Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers

National Primary and Young Pioneers work summary excellent essay

National Primary and Young Pioneers work summary excellent essay

In the first semester, the Young Pioneers of our school closely focused on the work objectives, set the position of the Young Pioneers , strengthen the work of the Young Pioneers , and promote the young pioneers to comprehensively strengthen ideological and moral construction, carry out a variety of theme education activities, and continue to strengthen education, integrity education and behavior. The cultivation of habits, etc., also strengthened the construction of basic education positions, which further improved the work of the Young Pioneers and enabled the Young Pioneers to grow up healthily in this big family. The work situation is now reported as follows:

First, the theme of education, perseverance
1. At the beginning of the school, carry out the "Oath of the National Flag" to raise new hopes for the new semester and enhance the awareness and responsibility of the young pioneers .
2. Prepare for the civilized etiquette education and cultivation education of our school through the broadcast conference and drills during the preparatory week.
3. Continue to pay attention to the cultivation of the team members. The civilized class appraisal activity is a regular activity of the school and an important channel for the team members to self-manage and form good thoughts, behaviors and habits.
4. Continue to talk with the national flag and the radio conference to talk about some of the bad phenomena that players have appeared in each stage, and inform the pros and cons, make reminders, and let the players form a habit of self-care and self-discipline.

Second, strengthen and improve the team's own construction.
1. The Young Pioneers organization should play an active role in the construction of campus culture. It is necessary to pay attention to the role of the Young Pioneers team room and the drum team in the construction of campus culture. During the semester, the recruitment and re-election of the cadres of the brigade will be carried out, and the members of the drum team and the various supervision teams will be reorganized.
2. Make full use of commemorative days, major events, etc., and organize and carry out various forms of concentrated and series-themed educational activities.
3. Promote the formation of the Young Pioneers culture by establishing and promoting the advanced model of the Young Pioneers . The advanced Young Pioneers collective and individual models are the concentrated representatives of the Young Pioneers culture. This semester should actively cultivate the excellent young pioneers , especially the squadrons, and the younger and better, the credible and learnable role models of the Young Pioneers . For publicity. Promote the construction and dissemination of the Young Pioneers culture through the “Stars of the Moon ”, “Excellent Young Pioneers ”, “Excellent Team Leaders”, “Excellent Counselors” and “Love Squadrons”.
School and squadron counselors should pay attention to improving the quality of student cadres, establish a model, and cultivate a number of leading geese. Let the team cadres take care of their own teamwork and activities to improve their work ability. In the middle of the semester, the Young Pioneers Brigade will recruit several members with organizational skills, leadership skills, innovative spirit and willingness to contribute to the Young Pioneers organization in the form of recommended elections to cooperate with the school to carry out various tasks.
5. In the semester, through the "Red Scarf Broadcasting Station", timely and targeted, phased theme education and behavioral normative education will be given to the young pioneers , so that the broadcasting station plays a very good publicity and education role. At the same time, the "Red Scarf Broadcasting" was used in conjunction with the theme education organization to organize all the young pioneers to "sing a song". This semester, in order to further improve the management mechanism, improve the implementation of division of labor, and enhance the efficiency of activities. In the third to fifth grades, several excellent announcers and editors were selected to enter the ranks of the radio stations.
6. Continue to strengthen the security work in the afternoon.
Because the team members go to school very early in the afternoon, they often gather in the snack shops near the school to buy snacks; or play in the neighborhood near the school, or even destroy the equipment and greening of the community; when the school gate opens, a large number of players They often come in and there are great security issues. To this end, the brigade department established a supervision team with the core team members as the core in the last semester. During the semester, the brigade department continued to carry out supervision work by the inspection team led by the two brigade members, and timely reported the inspection results to the squadron counselors of the squadrons. The early arrival of the players in the afternoon was effectively controlled.
7. Pay attention to the healthy growth of children with problem behaviors. The brigade department will promptly discover some bad phenomena of the players and talk with the team members; open a forum for classmates in the sixth grade, correct their thinking and promote their common progress to further optimize children and children. a healthy growing campus environment,
8. Continue to hire Comrade Qi Baihui as an off-campus counselor. In order to promote the combination of the Young Pioneers education and social education in our school, further strengthen the organizational construction and ideological construction of the Young Pioneers work, and promote the moral education work of our school to a new level. With the support of the school, the Young Pioneers continue to hire the former Conghua. Comrade Qi Bohui , the political commissar of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, served as an off-campus counselor for the Young Pioneers Group of our school. Comrade Zhai Boyhui is very concerned about the growth of young children and the work of the Young Pioneers. He has put forward many valuable opinions and suggestions on the work of the Young Pioneers of our school and has given a lot of help, which has effectively promoted the development of the work of the Young Pioneers of our school.

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