Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Youth League Committee

Summary of the work of the Youth League Committee in 2019

In 2019, under the correct leadership of the Communist Youth League Committee and the Party Branch of the school, the Communist Youth League of our school has achieved certain results through the joint efforts of all members of the Youth League Committee and the youth of the whole school. The work of the Communist Youth League in this school is summarized as follows.

I. Overall goals and priorities

The guiding ideology of the Communist Youth League work in this school year is: guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, to study and practice the important thinking of the "Three Represents" as the content, and strengthen the political study and ideological education work for young members of the Youth League. Focus on improving the organization of the school's team. The school has formed a school league committee composed of teachers and students, and a Communist Youth League organization with high first-grade students. The collective activities of teachers and students are enriched to enrich the campus culture. Do a good job in the school's propaganda work, and actively cooperate with the various departments to do the moral education of students.

Second, strengthen the temperament and grasp the team building of the cadres

In order to improve the overall quality of the cadre team and improve the efficiency of the Youth League Committee , we must first form a team with combat effectiveness and cohesiveness. In particular, the Eighth Middle School is a new school. The members of the new Youth League Committee have just been formed to strengthen the quality of the cadres. It is the key to whether the team cadre work can be done well. The teachers who have been recruited into the Youth League Committee are all capable of doing things with young teachers and being skilled. And according to the characteristics of each person, the corresponding work arrangement is given. For example: for the writing skills, the good writing, Liang teacher is responsible for the meeting discipline, the drafting of various programs, the work summary and planning for each week. In response to the rich experience of Huang’s Student Union and the ability to handle problems, he is responsible for all matters of student affairs management, and so on. When we encounter problems, we will discuss and make a plan and strive to do our best in all matters of the Youth League Committee . Several members of the Youth League Committee communicated every week to continuously enhance the service consciousness, ownership and responsibility of the group, and cultivated the spirit of the group to love the school, patriotism, love the collective, and love the profession.

Third, improve the cadres of student cadres, and do a good job in the construction of student unions.

Since the start of school in September, there has been a lot of waste and the formation of the Student Union is imminent. On the basis of not understanding the situation of the students, it is difficult to grasp the election work of the student union cadres. After discussion and research, the formation of the student union mainly goes through the following steps: 1. Propaganda in the class guide class is widely carried out. 2, issued a self-recommendation form, but contains class guide recommendations; 3, extensively ask for class guidance, each class determines 1-3 candidates; 4, centralized campaign speech selection; 5, campus publicity. After a rigorous review, the first student union of Leizhou Eighth Middle School was established. After the establishment, the school committee decided to hold a regular meeting of the student cadres at noon every Saturday and a general meeting of the student council on Monday night. In the regular meeting, our main job is to provide training and guidance to the Student Union cadres and to discuss the problems discovered by our school in the past week and solicit opinions. The school league committee also formulated the management system of the student union and the division of responsibilities of the student union. Specific requirements were put forward for the students' behavior, manners, dressing, and dressing. The requirement for the student union is to do the best. At present, the main tasks of our student union are: 1. Morning morning check, morning reading and late reading check, check and sign. 2. Disciplinary management and supervision of the canteen. Students are encouraged to dine in a civilized manner. 3, get up on time, go to bed every morning, urge students to get up early every morning, after the night repair, do a good job in security inspections to urge students to work on time. 4, the service department to do the Saturday holiday students in accordance with the order to go home to discipline maintenance work. The Bureau of Student Union, the Discipline Inspection Department, the Service Department and other departments have a reasonable division of labor, close cooperation, and very serious and responsible work. The first student union of Leizhou Eighth Middle School is a very good student cadre team.

Fourth, improve the awareness of the members and strengthen the membership

In order to improve the ideology of the members, the members of the group are enhanced. In the fourteenth week, the Youth League Committee of our school organized a group knowledge contest, and each team sent four members to form a team to participate in the competition. At the same time, when recruiting new members, the school league committee adopts a standardized program to enhance the democratic, fair and open selection of members. Into the group program: write the group application - organization assessment - into the group activists - publicity - - sworn to become a new member. By standardizing the students' enrollment program, the teachers and students of the whole school pay attention to the members, and at the same time make the members become an honor, and it is also an embodiment of the work that has been affirmed in all aspects. Through the publicity, we constantly constrain the behavioral norms of the members, so that the members can continuously improve their own quality.

5. Highlight the characteristics and do the regular work of the Youth League Committee

During the semester, the school league committee will archive the original team members' files according to the year of development of the members. After finishing, the files of our school members are detailed. In order to better establish the archives of the members, the school league committee established a roster of members. Make the files of our school members more standardized. In view of the small number of members of our school, the school league committee developed a group of new members in December this year, and formed a group file. The school youth league committee has publicized this education propaganda this year according to the requirements of the school and the higher-level youth league committee . This semester we promoted the Double Ninth Festival, safety education, and so on. Completed the school's various evaluations and excellent work and the various selection activities handed over by the district committee . From design to content, we have made detailed planning, which has truly achieved both aesthetic and promotional effects, and has become a window for our school to promote. At the beginning of the semester, the school league committee listed the semester plan and further revised the system of the Communist Youth League . For example, "Counselor Rating Program", "Student Union Management System", "Student Association Partial Work Rules", "Broadcast Station Management System", "Team Evaluation Rules", "Into the Program" and so on. Make the work of our Youth League Committee more specific and detailed. After one semester, the work of our Youth League Committee is carried out steadily under the correct leadership of the leadership, creating a harmonious and ideological and cultural atmosphere.

5. Grasping activities, doing a good job of students' habit education and patriotic education

During the semester, the Youth League Committee actively responded to the school's implementation activities, so that students receive attention during the event, allowing students to show their individuality in the activity, so that students can carry out their ideas in the event. At the same time, we cultivate students' collective concept and collective responsibility through activities to train students' organizational ability and language expression ability. Habits develop education through activities. The activities carried out during this semester include: 1. Teachers' colorful art and sunshine, the second classroom of Sunshine Sports, enriching the life of teachers and working, and strengthening communication between new teachers and staff. 2. The second class of students is launched to stimulate students' hobbies and interests and enrich students' after-school life. At the same time, for the joint entrance examination, the Youth League has opened the second class of sports, art and music. 3. Cultivate students' gratitude, Chongyang Festival, and enter the activities of the Fenyong Farm. 4. Develop students' social practice skills. Organize students to volunteer to plant trees, clean up garbage around the school, and oblige to clean up schools and other social practices. 5. Hold a broadcast gymnastics competition, basketball fun and three-point sports competition. 6. Welcome to the New Year, hosted by the Student Union, and the Youth League Committee held a 2019 New Year's party.

During the semester, under the correct leadership of the school leaders, the Youth League has achieved certain results in all aspects through the joint efforts of all the members of the Youth League Committee . However, due to the tight schedule of the semester, student activities have come from different aspects. After the work is carried out, there is no rational thinking and summarization, no in-depth accumulation of work experience, and lack of forward-looking work. This is what our Youth League Committee should improve in its future work. We believe that as long as we are united and determined to make progress, the work of the Youth League Committee will be better in the future.

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