Work Summary > Community Work Summary

Community 2019 year-end work summary

The year of XX is the first year of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". The state will expand domestic demand to maintain stable and rapid economic growth, and will also take the construction of people's livelihood to a new height. As a demonstration site for new rural construction, Fangying Community has actively responded to the country's strategy of increasing people's livelihood. At the same time, according to their own situation, they have done self-construction and self-management work, and will ensure that community residents live in a democratic, safe and happy community as their top priority.
In XX, my community summarized the main work and experience and gains as follows:
I. Community Construction Our community has rebuilt the gates and roadside stones and greening this year. The establishment of the rear gate facilitates the daily life of the community residents. Roadside stone rectification and greening have improved the living environment of the community.
Second, the community management community established a public security patrol, patrolling and supervising the security of the community, and ensuring the personal and property safety of the community residents. At the same time, environmental sanitation administrators were hired to comprehensively rectify the environment of the community and ensure the living environment of the residents.
Third, the public service community established this year's public service projects at the beginning of the year: the construction of the rear gates of the community, the rectification of roadside rocks, environmental remediation, public security patrols, and community greening. So far, the projects under construction have been basically implemented, and the year-end assessment work is being prepared. This year, the public service of our community was promoted as a demonstration point, and the public service management personnel conducted research and training, which played a very important role in the future public service work.
IV. Cultural Activities Since the establishment of the Cultural Activity Team, our community has actively carried out various activities and held large-scale cultural performances in the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, July 1st, 11th and Chongyang. In daily life, community residents are also actively organized to rehearse and train activities, promote community residents' fitness, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of community residents, and be selected as cultural demonstration sites.
5. The floating population has carried out extensive clean-up of the floating population of the community this year, re-planning the management model, and unified grouping of inflows, outflows, and permanent residents, all of which are recorded in the flow management system. This year, the community has increased the management of the floating population of Beixinrunyuan and Darling Harbour, and opened the service for temporary residence permits, which is convenient for students to live with mobile residents.
6. In addition to continuing the activities of “three new” and other activities, the Women’s Federation has also increased its publicity on women’s protection. At the same time, various cultural activities were organized, and the “3.8” festival also organized the travel activities of Jiezi Ancient Town and Phoenix Lake. It has opened up the vision of women in the community, enriched their spiritual and cultural life, and increased their awareness of self-protection.
7. The family planning community set the target for population control this year at the beginning of the year. Through strict control, the birth of the community outside the program this year has been significantly reduced compared to last year. At the same time, efforts have also been made in publicity to enhance the awareness of community residents' prenatal and postnatal care. The family planning staff also strictly abide by the regulations and fulfill their duties. They have established books such as the Women's Roster of Childbearing Age, the Social Report, and the Register of Resident Populations, so that the books can be changed in a timely manner, the accounts are consistent, birth and death. No one has missed, misreported, or re-reported.
Seventh, the management of the farmer's bookstore is becoming more and more standardized. In September, all the books were re-organized, and many reading activities were organized. At the same time, it has specially opened up a column of clean government culture, and the combination of reading and propaganda has achieved great results. My community farmer's bookstore has been reported as a demonstration point.
VIII. Distance Education My community's distance education work has been carried out smoothly and orderly. This year, I won the title of municipal demonstration site. At the same time, in the party member learning card activities carried out in Chengdu, it won the third place in Xindu District and the 14th in Chengdu.
X. The Youth League Committee organized a study of permanent residents in this year and organized computer training, first aid training, and legal publicity. At the same time, the unemployed youth were investigated, organized, talked, and assisted. In August, we met the deputy mayor of Chengdu. During the encouragement and awards, we asked the community staff to make persistent efforts to make achievements on the issue of caring for the next generation.
XI. The radio station community radio station work is still carried out according to the original plan. At the same time, corresponding columns have been added to each festival, which has increased the listening desire of community residents and paved the way for policy announcements and daily entertainment activities.
Twelve, other
1. The work of confirming the rights of the 7th and 8th groups of the community has been further carried out, and the preliminary work has been basically completed.
2. The work of “going into the grassroots” has been reported as a demonstration point.
3. In order to welcome the December elections, the community has done all the basic work, including the establishment of personnel, notices, etc.
4. The community has newly established a city management station, and together with Dafeng City Management Center, is committed to community security and civilized construction.
5. This year, the community participated in the selection of civilized courtyards and Dafeng good people.
6. The Community Council won the title of Advanced Board of Directors.
The above is a summary of the community work this year. In general, the community has increased management in all aspects this year, improved the management mechanism, and achieved corresponding results through continuous efforts. While gaining results, we should not be proud. We should recognize that there are also many shortcomings in this year's work:
1. There are still many loopholes in management.
2. The supervision is not strong enough.
3. There are also problems in the connection with the property management.
4. Insufficient manpower for floating population management
5. The community still has a number of battery car theft incidents this year. It is necessary for community workers to discuss the countermeasures on how to completely eradicate the theft incidents with property management and patrols.
The work in 2019 will continue to intensify its work on the basis of this year, and continue to maintain the successful working methods that have been explored, and revise and discuss the inadequacies. Community workers will keep in mind their work tasks and commit themselves to building a peaceful, democratic, civilized and happy home.

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