Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers

Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers in 2019

In 2019, the work of the young pioneers of our school, under the great attention of the school leaders, with the strong support of all levels of departments and all walks of life, guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", in accordance with "close to the heart, service The work concept of team, happy experience and healthy growth is based on adhering to educating people and taking experience education as the basic way. Based on strengthening and improving the construction of the Young Pioneers , the activities of the young eagle are used as carriers and incentive mechanisms. Organized a series of colorful educational activities and dedicated services for the comprehensive development of children and adolescents. Through the joint efforts of the town's large and squadron counselors and all the young pioneers , they have achieved gratifying results and carried out the following aspects:

1. This semester will take the opportunity of major events, major events and major festivals to carry out the theme activity of "developing the motherland and growing up". Focusing on the construction of a harmonious Huinan and taking the socialist core value system as the foundation, the theme of "the motherland develops and grows" is carried out. Grasping the "Learning Lei Feng Memorial Day", "Five. One Labor Day", "Hand in Hand", the heart of the Sichuan disaster area, "Six•1", "July 1", "Beijing Olympics", "Teacher's Day", " On the occasion of major festivals such as the 11th, extensive and colorful educational practice activities were carried out to guide young children to understand the brilliant achievements and beautiful prospects of the motherland's development, widely publicize the concept of harmony, cultivate a harmonious spirit, and vigorously promote the construction of a harmonious culture. Guide young children to start from me, start from now, start from scratch, firmly establish the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and make a contribution to building a harmonious socialist campus.

Second, comprehensively promoted the "Young Eagles Competition" campaign. In combination with the popularization and implementation of the "Small Pioneers Counselor Work Program", the establishment and improvement of the "Yearing Eagle Competition" rules of the grade-level, perfected the medal system, and regarded the "Eagle Medal" as the evaluation standard and reward means for the development of the young pioneers . And combined with the various commendation awards of the Young Pioneers , and strived to promote the organic combination of the "Young Eagles" and the basic education reform, promote the new development of the Young Pioneers under the new curriculum reform, and further build the effectiveness of the Young Pioneers' service quality education. mechanism.

Third, continue to deepen the "national spirit to pass on behalf of generations" activities. We must take the construction of a socialist harmonious society as our tenet, firmly establish the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and take the theme of "our hometown, our civilization" as the theme, "China is terrific, Chinese people are terrific, can't afford Chinese people" Experience activities as a way to combine the children's school life, family life, and social life, carefully design and organize a variety of celebration activities. Activities should focus on the development of county economy, national history and culture and regional characteristics, relying on the activities of the Young Pioneers Theme Team, Holiday Team, Red Scarf Society and other activities to guide children and children to further understand the brilliant achievements and beautiful prospects of the development of the motherland. The historical mission shouldered by the majority of young children is to prepare for the construction of a harmonious Huinan.

Fourth, continue to strengthen the construction of the Young Pioneers . Strengthen the tangible exploration of the construction of the Young Pioneers , standardize the cultural positions of the brigade, team room, red scarf broadcasting station, red scarf TV station, Young Pioneer Experience Education Base and the management of the Young Pioneers etiquette supplies, educate the young pioneers to adhere to the standard wearing red scarf and the Young Pioneers logo. Standardize the etiquette of the Young Pioneers , enhance the appeal of the Young Pioneers culture; strengthen the construction of the Young Pioneers team report, strive to do a good job in the "Huinan Youth Daily", and strengthen the role of the Young Pioneers cultural media tools.

Fifth, standardize the flag-raising ceremony. In the current semester, according to the characteristics of the flag-raising ceremony in the past, the flag-raising ceremony was standardized, and new flag-raising, flag-bearers, standard-bearers, and flag-raising ceremony hosts were selected, and strict training was conducted to unify the dress and make the flag-raising ceremony more standardized.

Sixth, at any time to do a good job of the students' ideological and moral education, such as the catastrophe of the catastrophe, the sentiment of the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, the whole country grief. The first-time brigade department of our school mobilized the teachers and students of the whole school to donate money to the compatriots in the disaster area. On the afternoon of the 5th, the teachers and students of the whole school made a donation on the big playground in the hot sun. The teachers and students were deeply and solemn, and they all lend a helping hand. The event finally raised 3,2400.00 yuan of donation. Through this event, the majority of the young pioneers experienced a spiritual wash, showing the heart and heart, and the love quality of big love after the disaster. In May, our school also organized a “Science for Science, Oppose xx” to create a “No xx Campus” signature activity to guide students and parents to have a scientific understanding of life, and our life will be full of sunshine.

Seven, presided over the new team members into the team. At the "Building Team Day", the team organized 272 new team members in the first grade to hold the team entrance ceremony, to promote the knowledge of the Young Pioneers to the team members, to lead the team members to take the oath, and to request the new team members to strictly demand the young team members.

Eight, do a good job of propaganda. In this issue. The Young Pioneers Squadron Counselor Meeting was specially held to carry out the training of the Counselor Management Measures. To promote the importance of the work of the Young Pioneers to the squadron counselors, and at the same time, use the newspaper to promote the Young Pioneers knowledge to the Young Pioneers .

Nine, do a good job in the school window and the promotion of the class board. The replacement of new content during the accumulation of time allows students to understand the important events in our country in the first time. Such as "Olympic knowledge", "God flying seven days", "National Day" and so on.

X. Improve the work materials of various young pioneers . At the beginning of the semester, establish a large team committee, formulate the work plan of the Young Pioneers , and implement activities according to the plan, do a good job in each major event, and do a good job summary.

In short, although the work of the Young Pioneers this year has achieved a lot of achievements, there are still many shortcomings. In the coming period, we will work harder to improve our methods and further promote the development of the work of the Young Pioneers in our town.

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