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Community health education summary

Community health education summary

Health education is an effective measure to improve the health and health of citizens. According to the health education work arrangement of Fengcheng Sub-district Office, combined with the actual situation of the community committee of the Eastern District, the network function is fully exerted, and community health activities are actively carried out in the jurisdiction to create health. The city, active and enterprising, is now making a summary of the work of the year: First, the formation of a health education network.

A health education leading group and a responsible unit health education network were established, which consisted of responsible doctors, assisted doctors and community public health liaisons.

Second, take different forms of health education activities.

1. Conduct training on health education for residents, schools, and responsible units.

2. Carry out work on disease prevention, disease investigation and treatment for women.

3. Organize health education knowledge training for the person responsible for the unit.

Third, health promotion is implemented.

1. All units have established health education positions.

2. Conducted four health education bulletin boards.

Fourth, the residents' health behavior has been greatly improved.

1. Residents' awareness of hygiene has been improved.

2. The personal habits of residents have been improved.

3. The home environment and sanitation environment have been improved.

Health education has a large task and a wide range of popularization. Through the development of health education activities, the personal health behavior of community residents has improved, and the knowledge of health has also been improved.

Community health education summary

Since the beginning of this year, under the correct leadership of the Party Committee Government of Xiazhuang Town, in accordance with the unified arrangements and requirements of the municipal and district health education departments, the community has carried out various forms of health education with the aim of “health is productivity, protecting people's physical and mental health”. Activities, popularizing health science knowledge among residents, and carrying out a series of activities to improve residents' health awareness and health quality:

1. Strengthen leadership and improve the health education network

The community has always incorporated health education into the community's annual work plan, and is closely integrated with the creation of star-rated and health-conscious communities. Timely adjust the health education leading group, improve the network of health education promoters, organize health education knowledge training, ensure the implementation of health education tasks and the dissemination of health knowledge.

Second, publicity and education to improve residents' health awareness

With health, we have everything in our career and life. We put health education at the top of all jobs, use various opportunities, and use various publicity tools to carry out health education and publicity activities to enable residents to develop good health behaviors and health habits.

1. Use the publicity tools such as blackboard newspapers and publicity columns to regularly replace health science knowledge, plan birth knowledge, and health education pictures for 12 issues of health knowledge education. Project publicity, reproductive health care, and health science knowledge board exhibitions in the community.

2. For the elderly, women, adolescents and migrants, the experts from the municipal hospital and the doctors in the community hospital were invited to hold 6 health knowledge lectures, with more than 150 participants; 3 healthy videos were broadcast, and the number of participants was 65. People; 13 newspapers were published throughout the year; 18 promotional slogans were produced.

3. Open the elderly activity room and culture room. Update relevant newspapers and magazines, carry out newspaper reading activities, and increase residents' health knowledge. Participated in the staff sports meeting and the elderly sports meeting held in the Zhonglou District at the end of October and the beginning of November. The number of participants was 10; the residents were organized to participate in the street to hold the Cultural and Sports Week, and 12 residents participated.

4. Pay attention to the “slow four diseases” health education activities, we will pay attention to the “slow four diseases” brochure to the residents. Let more people realize that to have a healthy body, they must become passive and take the initiative to prevent disease, and they are responsible for their own health and become healthy owners. While carrying out the "prevention of disease prevention and treatment" health education, we also pay attention to the publicity and education of residents to resist "cult" and break the "superstition" and other aspects of physical and mental health. Enable residents to improve their awareness and ability to protect themselves.

Next year, we will continue to do a good job in residents' health education, improve residents' health awareness; continue to do a good job in community health and cleaning, implement long-term management, and improve the quality of living environment that is beneficial to residents' health; Create an atmosphere of “everyone cares about health and everyone promotes health” and work hard for a new level of community health education.

Community health education summary

Health education work is an important work content of the community health service center. In order to better implement the relevant work requirements of the “Dalian Public Health Service Project Assessment Method”, we will further improve the health education and health promotion work system of our community health service center. In order to popularize health knowledge and improve the health of residents, the 2019 health education work plan was formulated as follows:

First, the main work tasks

In accordance with the requirements of health education work standards, we will do a good job in health education and health promotion. Focusing on influenza A, AIDS and tuberculosis, and major infectious diseases such as cancer and hepatitis, and chronic diseases, we will carry out publicity activities in conjunction with various health day themes. In particular, we will actively carry out various public health campaigns such as World Tuberculosis Day, World Health Day, National Vaccination Day, Iodine Deficiency Day, World No Tobacco Day, and World AIDS Day. . Continue to do a good job of broadcasting the materials for AIDS prevention and control projects for migrant workers, migrant workers and migrant workers. According to the Emergency Plan for Sudden Public Health Incidents, carry out public health and safety education and prevent public education. The ability to issue public health events. Strengthen the construction of health education network information and promote the standardization of health education network information. Strengthen the standardized management of health education archives.

Second, the main work measures

, improve the organization, improve the health education network

A sound health education network is an organizational guarantee and effective measure for health education. In 2019, we will combine the actual situation of the community, adjust and enrich the volunteer team of health education, and strengthen the training of volunteers in health education; organize personnel to actively participate in the city and district. And various types of training organized by the disease control department to improve the health education workers' own health education ability and theoretical level; include health education work in the central work plan, and truly implement the health education work.

Increase funding

In 2019, it plans to purchase new cameras, computers, printers and other equipment, and print health education materials to ensure the smooth development of health education.

Health education activities planned for

1. Hold a health education lecture

Health education lectures are held regularly every month, no less than 12 times a year. According to the needs of residents and seasonal episodes, the content of epidemic diseases such as hand, foot and mouth and influenza will be increased according to seasonal changes. Choose a doctor with relatively rich clinical experience and strong expressive ability as the keynote speaker. Before each lecture, carefully organize, arrange, and notify, consult after the lecture, issue relevant health education materials, and transfer health knowledge to more residents as much as possible.

2. Conduct public health consultation activities

We will use various world health issues such as World Tuberculosis Day, World Health Day, National Iodine Deficiency Day, World No Tobacco Day, National Hypertension Day, World Mental Health Day, World Diabetes Day, World AIDS Day, etc. Health consultation activities and dissemination of promotional materials based on the theme.

3. Broadcast health education CDs to residents

TV and DVD are set in the infusion room, and health education CDs are broadcast regularly every week. The contents of the CD-ROM are based on the needs of the residents, and the recording and playback summary is done.

4. Conduct activities that residents like to see and hear.

In the first half of the year and the second half of the year, we will conduct a health knowledge contest that residents like, and organize them carefully in advance to design test questions and equip prizes so that residents can learn the daily health knowledge while they are entertaining.

5, do a good health education bulletin board

Replace the contents of the three health education bulletin boards of the center on a quarterly basis. It is included in the seasons and common diseases and health knowledge that residents are interested in, and it is rich in publicity and health knowledge.

6, play the role of reading frame

The center hall is equipped with a health education reading frame, which is regularly arranged every month to place the health education materials needed by the residents for free.

Health education evaluation

A health education evaluation of the content of health knowledge, skills mastery, behavior formation and health needs of 1% of the population's scientific norms in the jurisdiction. The health education department is mainly responsible for designing survey plans, questionnaires, and evaluation summaries.

Health education coverage

The number of educated people who plan to conduct health education lectures, public health consultation activities, health knowledge contests, health education CDs, and health education materials in 2011 covers more than 70% of the population in the jurisdiction, and strives to let more residents learn. The required health knowledge fundamentally improves the residents' own health knowledge and health care ability, and promotes people to develop good health behavior habits.

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