Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers

Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers in the last semester of the 2012-2013 school year

Listening to the New Year's bells, telling the good hopes of 2019, reflecting on the gains and losses of the past. As a young pioneers counselor, I fully understand the team members' self-management ability and self-management needs, change the educational concept, boldly let go, let the students manage themselves, supervise themselves, educate themselves, and improve themselves. At the same time, combined with the students' actual situation, a variety of young pioneers activities were carried out and some gratifying achievements were made. At the same time, we also clearly know that there are still deficiencies in the work, it is worthwhile for me to think quietly and study hard. In accordance with the requirements of “diligent study, happy life, comprehensive development” and the work opinions of the higher education authorities, the focus is on promoting and cultivating the national spirit, strengthening the ideological and moral construction of children and children, and experiencing education as the basic approach. The ideological and moral education of children and adolescents has truly fallen into practice. Based on the principle of solid and pioneering innovation, the focus of civilized behavior has become the focus, and the infrastructure construction of the Young Pioneers has been continuously strengthened. The overall quality of children and adolescents has been improved, and my class has been further promoted. The new development of the Young Pioneers business. The work of this semester is summarized as follows:

First, insist on developing education.

Adhere to the "five love" education with patriotism education as the main content and the cultivation of students' moral quality behavior habits, pay close attention to the "Standards of Daily Behavior of Primary School Students", "Code of Pupils", "Standards for Primary School Classroom Teaching", and "Citizen Morality" The implementation of the Outline and other education, make full use of the flag-raising ceremony, major anniversaries, visits and other forms of activities and various levels of moral education bases, the Young Pioneers various propaganda positions, organize a series of activities, let students receive education at the event, and gradually help students "learn to be human Learn to learn, learn to be aesthetic, and learn to live."

Second, the team's dry value, pay close attention to the real.

The dry work of the team is a key task in daily management. It is one of the best ways to enhance students' self-management, self-education and self-discipline. Therefore, in the semester of the team, in the work of the rotation of the team, we will pay close attention to implementation and improve the effectiveness of the work of the team. Two classmates are sent every day to supervise the behavioral habits of the students during the class. This class regards the "Standards of Daily Behavior of Primary School Students" and the "Code of Pupils" as the key points and standards for standardizing students' behaviors, earnestly carry out striving activities, and conduct daily inspections and evaluations on ten items such as hygiene, discipline, hygiene, two exercises, and wearing red scarf. And the announcement, to encourage students to develop good habits of study, life, health, labor, and thrift.

Strengthen the inspection and supervision of daily behavioral habits, pay attention to environmental sanitation, educate team members to see any waste paper and debris in the classroom, on campus, at the school gate, have the responsibility and obligation to pick it up and put it in the garbage bin, to be greened and beautified in the classroom. , artistic; the unity and friendship between the companions do not fight the monks; promote polite language and Mandarin. The education of civilized etiquette is constantly deepening, and the words and deeds of civility and manners of courtesy are constantly consolidating.

Third, strengthen behavior training.

The player is his own master. Give full play to the team spirit of the players, and at the same time as the school and the teacher manage, let the team members participate in the management of the school and the class in order to achieve their own goals.

1, the team activities can not rely on the counselor teacher, should be their own brains, everyone work together to create. Come out and make plans for yourself; set up venues for activities and create conditions for activities; organize activities and host activities by yourself; check, summarize, and evaluate yourself.

2. In the organization of the Young Pioneers , one person is advanced and everyone learns; one person is behind, everyone helps; one person is difficult, everyone cares; one person is sick, everyone is condolences. Enthusiastic and sincere to the partners, not to complain about the problem, but to use the collective strength to care, encourage, supervise and help.

3. The Young Pioneers will carry forward the spirit of self-improvement, which is unyielding and enterprising. They can always ask themselves, encourage themselves and supervise themselves with the standards of their counterparts. They can always strive for their own progress and collective achievements and honors. Strive for advanced, not complacent, not stopping; temporarily lagging behind, not discouraged, do not give up.

Fourth, the board report, a new look.

The newspaper is a window to show the style of the class. It is also a position for building classes and promoting self. Students can enhance their collective sense of honor and ownership while participating in this work. After a semester of study and exercise, the level of the newspapers in my class has been significantly improved, forming my own characteristics and styles, colorful, rich content, good visual results, attracting students to class. After stopping to watch, more students will make suggestions for the class!

Fifth, get a little achievement.

In the first semester, with the joint efforts of all teachers and team members, my class has achieved a little achievement. With the Deshu people, strengthen the ideological and moral education of children and adolescents. The development of the activities effectively promoted the all-round development of the quality of the young team members of our class, and subtly cultivated the moral quality, practical ability and innovative spirit of the players. The achievements of the Young Pioneers are inseparable from the active cooperation and hard work of our teachers. Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, achievements have become history. Meeting us will be a new starting point and a new challenge! I remember that Krupskaya said: "The key to being a good counselor is to improve your literacy." I will continue to learn, improve my knowledge, ability, and level, improve the performance of the Young Pioneers , and make my work for the Young Pioneers . Better, more colorful, and more perfect.

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