Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers

Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers in the 2012-2013 school year

Time flies so fast. Looking back on the past six months, the footprints left on the road of the Young Pioneers’ work are so insignificant, and more are the leaders’ care and guidance to me like elders, and the trust of colleagues like friends. And understanding, let me deeply understand my life, especially my young pioneers work can not be separated from everyone around me.
Since the beginning of the semester, the Young Pioneers of our school have been working with the support of superior leaders, people-oriented, school-based, and comprehensively promote the creation activities of “Civilized Campus, English Campus, Safe Campus, and Scholarly Campus”, actively carrying out the activities of the Young Pioneers and deepening their efforts. Moral education activities, organized the activities of “competing civilized students” and various forms of community activities, broadened the field of activities of the team members, and fully played the role of the Young Pioneers in the organization, development, self-reliance and innovation, and created a new situation for the work of the Young Pioneers .
First, improve the various systems and effectively grasp the infrastructure of the Young Pioneers
1. Strengthen the construction of the Young Pioneers' positions and do a good job in the creation of the "standardized team room."
Continue to run the school's "Sound of Chinese and English" radio station, organize various classes to actively submit to the radio station, mostly to praise the draft, broadcast the good deeds on the day, to encourage students to learn from each other. The radio station has daily English kingdom, literature forum and other columns to cultivate the team members' innovative practice ability. The classes with the most submissions in this semester are: two, three, four, five and six classes, among which the class with the best number of submissions is the highest. Yes: Second, third, fourth and fifth classes. These class timely submissions reflect the good deeds and class characteristics on campus, enrich the campus cultural life and create a strong English atmosphere.
2, organize the campus flag escort, training is responsible for the flag-raising ceremony every Monday, requires the host to be decent, the team ceremony is serious, the process is serious and solemn. And effectively arrange the contents of the speech under the flag, arrange it reasonably, and give the team a platform for display.
3. Continue to do a good job in the training of the drum team, and do a good job in the construction, logo, and supplies management and use of the team. In the semester, four classes of Li Yafen, Feng Qingling, Yuan Xiao, Zhu Jinxin and Deng Lianlian were rated as excellent drum players.
Second, strengthen the ideological and moral education of the team members and cultivate good civilized etiquette habits.
1. Pupils' desire for knowledge, plasticity, and imitation is the best period for forming good behavior and morality. We pay attention to fostering education and correcting irregular behaviors in time. From the usual meals, rides, road teams, there are plans, routine training in a step-by-step manner. The class teacher is required to strictly grasp the actual management and repeatedly organize the students to study the "Standards of Daily Behavior of Primary School Students", and ask the team members to remember the records, and to teach and persist.
2. Standardize the behavior of the team members to conduct irregular inspections every week, and timely praise and criticize through broadcasting, let the grades and grades, classes and classes evaluate, and select the red flag class every week. In the daily eye exercises, the rest of the class, the right line up and down the stairs, and the daily management of civilized dining, the “civilized supervision post” established by the brigade committee is used to carry out daily values, and the results of inspection and appraisal are included in the class. In the assessment content.
3. Strictly prevent each team member from understanding the team organization, dilute the organizational awareness, strengthen the construction of the team of the young pioneers, hold a regular meeting every Tuesday, clarify the division of labor and responsibilities, and improve the various systems. In the current academic year, three classes, including Peiwen, Chen Ke, Shiban Chen Zheng, Sizhang Tingyu, and Wuban Huyuan, were responsible for their work and were awarded the Outstanding Brigade of 2019.
Third, strengthen the practice activities of the Young Pioneers , deepen the "School Campus" and improve the construction of positions.
1. The teachers and students of the school donated books together and established the “Happy Book House” student reading room. There are 21,186 books in total, which are divided into literature, stories, comics, and teaching aids. And set up a fixed reading time for each class, students read independently with the student ID card. The organization set up "registrars", "external staff", "protector" to conduct book management work from Tuesday to Thursday and select outstanding librarians. They are five classes of Zhou Di, four classes of Li Wenchao and other students. .
2. In order to welcome the New Year and deepen the creation of the Shuxiang campus, this school has specially held a book flea market event. Through activities, affordable prices, satisfactory books, and sincere exchanges, we cultivate students' good habits of cherishing books and magazines and saving resources, and exercise the social practice ability of the players. And the class that ranked first in sales volume: three or two classes.
3. The Young Pioneers Spring and Winter Tour is a traditional activity of the school. This semester organized the winter tour of Lianhua Mountain in Ezhou. During the event, the self-care ability of the players was fully demonstrated and improved.
4. On the eve of New Year's Day, the school developed 48 new young pioneers , guided the students to enhance the team's awareness, followed the team chapter and improved the construction of the Young Pioneers .
5. In order to celebrate the 58th anniversary of the founding of the team, the school specially held the “Celebration Team Celebrating the 17th National Congress” team election campaign, and selected 19 team committees after evaluation. The campaign is an activity that the Young Pioneers of our school has been insisting on for a long time. It aims to improve the overall quality of the Young Pioneers , let the players fully realize their sense of democracy and participation in politics, select their own satisfaction, serve the Young Pioneers , have prestige and representativeness. The cadre of the brigade. In the process of participating in the activities, the Young Pioneers are a process of exercise, let the players experience happiness in the participation. It has also motivated the whole school students to strive to grow into qualified personnel for socialist modernization and to be the successors of the communist cause.
Fourth, carry forward the spirit of patriotism, cultivate the spirit of innovation, and comprehensively improve the quality of players.
1. On November 19th of this semester, a unique song competition, the "Four Songs" singing competition, namely the national anthem, school song, team song and English song, was held. It has created a good campus culture environment and showed the positive spirit of the students on campus. All the students in the school participated in the competition in class, and the singing voice expressed their good heart. One, two, three, four, five, six, and seven classes won the first prize after the game. Through this competition, the quality of students' patriotic love school and love organization was cultivated, which enriched students' after-school life.
2. This semester also organizes team members to make full use of various campus publicity media such as bulletin boards, blackboard newspapers, and campus radio stations to create an atmosphere of activities and guide all students to actively participate in the activities. Since then, the theme of "Promoting the spirit of patriotism, inheriting Chinese civilization, feeling new changes, and welcoming the 17th National Congress" has been carried out successively. In the course of the operation, the young pioneers of the whole school actively participated and enhanced the collective cohesion.
3. The school group branch established the first batch of new members, which enhanced the students' patriotism awareness and encouraged students to study harder and complete their mission!
Fifth, do a good job in strengthening the environmental awareness of the young pioneers and deepen the "civilized and environmentally friendly" campus.
1. During the semester, the “Campus Green Protection Action” was launched. The organization team committee and the young pioneers usually do a week to protect the green at least once. The culture card of the responsible area is required to be wiped once a week and the class is evaluated.
2, continue to catch students on the campus to eat snacks, littering and smearing. Organize the brigade committee to conduct daily inspections and set up a “civilized supervision post” to guide students to take care of the campus and enhance their environmental awareness.
3. Strictly implement the weekly, monthly, and semester-based Jinxing personal and Venus class inspection and evaluation work, strengthen environmental education, and build a campus culture that is stimulating.
Years are like a shuttle, a semester is about to pass, looking back at the work of this semester, with the joint efforts of all the teachers and team members, the work of the Young Pioneers of our school has achieved gratifying results, I will continue to carry out a variety of activities, so that the young pioneers grow healthy!

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