Work Summary > Community Work Summary

Summary of the work of the community neighborhood committee in 2019

In the past year, under the correct leadership of the Party Party Committee and the Office, our community actively mobilized all the cadres of the community, mobilized the polarity of all parties, strengthened community building as the center, earnestly carried out community service work, and successfully completed the tasks at the beginning of the year. The community development has achieved good results. The current work of the year is reported as follows:
First, the community party building
In XX, the community party branch team built the ideological style, work style and leadership style, and improved the overall quality of the leadership team as a starting point, and earnestly studied the party's xx spirit. According to the unified deployment of the Party Working Committee, we have carried out a series of activities such as the education of the scientific development concept and the “first-class competition”. It is highly consistent with the Party Central Committee in politics, in thought, and in action. Give full play to the core role of the leadership of the community party branch. In June, the election of the party branch was successfully completed, and the party organization of the resident unit was contacted to give play to the leadership core of the community party branch and the role of the battle fortress in the community. Members of the branch team can take the lead. Always adhere to the "three sessions and one lesson" system. There are plans at the beginning of the year and a summary at the end of the year. Establish and improve the basic accounts of grassroots party organizations. In the past year, a total of one transfer has been transferred to two, and 73 members of the community have been divided into four party groups. This year, the party members meeting was held four times and the branch committee was held 12 times. The successful absorption of one village official into the branch committee further strengthened the strength of the party organization team in my community.
2. In the various management tasks of the community management community, organize community cadres to take active actions, regularly carry out “contradictory dispute investigation” activities, sort out community conflicts and disputes, inspect the floating population, understand the movements of prisoners and drug addicts, and investigate xx organizations. Eliminate instability. During the “Expo” conference and the “National Civilized City” review and evaluation period, mobilize community cadres to take turns to coordinate, coordinate the residents' districts to increase patrols, and ensure the stability of public security. In normal work, leading community cadres to carefully investigate hidden dangers and find unstable factors. Timely handling, regular communication with community police, effectively eliminate the unstable factors in the community, and eliminate the occurrence of various social security cases such as “yellow”, “gambling” and “poison”. There were no major criminal cases, collective petitions and security incidents in the community during the year.
Third, community service adhering to the "people-oriented, serving residents" purpose, on the basis of fulfilling the duties of community neighborhood committees, constantly improve and expand community service functions, and expand the assistance to community residents. Organize community cadres to register in detail for isolated, old, disabled, weak and retired personnel, and strive for poverty alleviation and help them solve their current living problems. Helping to handle 65 old age certificates, 49 senior citizens over 70 years old, and 36 disability certificates; 178 retirees over 60 years old to participate in free medical examinations; 120,000 workers' allowance for 88 people Yuan, involving 40 people for policy-based agricultural conversion to non-personnel subsidies of nearly 50,000 yuan. Handling rural residents with major illness medical insurance, 435 insured residents, children under the age of 18 for the risk of serious illness in children, 68 person-times, for urban residents who are 60 years old and 50 years old, have no work units, do not enjoy towns 133 people of basic medical insurance for employees have gone through the basic medical insurance procedures; for the residents in the community who are 60 years old, women are 55 years old, urban household registration is 20 years, they participate in urban medical insurance, and they do not enjoy monthly social security benefits. The survey was thoroughly investigated, registered, and publicized. So far, 37 elderly residents have received a pension subsidy of 210 yuan per month. Secondly, the hospital and the community health service station will do a good job in the health records of people over the age of 18 in the jurisdiction, conduct follow-up investigations on some chronic patients, provide regular on-site services, and conduct regular health talks. The third is to jointly organize photo exhibitions on science, fire, security, and environmental protection with community service centers. At the same time, more than ten outdoor digital movies were screened in the first half of the year. Fourth, timely understanding of the hot spots reflected by residents, such as road repair, sewer blockage, sanitary corners and other issues in a timely manner to communicate with relevant departments, and try to solve in a timely manner. In March, residents reported that the vegetables were scattered in the corner of Furong New Village, resulting in poor environment and air odor. After contact with City Management, Aiwei Office and Yuanlian Company, the environment was rectified, and community workers and urban management will first be arbitrarily planted. The vegetables were cleaned and eradicated. After that, Yuanlian Company planted short bamboos on the open space to green the environment of the residents. The fifth is to do a good job in the mediation of residents' disputes, and cooperate with the village construction office to stop many illegal constructions. Sixth, we will do a good job in building amateur literary and art teams in the community. In order to invigorate the cultural life of the community, we will guide residents with healthy and advanced culture. The current waist drum team, dragon dance team, Tai Chi team, dance team and so on. The number of participants in the morning exercise has reached more than 200. Basically, the activities are every day, and the songs are everywhere. The community has formed a harmonious, healthy, civilized and positive atmosphere. In the first half of the year, the drum team and the Taijiquan team participated in the district and the streets many times. Activities and achieved good results in many competitions. The seventh is to strictly implement the family planning and childbearing policy. First of all, the community actively carries out various publicity activities. Such as 5.29, 9.25 special day promotion. Through the series of activities, a total of more than 3,000 copies of brochures, free condoms of more than 600 boxes. Residents, especially women of childbearing age, have a qualitative improvement in family planning knowledge. Secondly, the community arranged 948 women of childbearing age to participate in genital control, free of charge for 24 students, and 42 copies of the management card for floating population. In addition, the implementation of the plan for the birth of a child, the award of a single child child bonus of more than 89,000 yuan. This year, the community plans to have 64 births, 12 newlyweds, and 17 births.
4. While the community standardizes the work of specific affairs, it pays attention to the standardization of the community, and strives to establish and improve the long-term mechanism for community development. It starts with standardizing community management and data file management. After the change of the neighborhood committee, the regulations of the neighborhood committee, residents' conventions, etc. have been revised. Gradually improve the regular visits and monthly regular meetings system, actively explore the residents' deliberation system and the democratic supervision system, strive to use the system to manage matters, use the system to manage people, and achieve community standardization and institutionalization. There are thousands of community affairs, and the list is just the tip of the iceberg. We will also continue to work hard to make every effort and strive for new breakthroughs.
V. Problems There are problems and deficiencies in the work of our community while achieving results. First, there is not enough innovation awareness. Some community cadres are easily satisfied with the status quo, accustomed to using old methods to solve new problems, lack of courage to dare to fight, lack of vision, innovative consciousness is not strong, and can not complete the work creatively. Second, the theoretical level of community cadres is not high. In actual work, he is often busy with specific affairs, neglecting to strengthen his own study, grasping the principles and policies of the party and the state, and it is inevitable that the work will be deviated from the requirements of the higher authorities. In this regard, my community should focus on the following points in the future work: First, strengthen study, strive to improve the personal ideological and political level and business level of community cadres, regularly study the party and state guidelines and policies, and learn the excellent work of advanced communities. The method encourages community cadres to boldly innovate their working methods and be brave in practice. The second is to strengthen exchanges, take regular visits to the public, and learn from advanced community experience as an important task. It requires community cadres to ask the people of the public to solve problems. By making use of the collective wisdom of the people, they can make up for their lack of ability. Carry out work exchanges with advanced communities, learn from the advanced experience of excellent communities, and adopt effective methods to solve practical problems in screening and comparison.
In the past year, our community has carried out work in strict accordance with various systems, vigorously provided community services, and constantly improved the level of community work. At the same time, we actively explored the standardization of community construction, and always insisted on putting the interests of the people first, and providing convenience for residents' production and life. It has been recognized by the public. Looking forward to the work in the coming year, our community will continue to attach great importance to all work, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the cadres and the people, seek truth and be pragmatic, and innovate, and build the community into a community of social life with orderly management, perfect service, and civilized and harmonious. We are making unremitting efforts to improve the quality, quality of life and the level of community civilization.

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