Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers

Summary of the work of the 2019 National Primary Young Pioneers

Summary of the work of the National Primary Young Pioneers in XX

Third grade language, number Zheng Haihong

In the past year, according to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, our class has formulated the work plan of the class with the guiding ideology of the Young Pioneers Brigade, carried out various meaningful class activities, and strived to reduce the burden on students, implement quality education, and adopt various forms and contents. Rich, the quality of education and education in the activities, so that my class formed a united, lively and active collective. Let's talk about specific work and practices.

First, do a good job in the ideological education of students and lay the foundation for becoming a talent in the new century.

1. Insist on educating students from love.

Love of students is a powerful educational force. In particular, the students who have just entered the third spring and autumn of the country are more powerful. I love my students as much as their parents love their own children, and pour their own love into each student’s unreservedly and unreservedly. On the body, use the feelings of love to open the door of their hearts, enlighten their ingenuity, and motivate them to make them grow stronger. Such as: xx classmates, he is a double poor student, poor academic performance, and does not abide by school discipline, has become a typical class. In order to make him catch up with the team as soon as possible, his daily homework is completed in the school, the teacher is guided by the side, and the ideological education. After one semester of hard work, he can now insist on completing homework, no longer fighting with classmates, etc. School discipline has been done, and the results have improved to varying degrees. For example, his composition and diary only wrote one or two sentences, but now his composition has more than one hundred words, and the sentence is more fluent.

It is very difficult to do a good job by relying on the class teacher to fight alone. In the years of practice, I have learned that cultivating a strong backbone team is an important part of doing a good job. First of all, we must choose the class cadres, choose the bold tubes, and the students who are willing to serve the students to work as a class, and boldly choose those students who are naughty and active, have certain organizational skills, and can listen to the students who teach, according to their different strengths. , personality assignment work tasks. Secondly, I quickly organized the duties of the class cadres. In order to make everyone fulfill their duties, my class opened a "swearing-in" class theme, which made them more clear about their responsibilities. And give them meetings at regular intervals to sum up lessons. In order to establish the prestige of the class, on the one hand, they are strictly required to set an example and strive to serve the students. On the other hand, students are required to obey the command, and the teacher puts some classes to let the class do the work and cultivate their ability to work. After a period of hard work, the work abilities and prestige of the class cadres have improved, and the students’ consciousness has also increased. As a result, they have standardized and routineized the class. Most of the students are disciplined, listening to the radio quietly, and the book is heard in the early reading class, which is praised by many teachers. Such as: xxx, the deputy squad leader, she has done a very good job. For more than a year, she insisted on opening the door, opening the window, turning on the lights, etc., about 10 minutes earlier than the other students. She took the students to read early and the safflower register deduction work. She is like a little teacher. Whoever does a bad job or who violates discipline, she will deduct his safflower. She is with her classmates every day. She is the clearest who violates discipline. This has laid a good foundation for the civilized class. There are also two propagandists who can get a good class report on time and under the guidance of the teacher every month, and get better results in the school appraisal. The class cadres did become a good assistant to the teachers. Under the supervision of the health committee members and the team leader, the classroom tables, stools and curtains were in line. The value of each day is the best. The three-year class actually got the class with the most mobile red flag awards in the school class evaluation. At the end of the two semester, they were rated as civilized classes.

3. Work closely with parents to do the ideological work of students.

Parent-child education plays an invaluable role in the growth of adolescents. Parents' parenting style directly affects the healthy growth of children. All along, I have kept close contact with my parents, constantly making phone calls and home visits, forming a "two-pronged" education network, and promoting the formation of good behaviors. Seriously sign the safflower table every week. Use the safflower table as a bridge for interconnection, and submit the student's school situation to the parents for review every week to obtain the support of the parents and achieve the purpose of co-management. Home visits are also held, and parents will keep parents informed about their children.

4, learn Lei Feng.

March 5th is the anniversary of Chairman Mao’s "Learning to Comrade Lei Feng". Lei Feng is an example for students to learn. Everywhere, do good things for the people, set up a glorious book in the class, and count the good and good things every week. The more prominent students give strong praise and encouragement. I also used the morning meeting to tell the story of "Lei Feng", telling good deeds in the society who are helpful and helpful to help the elderly. At the same time, we carried out the public welfare work with the theme of "Learning Lei Feng and Seeing Action", cleaning up the main streets of the village, and buying gifts to condolence the elderly at the village. In conjunction with the English model, the "learning English model, learning the month" campaign, to guide students to collect, cut and paste the English model and deeds, extract the English model and so on. In the activity, the students are educated and improved.

5, hand in hand activities

Seriously organize students to carry out activities of "hand in hand, show love", and I will tell students about the learning and living conditions of children in poverty-stricken areas. And the care and help of them everywhere. Under the organization of the Young Pioneers Brigade, the students donated their own profits and pocket money to children in poverty-stricken areas. The number of donations for the three-year class is the highest in the school.

My class also carried out the "hand in hand, paired" activities, so that students care about the students around them, good scores and poor grades to form a pair, help him in learning, no matter what homework, or what problems he encountered, A good student, he will teach him and help him learn together.

Second, combined with "burden reduction" to grasp the cultural knowledge of students, study, guide students to scientifically arrange after school hours.

In the semester, in order to implement the implementation of the "burden reduction" work of the higher level, the students' extracurricular homework and study time are reduced to varying degrees. In order to ensure the quality of the students' education, I have made the students' homework scientific, rational and systematic. To achieve a targeted combination of students' actual organizational exercises, in order to strengthen the students' pre-study, to form a system to cultivate students' quality and ability, teachers strive to be refined, highlight key points, break through difficulties, and ensure the quality of teaching . The students have plenty of spare time, and the teachers guide in time to arrange more extracurricular reading competitions to see who reads the most books, which also prevents students from indulging in game consoles and other undesirable phenomena. It also improves the enthusiasm of students to learn.

Third, carry out various forms of class activities, which are ideological, intellectual, and interesting.

Ideological activity

1. April 5th is the Ching Ming Festival. It introduces the students to the glorious deeds of the martyrs and the deeds of other revolutionary ancestors, and carries out the class theme of "learning the spirit of martyrs" so that the students can understand that today's happy life is a tens of thousands of revolutions. If the predecessors exchanged their lives, they should cherish them and be determined to grow up to build the country more prosperous and strong.

2, May 1 is the International Labor Day, educating students to understand that happy life depends on labor creation, labor is the most glorious, lazy and shameful, respecting the laborers of all walks of life, learning the spirit of hard work and hard work of the working people. We must cherish the fruits of labor, protect public property, cultivate habits of diligence and thrift, and actively participate in housework and public welfare labor within our ability. And carry out the cooking competition of the little chef and the class activity of "Star Torch, passed down from generation to generation".
3, May 10 is Mother's Day, in order to stimulate the students' love for the mother, experience the mother's hard work and great deeds, combined with the ideological and moral class "to care about the parents". Know how to care for the parents, can share the housework, try to take care of the mother when she is ill, and do her best to honor her parents. It also tells the story of celebrities honouring their mothers. At the same time, the theme class of "I love you, mother" will be held.

In addition, a "self-made" gift is held, and a slogan is written on the small gift to the dear mother. Through this activity, students' love for their mothers was cultivated, and their relationship with their mothers was also enhanced. This event was highly praised by parents.

Intellectual activity

Creating a situation of transposition experience can not only promote mutual understanding between teachers and students, but also build a sense of trust, and it is a very effective means of education. As Confucius said: "Keep the teacher and believe in the Tao", on the one hand, we can use the team meetings, breaks between classes, etc. to carry out various forms of communication with the students, so that they can consider some issues from the perspective of the teacher. This can shorten the psychological distance between teachers and students, establish a friendly teacher-student relationship of mutual understanding, respect, harmony and trust. On the other hand, teachers can also reflect on whether their behavior is appropriate and reasonable, and examine themselves from the perspective of students. Words and deeds, summed up the gains and losses of education. Creating a transposition experience situation can also enable students to gain a deeper understanding of things and the ease and pleasure of correcting mistakes, and to create a powerful driving force for continuous improvement. For example, when educating students not to lie, the teacher can let the students carry out the transposition experience in addition to the positive education. I once quoted Lenin as a child who broke the vase and then wrote a letter to the aunt to admit the typical case of the mistake. He asked the student, for example, that you are Lenin's parents. When Lenin admits the mistake, would you say something to Lenin? If you are Lenin, what is your mood at this time, how you think about it, and so on. The children rushed to speak, and they praised first. There were some students who said that they had said that they had lied before, but they did not have the courage to admit it. They should learn from Lenin in the future, and they would dare to admit and consciously correct their mistakes. The children easily realized self-education in the situation of transposition experience.

In combination with reading and reading activities, in order to improve students' reading ability and writing skills, each class in our class has a reading book and insists on reading at least two times a day. The level of reading for everyone since the launch of this event.

Interesting activities.

June 1st is Children's Day. Our class has carried out a variety of activities in conjunction with the school. The hard work has produced fruitful results, and the students' ideological quality has been comprehensively improved. The Young Pioneers series of activities has promoted the formation of a good class style. Thanks to the efforts of all the students, they are recognized by the teachers and parents. One year's work has achieved some achievements and many shortcomings. In the days to come, I will boldly innovate, research and practice step by step. Do a good job in class.

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