Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers

Summary of the work of the National Youth League

One semester will be over again. In this semester, my Young Pioneers work has carried out a variety of activities based on the principle of grasping the foundation and highlighting the characteristics. Formed the educational characteristics of the school. As a brigade counselor, I will make a brief review of the work of the Young Pioneers .
The positions of the first, the second newspaper, the radio, the civilized post, and the centennial are obviously effective.
1. Two newspapers: At the beginning of the school, the brigade conducted professional training on the backbone of each class. From the layout design to the selection of content, the small players learned seriously. The level of the two newspapers of our school has been greatly improved. The current two newspapers are all composed of themes, typesetting, manuscripts, and transcriptions. Especially the small players of the 3rd Squadron, their squadrons will make tabloids. Every month arrives at the time of reporting, no need to remind, a beautiful tabloid newspaper with a characteristic period of the blackboard will appear in front of everyone on time. Become a side window of moral education in our school.
2. Broadcasting: The broadcasting station adopts the squadron rotation system, and each squadron formulates its own broadcasting according to its own educational small topic. Under the training of the brigade, the players have completely self-edited and self-hosted. The level is improving very quickly.
3. The percentage match: The younger squadron will perform the percentage game in each squadron. The activities of the Young Pioneers are included in the percentage comparison. The results of the competition are announced on a weekly basis and publicized on the wall as an important basis for the selection of outstanding counselors and excellent class members at the end of the semester. In this way, the collective sense of honor and self-motivation of all members will be stimulated.
Second, carry out a variety of young pioneers activities
1. Hiking picnics On April 23rd, our school organized the whole school to carry out hiking activities. The players sang as they walked and held a “Langu” activity on the road. The atmosphere was warm and pleasant. When they arrived at the destination team, they cooked the pot and cooked the rice. This activity not only exercised the will of the players, but also cultivated their hardship and cooperation and social practice.
2, "I have lived with my father and mother on June 1" activities On the day of Children's Day, our school organized teachers, students and parents to celebrate Children's Day. The event arranged a variety of content such as parent-child games, school teaching results, and program performances. While parents and students exchange feelings, they also make parents more aware of the school and support the work of the school. Its characteristics are as follows:
Parent-child game
During the June 1st event, seven groups of parent-child games were designed. During the game, children and parents, parents and teachers were filled with happy emotions. The laughter and laughter are filled with the whole campus. At the same time, the prizes in the game are all kinds of vegetables and fruits. At the mobilization meeting, the brigade asked the students to use their intelligence to win a hearty lunch for their family. And personally cook to make a "love lunch" initiative for mom and dad. The children were upset and the parents were moved. They have revisited the long-lost parent-child relationship.

The enrollment ceremony means that the younger classmates of the first grade are wearing a bright red scarf on the day. And got a gift from her mother. Mothers express their ardent hopes in public, "You are always happy, I hope you will study hard forever." The new team members were encouraged and they all said that they must remember their mother's hopes and work hard to do everything. This moment will be an unforgettable moment for them.
The commendation event ceremony was grandly presented this time, and more than 30 outstanding individuals and class collectives were commended. The commended team members took pride in their certificates and prizes in front of their parents. The parents’ faces are filled with a proud smile. At the same time, these beneficial achievements have also deeply shocked the parents present. They have renewed their understanding of the school's teaching achievements. It has played a good propaganda role for the school to deepen the hearts of the people.
The performances of the performances of this year's performances are all arranged by the players themselves. They are doing their best, such as the first-grade ancient poetry and the Taiwanese stage, the fourth-grade proverbs, and the fifth-grade modern dance. These programs fully demonstrate the strengths of the students in this class.
There was a burst of excitement on the campus, and almost every participating child could get a prize, and some were full of rewards. More than two hours of fun activities ended in a pleasant atmosphere, but the laughter left by the children was still in the air, and the entire campus seemed to be brighter and more vibrant.
3, knowledge all-round - "how much is the hometown plant" activity
Because the school is in the mountains, it has rich plant resources. According to this advantage, our school organized students to carry out “how many activities of home plants know”. The squadrons of the squadrons use the squad as a unit to collect, collect local plant specimens, and plant for plant portraits, photography or plant entities. And consult the information to understand the collection of plant names, departments and other simple information for exchange or a plant for a research on the subject of investigation. For example: investigating how many shapes of native plant leaves are. It has cultivated students' observation and practice ability, innovative research ability, social practice ability, ability to cooperate with others, and love of hometown and love science. It has laid a good foundation for cultivating high-quality talents with modern civilization quality.
Third, strengthen the construction of the two teams.
The level of work of the counselor team and the small cadre team plays a decisive role in the role of the Young Pioneers in organizing education and the quality of the activities. Therefore, our school has focused on training these two teams. Counselor training is held once a month, and small cadre training is held every two weeks. Each training is linked to the actual work, focusing on a little, deep learning and discussion. It has played a specific guiding role in various tasks. Has a certain timeliness.
In short, grasping the foundation, grasping the timeliness, and carrying out the colorful Young Pioneers activities are the focus of our school's work this semester. Cultivating talents with modern civilization quality is our goal. We have accumulated a wealth of experience in our work and received good results. But there are still some shortcomings that need to be improved. I believe that with our efforts, the work of the Young Pioneers in our school will be better and better.

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