enter the team.

In order to let students have a preliminary understanding of the team's knowledge, clarify the meaning of enrollment, and improve the enthusiasm and initiative of students to join the team, the brigade department organized a group of students, and on the 8th floor of the school, on October 8th, XX, the team was on the fifth floor of the school. Pre-education. Through this activity, the students know the name of the team, the pattern and meaning of the team flag. The player's logo is a red scarf, knowing how to respect the team, the call sign of the team, the content of the team's oath, and other basic knowledge of the Young Pioneers . Improve the understanding of the Young Pioneers and prepare for the team.

On December 29th, XX, the school brigade held a grand and short enrollment ceremony for the new team members. 151 students wore bright red scarves and joined the Young Pioneers organization gloriously. They solemnly swear: "I am Chinese youth vanguard team member, I swear by the team: I am determined to follow the teachings of the Communist Party of China, study hard, work hard, work hard, prepare; contribute all power to the cause of communism!" The representatives of the young pioneers of the seven classes took over the bright red squadron flag from the team counselors and announced the official establishment of the squadron.

Third, do a good job in the daily behavior of students.

As a high starting point school, the school has established a large three-volume team of “administrative value day, teacher value day, student value day” to strictly manage students' daily life and study, and encourage students to develop good behavior habits. To promote the construction of school spirit, in the value of the day, the division of tasks and responsibilities in place, the three to six grades of each class in turn, and actively motivate the majority of students to actively participate. Under the guidance of the Brigade Committee, the students of the Value Week carefully inspected and supervised the seven small projects of environmental sanitation, behavioral habits and routine management of each class, and achieved fairness, openness and fairness. Timely reminders and help are given to class or classmates who fail to pass the examination, which strengthens the cultivation of students' civilized etiquette habits, thus promoting the formation of students' civilized etiquette and creating a civilized and harmonious campus.

Fourth, deepen the construction of propaganda positions and broaden the educational channels.

1. Make full use of the flag raising ceremony to strengthen students' ideological education

The flag-raising ceremony is an important part of the school's moral education. It is a good position for patriotism education, civic moral education, legal education, and safety education for students. It will train students to survive, live, learn, and behave. The brigade is on Mondays. A grand flag-raising ceremony will be held. In the flag-raising ceremony, the flag of the heroic flag, the national flag guard, the content of the speech under the wonderful and rich flag, the work summary of the work and the awards of various honors at the school level, form a rich spiritual and cultural meal, the school spirit, class The construction of wind and study style has played a positive role in promoting. In order to allow students to participate more in the management of the school, this semester truly reflects their sense of ownership, cultivates their self-confidence, and develops their abilities. Therefore, the speeches of the national flag in this semester are mainly students, and the theme is determined by themselves. The way for students to educate students is deeper into the hearts of each student and has a good educational effect.

2. Establish the Young Pioneer Bulletin Board

Make full use of campus resources and establish the Young Pioneers publicity column. The school's window shows the various activities of the students this semester, so that the activities have traces of information, so that more students share the happiness and harvest of others. For example, in the summer special issue, 30 students from the fifth grade were introduced to Xian'an, Xianning, and the “left-behind children” there. They carried out a hand-in-hand activity and three days of activities, so that other students in the school deeply felt the left-behind children. The hardships and strengths of the students, the students are very sympathetic and admire them, they all said that they should learn from them, and extend a friendly hand to them; there is also a personal special issue of the Hong Kong 100 small journalists experiencing activities of the fifth-grade seven-class Wang Yuling. Let other students share the happiness of her trip to Hong Kong; the “Green Memories” publicity board after the military training of the sixth graders also attracted the attention of many students and saw the heroic attitude of the small partners in the military camp. By their determination to overcome difficulties, many students have said that they must learn to overcome difficulties in their own study and life.

3. Establishment and promotion of radio stations

In mid-October, the Broadcasting Station of the Brigade Department prepared and broadcasted the broadcast, propaganda and editorial staff of the Red Scarf Broadcasting Station, collected the name of the radio station, and formally established the school "Happy Sunshine" radio station. In order to give full play to the resources of campus broadcasting, the broadcasting station has opened news bulletins, good song recommendations, English heaven and earth. Everyday at noon, the students can listen to the campus radio on time at 13:45, and the various programs are finely arranged and broadcasted well. They are very popular among teachers and students.

5. The formation and training of the team of the Young Pioneers .

1. The establishment and training of the drum team

This semester has made a lot of effort in the establishment and training of the drum team. From the beginning of the "chaos" to the current "basic neatness", I feel a little comfort. Moreover, a number of new drum players were also absorbed during the semester. After training, these new players have made great progress. However, there are still great deficiencies in the face and spirit of the players, and we must pay close attention to this work in the next semester.

2. Training of the flag team

The work of the flag-protection team has been held by the students in the fifth and sixth grades. It is very unsatisfactory at the beginning. They cannot meet the requirements from their posture and mental outlook. After a period of training, they are slowly getting better. However, the training of the flag-bearers is mainly due to the inconsistency between the speed of raising the flag and the national anthem music. It remains to be solved after the next semester so that the flag-raising ceremony can be upgraded to a higher level.

6. Grasp the theme education activities and educate the team members deeply.

1. Conducting activities on campus oral health education

In order to positively respond to the decision of the Wuhan Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Wuhan Work Committee of the Young Pioneers to carry out the oral health education activities of the XX year campus, our school will carry out more than 2,100 students from September 25 to October 17. A comprehensive practical activity with the theme of “Being ready to protect your teeth, starting from me”. During the event, the teachers, students and parents of the students received full support and enthusiastic cooperation. The squadrons and various activities were organized in an orderly manner, the activities were solid, and the activities were broad and wide, which achieved the expected educational goals. After the event, it was affirmed and praised by the Wuchang District Youth League Committee.

2. Conducting traffic safety education activities

On September 18th, XX, the school launched a theme education campaign on “Civilization Crossing the Road”. During this period, the strict police officers of the Hongshan Traffic Brigade gave a lecture on traffic safety for the teachers and students of the school. The police officers also brought the school to the school. More than 200 books on traffic safety knowledge, after which the classes carried out a team meeting with the theme of "civilization crossing the road", so that students can gain a deeper understanding of traffic safety knowledge and truly raise awareness from consciousness. "Civilization crosses the road."

Seven, problems still exist in the work.

1. Not enough for school health and inter-class civilized work.

2. The individual activities were not able to be carried out because of the special arrangements of other activities of the school, which made the activities of the Young Pioneers not timely.

3, work did not pay attention to some details, consider the problem is not enough and so on.

Eight, the next step in the direction.

1. Strengthen the training of behavioral norms for the young pioneers , help them develop the habit of civilization, establish a good moral trend, and promote their all-round healthy growth.

2. Strengthen the inspection of “supervised posts”, adhere to the one-day routine inspection system, and implement the daily inspection and weekly settlement system.

3. Compared with the excellent Young Pioneers counselors, my experience in carrying out my work is still insufficient. Therefore, I should look at the theoretical books on moral education and the work of the Young Pioneers , improve my theoretical cultivation, multi-directional leadership and experienced teachers. Ask to improve the quality of your work.

4, to overcome difficulties, the school's drum team training to the end, and strive to cultivate a team that can blow well and get it.

I believe that with the support of the school leaders, with the help of the Director of the Political and Education Department, the members of the Young Pioneers Brigade Department will carry forward the spirit of dedication, innovation and dedication, and the second small brigade will become a bright pearl.

Hubei Wuchang Fruit Lake Second Country Small Brigade

January 2019

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