Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Youth League Committee

Summary of the work of the Youth League Committee in 2019

I. Review of the work of the Youth League Committee in 2019. Adhere to the theoretical study. The Youth League Committee carefully organizes the theoretical knowledge of young people in accordance with the unified deployment of the Communist Party Committee and the various learning opportunities carried out by the township party committee government. First, actively organize activities to learn and practice the scientific development concept. Seriously organize young people to learn and practice the scientific concept of development, educate the majority of youths to work hard to practice the important idea of ​​"xxxx", guide young people to establish a scientific development concept, constantly improve their ideological understanding and theoretical standards, and unite and lead the majority of youths to contribute to the building of harmony. Through study, we have further expanded the vision of young members of the Youth League and put forward many good opinions and suggestions for the future work of the Youth League Committee . The second is to actively study and publicize the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Party. In order to learn, publicize, and implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Party's xxth session, and take the opportunity of the learning activities carried out by the township party committee, the organs and bureau branches closely combine the study and practice of the scientific development concept activities and the current work practice, and the spirit of the learning plenary session and the promotion of the current The work of the project is combined, and various forms such as centralized communication learning, personal self-study, writing and learning experience, and so on, comprehensive and systematic in-depth study, deep understanding, systematically grasp the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the XX Session, and focus on the study of the Party’s XX Session IV Plenary, "Communication", "Decision", "Why", "An Answer to Several Important Questions" and a series of commentators on the Fourth Plenary Session of the XX Session, and learn time, study content, and study The personnel and learning effects are “four implementations”.
Carefully organized, actively prepared, and successfully completed the election of the Youth League Committee . According to the spirit of the No. 6 archives of the "Notice on the Election of the Youth League Committee of the Mengla County Township Committee ", the township party committee held a meeting of the party and government in time, and related issues on the work of the Communist Youth League . The special research was carried out, and a leader was responsible for the re-election work. In conjunction with the actual and standardized procedures, the election of the township league committee was successfully completed on September 7, 2019. The youth representatives of 40 members of the township actively participated in the election, and elected a new member of the Youth League Committee. The average age of the ninth committee members was 27 years old, 2 party members, accounting for 28.5, 4 women, accounting for 57, and 6 college graduates and above. Accounted for 85.7. The composition ratio is as follows: 2 cadres of township cadres; 4 cadres of organs and institutions; 1 cadre of grassroots cadres in rural areas, the average age of these 7 members is 27 years old, including 4 female members, accounting for 57, and the education level is above junior college. .
Efforts to strengthen the construction of basic organizations, highlighting the service functions of the team organization A total of 119 young people joined the group organization throughout the year, recommending six party activists. Go deep into the grassroots front-line research, understand the situation, exchange ideas with each other, improve the work style of grassroots cadres, mobilize the enthusiasm of grassroots cadres, and effectively implement the work of the Youth League Committee . Through a series of team activities and main educational activities, the management of the members will be further strengthened, the awareness of the members will be strengthened, and the pioneering role of the members will be actively played.
Actively carry out youth activities, enrich the life of the group to promote the healthy growth of young friends, establish a good image of the group organization, and enhance the social credibility of the Communist Youth League. First, the cultural activities such as the calligraphy and painting competition and the essay competition to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the May 4th Movement have not only enriched the cultural life of the young members of the Youth League, but also raised the level of awareness of the young members of the Youth League; make achievement. In order to establish a youth entrepreneurial model, develop youth entrepreneurial talent resources, and rely on the preferential policies of the provincial party committee and the provincial government to “loan and subsidize”, three young people in our town got the business plan and started to start a business. In the implementation of the "loan exemption and support" work, under the leadership of the higher-level Youth League Committee and the township party committee government, through active work, we have achieved certain results and received practical results. The third is to carry out thematic education activities. The Youth League Committee gave full play to the advantages of the group organization, earnestly grasped the ideological education work of the youth of the group members, and carried out a series of activities such as rich and colorful group knowledge education, and received good results. Make full use of effective means such as blackboard newspapers to carry out patriotic education, legal education, and group knowledge education for young members. The fourth is to actively carry out the activities of caring for the elderly in the tea village. During the Double Ninth Festival, in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the scientific development concept, inherit the glorious tradition of respecting the elderly, respecting the elderly, loving the elderly and helping the elderly, and creating a clean and comfortable environment for the elderly to celebrate the festival, the X× Township Youth League Committee called on the youth of the township to carry out the youth Caring for the elderly. On the morning of October 22, the youth service team represented by the township government branch and the Women’s Federation was organized to go to the XX hometown nursing home to clean the old man, wash the bedding, make the bed, clean up the house, and have a cordial conversation with the old people. Holiday blessings.
Efforts to build the "Youth Civilization" unit, the entire Communist Youth League organization and the majority of the members of the Communist Youth League earnestly perform the duties of the members, and play a leading role in the group organization, and have made positive contributions to strengthening the self-construction of the organization and promoting the economic development of the township. A large number of outstanding advanced collectives and individuals have emerged. This year, the township league committee commended 2 general propaganda branches, 2 advanced league branches, 5 outstanding leagues and 5 outstanding members. At the same time, the XX Border Defense Police Station, the Manla Frontier Police Station, and the Zhushi River Frontier Inspection Station were rated as county-level “Youth Civilization” units.
II. Difficulties and Problems in the Year The work of the regiment has improved in the past year, but there are still many problems and many new challenges. First, a small number of group cadres have insufficient understanding of their thoughts, and they are not strict with their own requirements, and their work enthusiasm is not high. Second, the flow of rural members is frequent, and the management of mobile members is difficult. Third, the development of the various businesses of the group is unbalanced. There are still weak links in organizational construction; Fourth, the funding sources of the Youth League Committee are difficult, which has affected the normal development of some important activities of the Youth League Committee .
Third, 2019 work ideas
In 2019, it is the first year of the new session of the Youth League Committee . It is a year in which opportunities and challenges coexist. Under the leadership of the township party committee and the government, under the leadership of the "xxxx" important thinking, the township committee will continue to firmly establish science. The concept of development, profoundly understand the party's xx spirit, and strive to complete the various tasks and tasks arranged by the party committee, the government, and the county committee, continue to carry forward the fine tradition of the XX township work, and continue to carry out good group work within the scope of the policy framework.
Continue to learn and constantly improve theoretical knowledge. We will comprehensively implement the spirit of the party's xx, xx, 3rd, 4th, and 4th Plenary Sessions, and guide the overall development of economic and social development with a scientific outlook on development, closely focus on the work of the township center and the growth of young talents, and constantly improve the multi-level The youth ideological and political work system and the multi-form organization construction system strive to achieve "new initiatives in ideological education, new breakthroughs in serving young people, and new improvements in organizational construction", uniting and leading the majority of youths in the township to give full play to the role of the new force. Building a new, more prosperous, civilized and harmonious new XX will make new and greater contributions.
Strive for greater support and create an environment for stimulating the vitality of grassroots work. First, strive for the support of party organizations at the township and village levels. Further strengthen the building of the party building, form a regular reporting mechanism to the party organization, undertake urgent and dangerous work, form a demonstration driving effect, and play the role of the commando team to gain the trust and support of the party organization. The second is to strive for social support. Supporting social forces, especially the support of enterprises and regional organizations, with carriers such as “urban-rural interconnection” and regional co-construction. Develop and develop a new situation for the ×× township group work on a wider platform. The third is to win the support of youth league members. In order to realize the effective coverage of the Communist Youth League work for all members and all young people, the first priority is to obtain the support and understanding of the youth league members in the jurisdiction. Through the promotion of the ability to do youth work, active intervention and support, develop activities carriers that are suitable for youth needs and reflect the mainstream values ​​of society, get close to the youth, connect with the youth, and educate the youth.
Make better performance and promote the overall activity of the group. Create a carrier to achieve effective coverage of the group organization among all members and all youth. Follow the practical persuasion of people's ideas and carry out a variety of activities. In combination with the actual development of the social development of the township, the activities will be carried out according to the new situation of youth work. Encourage the youth of the youth to participate in the management of social affairs, broaden the way, and reflect constructive opinions and suggestions that reflect the wisdom of the members to the party and government.
Further strengthen the construction of the cadres and team members. Starting from "party building with group building", we must do a good job in system improvement and implementation, development of team members and education, and focus on strengthening the work style of group cadres. We require all branches and cadres to go deep into reality, deepen the youth of the group, and consciously practice "xxxx" to form Seeking truth and being pragmatic, pioneering and enterprising good work style.

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