Work Summary > Community Work Summary

The first half of the work of a community committee of the property branch and the plan for the second half of the year

CCP ** Property Branch ** Community Committee
** Summary of work in the first half of the year and work plan for the second half of the year
Since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the overall deployment of the group company, combined with the actual situation of the community , we have formulated “around a center, production and operation center; do a good job of implementation, implement the responsibility system of the party committee; highlight two “an” characters, safe production and peace of mind; Four good combinations: the combination of regular work and key work, in-depth investigation and solving practical problems, the combination of point and face, and the combination of self-effort and mobilization of overall enthusiasm. After half a year of work practice, explore a Under the new situation of community reform and development, we will do a good job in building a new way of party building, and bring the building of community party to a new level.
I. Focusing on the production and operation center, brainstorming and developing
With the acceleration of the reform of the group company, first of all, on the basis of the achievements of the “three-turn” theme education activities last year, combined with the process of community reform and development, we have extensively carried out the educational activities of promoting the “three-turn” and “three-view” theme. Through the activity carrier, the majority of party members and cadres and workers have firmly established the "development concept, market outlook, and innovation concept." It has successively carried out a series of activities such as “Introduction to the Survival and Development of the Community ”, “Survival and Development”, “Collection of Management Project Proposals”, “Survival and Development”, and a total of papers collected in various units of the community ××× It is recommended that the XX article be unified to unify the thoughts and actions of all party members and cadres and workers, and to lay a solid foundation for the community reform, development, and stability. Secondly, constantly looking for gaps with standardized and standardized property management, according to the “Property Management Regulations” promulgated by the State Council, combined with the actual organization of real estate, fees and other four grassroots branch secretaries to discuss and deliberate for one week, and formulated the “Operation System”. , "Internal Job Responsibility System", "Renovation Management and Guidelines", "Work Quality Standards", "Employee Assessment System", "Culture Manual", "Public System" and other major categories of rules and regulations, strive to make the community 's property services more refined, work More specific, the responsibility is more clear, to achieve standards for everyone, everything, everywhere, always monitoring, to shorten the gap with the advanced level of the same industry at the fastest speed. The third is to optimize human resources. In accordance with the requirements of the higher authorities, we have rationally distributed and reorganized personnel, and transferred a total of diverted people.
Second, highlight three key points and comprehensively do a good job in party building
Establish and improve working mechanisms. We have always taken the implementation of the work mechanism of the party committee as a major event. First, we have issued the "Opinions on the scope of the party and government leadership positions and the division of work" and the opinions on the implementation of the work of Daxing seeking truth and pragmatism. "A series of archives on "Implementation of the Party Committee's Work Responsibility System and the Practice of Innovation Work". The second is to focus on the arrangement of deployment and inspection and assessment. The target is set at the beginning of the year, the middle-year exchange self-examination, and the year-end evaluation. At the beginning of the year, the Party’s grassroots party organizations signed the “Responsibility Book for Party Building Work”; in the middle of the year, each branch was organized to carry out self-examination and exchange activities; at the end of the year, the community party committee organized the assessment, the results of the assessment and the year-end bonuses of the community cadres and Advanced evaluation is linked. The third is to standardize the system of joint party building meetings and formulate the Statutes of the Joint Conference on Party Buildings in the Community . The statute focuses on the reality of community reform, the distribution and composition of party members, and makes some explorations on further optimizing the management of grassroots party branches. The fourth is to establish a system of contact points for the establishment of grassroots organizations for party and government leadership. The members of the community team will contract the service stations and management centers according to the division of labor. At the same time, it is clear that the secretaries of the party branches of the service stations and management centers are directly responsible for the construction of the grassroots organizations in the community , and they have truly achieved the first-level level and the implementation at all levels.
Establish and improve the network of party building organizations. In accordance with the innovative work ideas based on the basis, we standardize and improve the goal of party building work. We have established a party building research conference, established a theoretical learning network and a network of party style and clean government building supervision, and formulated a study plan for the whole year. Supervisor of party style and clean government construction. Further implement the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches", improve the organizational construction of various party branches, and effectively integrate the resources of community party building work. The political core role of the party organization and the role of the battle fortress have been effectively played in the community . On this basis, we have strengthened the education and development of party members, moved the focus of party members' development work forward, strengthened the training and education of party activists, and made in-depth and meticulous ideological and political work by vigorously promoting the party's political opinions. The conditions for the activists to join the party to ensure the quality of the new party members.
And carry out activities to play a role. The theme of property management is service. The party building work is the lifeline of all work, and the party building work naturally takes a service around the service. We have fully played the role of the party branch as a fighting bastion and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. According to business relations, we have carried out the "civilized community six joint creation" activities among the various party branches of the community , and carried out "party members' dedication day" and "party members" among the community party members. The theme of the "Demonstration Post", "Party Volunteer Service Team", "One Party Member and One Flag" and other themed activities. At present, party members in the whole community take the lead to become "three members", that is, policy propagators, health cleaners and volunteers. The leading demonstration of party members has promoted the overall improvement of the quality of employees.
Third, highlight the "two security words" to ensure community stability
The first is to seize safety production. We always take safety production as a major event of the "Tian" size, further refine measures, clarify responsibilities, adhere to the principle of "management, equipment, and training", focus on key points, grasp key points, grasp the scene, grasp weak links, and establish safety. Long-term management mechanism, solid promotion of safety management innovation and technological innovation, strengthening knowledge education on safety laws and regulations, and solidifying the foundation of safety “double-base” construction.
The second is to grasp the peace of mind. In order to create a stable environment for reform and development, we set up a leadership group for the maintenance and stability of the group leader of the party and government in the community , carefully and carefully analyzed the situation of the community , and timely issued the "Report on the Forwarding of the CPC ** Group Co., Ltd. Notice on Seriously Doing a Notice on Maintaining Stable Publicity and Education at Present. According to the principle of who is responsible and responsible, the community party and government leaders as the first responsible person to maintain community stability, the main responsible persons of the party and government at all grassroots units are responsible to their own units; give full play to the up-and-down linkage mechanism of the core functions of party organizations at all levels, clear tasks, Strengthen responsibility, implement at all levels, and do the ideological and political work of one-person and one-person affairs. In the work, the grassroots information feedback was strengthened, and the leadership team's Saturday* Reception Day system was established. The members of the team took turns to visit, timely understand the employees' ideological dynamics and practical difficulties, and effectively relieved and solved problems for the employees.
Since the establishment of the community , there has not been a collective* and leapfrog* incident.
Fourth, do a good job of four combinations to promote the comprehensive development of all work
First, the combination of regular work and key work. We adhere to the weekly meeting system, fully deploy the community's work, do routine work, do not relax the key work, and comprehensively promote the overall work; second, the combination of in-depth research and solving practical problems. We have established a system for leading cadres on-site. We require members of the community leadership team to reach more than one-third of the grassroots time each year. We will focus on bringing problems to the grassroots level, deepening people's research, and formulating solutions to problems in an effective manner to effectively solve the problems. The problem; the third is the combination of points and faces. Every key work that has a wide range of influences and a large impact will pay attention to grasping points first, selecting a breakthrough point, achieving successful experience, and then advancing on the surface;

The combination of talent training. Further rationalize the relationship between deputy and regular positions, implement the responsibilities of the competent departments, and play an active role in the cadres and staff of all departments and levels, not only accomplishing various tasks, but also improving the cadres' training.
Since the first half of the year, although our work has achieved certain results, the achievement of the achievements is inseparable from the correct leadership of the superiors and the hard work of the cadres and workers. However, we are soberly aware that there are still some problems that need to be resolved in the course of community development. First, how to give full play to the political core role of the party organization in the process of reform and explore new ways and new methods for party building work under the new situation is that we are facing new issues and new tasks. Second, internal management is still a weak link. According to the “Property Management Regulations” combined with the actual situation of the community , it is necessary to further strengthen the management of enterprises according to the law and management mode, and rely on the system to regulate our working mechanism.
**The plan for the second half of the year
In accordance with the overall arrangement of the group companies and property companies, continue to fully implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", follow the "revolution around the center, focus on efficiency, and grasp the party's style to promote clean government." The work idea of ​​“safety-promoting production” takes the opportunity of creating “safe home” and “warm home” activities, with the aim of reducing losses and increasing efficiency, deepening reform as the driving force, strengthening study, deepening reform, accelerating development, invigorating income generation, and strengthening management. The innovation mechanism is closely related to the goal of the ** community's annual business operation, earnestly grasping the work of the party committees and ensuring the completion of the tasks of the ** year.
I. Strengthening theoretical study around the overall situation and service center
In accordance with the requirements of armed minds, guiding practice, and promoting work, we will conscientiously implement the Notice of the ** Community Year on Seriously Studying and Implementing the Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee and the Important Thought of the "Three Represents," in strict accordance with the formulation of the Community Party Committee. The Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the "Three Represents" Studying the Distribution Table for Important Thoughts of the Party will carry out theoretical studies in the second half of the year. Adhere to the central group learning system, each study time is not less than an hour, to ensure learning by system, to ensure quality by time, to ensure the completion of theoretical learning tasks throughout the year.
Second, in accordance with the party's 16th National Congress to strengthen and improve the new requirements of the party building of enterprises, actively and steadily promote the various reforms of the community
Strengthen the ideological and political construction of the leading bodies and cadres. Implement the "Opinions on Launching Good Team Activities" issued by the Community Party Committee, and further strengthen the ideological and political construction, work style construction and clean government awareness of the leadership team. Adhere to the problem of regularly checking the memory of the team, closely focus on the overall synergy of the leadership team, affect the work of the community center, affect the relationship between the party and the masses, self-evaluation, further refine the standards, quantify the indicators, and increase the dynamics. Management and responsibility assessment, accountability.
Adhere to the system of democratic life. We will hold a democratic life meeting in the second half of the year and continuously improve the leadership level of the two-level leading bodies and leading cadres to control the market economy, coordinate production and management, cope with emergencies, make democratic scientific decisions, and solve their own problems.
Adhere to the principle of party-administered cadres, strengthen the education, supervision, management, selection and appointment of cadres, improve the cadre assessment, performance evaluation, incentive and restraint system; deepen the reform of the personnel system, increase the leadership team's enrichment and adjustment, and lead cadres to exchange and create public Fair and equitable, competitive and superior employment mechanisms and environment.
We will strengthen the building of grassroots party branches, implement the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches" and the "Three Sessions and One Lesson" system, do a good job in building the party branch secretary, and promote the work of grassroots party branches to a higher level. We will improve and improve the measures for the "civilized community six joint creation" activities, and continue to carry out "Party Dedication Day", "Party Member Demonstration Post", "Party Volunteer Service Team", "One Party Member and One Flag" and other topics among community members. Activities, expand the influence, organize the participation of party activists, and establish a good image of community members.
Third, earnestly implement the "Responsibility System for the Construction of the Party's Work Style and Clean Government" and increase the intensity of corruption control from the source.
According to the new requirements of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the new situation of party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work, combined with the actual situation of community reform, the following work should be focused on in the second half of the year:
Strengthen the education of party style and clean government. Taking the implementation of the two regulations as an entry point, we will strengthen publicity and education on the work of building a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work, and highlight the party style and clean government education of party members and cadres, personnel and key personnel.
Strengthen the integrity and self-discipline of leading cadres. We will conscientiously implement the "Code of Clean Government", adhere to the responsibility system for account building and clean government, and establish a system of accountability, improve the organization and leadership system, and continue to implement the report on major personal events of leading cadres, gift registration, income declaration, and hospitality report to the Staff Representative Conference. system". We will improve and perfect the archives of leading cadres' honest policies and give play to their role in the assessment, appointment and removal of cadres. We will earnestly strengthen the work style of leading cadres, strengthen party spirit and personal accomplishment in accordance with the important thinking of the "three represents" and the requirement of "two musts".
Strengthen the supervision mechanism. Strengthen the liaison between the discipline inspection and supervision organization and the various departments and grassroots branches of the community, seize the various links of cadre management, and put supervision in the strict management of leading cadres. We will continue to strengthen public supervision and public opinion supervision, establish and improve the people's supervision system that is rated and democratically evaluated, and strictly implement the system of price comparison, economic audit, and factory affairs, and thoroughly eliminate the soil and conditions caused by corruption. Adhere to the democratic life meeting system of the leading group, actively carry out investigation and handling of cases, special rectification of law enforcement and efficiency monitoring of law enforcement, and give full play to the functional role of the discipline inspection and supervision organization.
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