Work Summary > Kindergarten Work Summary

Summary of kindergarten class work in the last semester of 2012-2013 school year

A tense semester is coming to an end in a busy schedule. In the first semester, under the direct leadership of the leaders of the park, my class united in one heart and in the same boat, creatively carried out the education and teaching of childcare classes, and successfully passed the demonstration of the Air Force and Wuhan City. The park has made its own great efforts and will now summarize the work of this semester.

Education and teaching: Facing the whole, focusing on the development of young children, highlighting the characteristics of language teaching.

In this semester, my class has registered 22 children, aged between 2 and a half to 2 years and 11 months. After three years of planning, the parents of the class should successfully graduate from kindergarten to the national level. In order to meet the requirements of parents, we proposed to complete the four-year teaching task in three years when we set up the semester teaching plan. The five major areas of child development are scheduled to be higher than the previous semester development level of the previous class, and the language teaching is defined as the characteristics of our class according to the characteristics of the two teachers, which is infiltrated into the one-day activities of the kindergarten . In order to achieve the predetermined teaching goals, we will use the principle of not wasting children's time for the first semester, and aim at cultivating children's good living routines. Combining the theme activities with the development level of children, we will use group activities to make full use of regional activities. To educate individual children. Through one semester of education, in addition to completing the TOEFL semester teaching task, we also completed half of the small class materials in the same period. The self-care ability of the children in my class has been effectively exercised, and the good routine of life has already begun to show results. In the semester child test, the children in my class have achieved good results.

Conservation work: Focus on individual differences and highlight the characteristics of family maintenance.

I have a large number of children in my class this semester. We put the conservation work in a heavier position in line with the principle of non-dividing conservation. We must pay attention to each child, observe their emotional changes, touch each day, hold a child, tell in words. The teacher's love for him makes them grow up happily in a warm and harmonious environment. We carry out environmental sanitation and disinfection every day according to regulations, disinfect the classroom with ultraviolet rays every day, disinfect the tables, chairs and floors with Shikang, and eliminate the spread of bacteria and viruses to create a comfortable and hygienic living environment for children. Due to the disinfection work in place, the cold infection of our class rarely occurs. Young children come from different families and there are differences in physical fitness. We do our mother's care for the mother every day: the pants are wet and wet in time, the clothes are wet and change in time, and each meal is fixed to feed, according to the parent's care. As the childcare work is in place, the physical indicators of the children in our class during the semester are up to standard, and the attendance rate of children is over 85%.

Parent work: close home contact, multi-channel communication and interactive platform

Doing a good job in parenting is a prerequisite and guarantee for doing a good job in education. For this reason, my class takes parental work as the fundamental work of this semester. Most of my class parents come from neighboring universities and institutions. They have higher academic qualifications. Have an insight into the education of your child. However, there are a lot of misunderstandings in educating young children: heavy intelligence training, light emotional education; heavy language development, neglecting the training of children's hands-on ability. In order to lead them to establish a correct concept of parenting and accept the educational concept that supports us, this semester has done the following work in the work of parents: 1. Hold the whole class parent meeting 4 times, through the parent meeting, let the parents have commonality to the situation of my class. Awareness. Promote awareness among parents. 2, the establishment of class blogs, home address books, class qq group and other channels for parents and teachers to communicate. 3. Play the role of the homepage publicity column. Let parents know about the monthly and weekly curriculum plans of our class and the recent major event work arrangements through the columns, and show the unique parenting methods of our class parents. And monthly replacement, let parents know more class information. 4. Regularly fill out the “Home Interaction Handbook” to communicate with parents, exchange children's presence in the park and at home, and improve the pertinence of education. 5. Organize the activities of the Parents Open Day and the Home Fun Games, so that parents can witness the activities. A small and big understanding of the situation of young children in the park. By doing a good job in the above work, parents support our work. It took us two weeks to complete the emotional stability of the children entering the park. Let the graded reading activities go smoothly in the whole class. Class blogs have hits thousands of times. Parents are highly satisfied with our work and have zero complaints during the semester.

Class management: division of labor and cooperation, harmonious development.

This semester we are a re-established class partner. The whole class is divided into three parts, and the cooperation between the two groups is guaranteed. It is necessary to hold regular class meetings and form a mechanism for mutual supervision and control. Carefully implement the rules and regulations of the kindergarten , and the garden order is smooth. Keep class items and children's clothing, eliminate the loss of goods, and have a strong sense of service. Deal with the relationship between leaders, colleagues, and parents. The style of the class is clean and honest. To help young teachers, old teachers lead by example.

Looking back at the semester work, we have too many memories and feelings. When we see the progress of the children, we are gratified by the psychological. It is really a bit of work; no best is better; every achievement in the class is The crystallization of teamwork. In the new semester, we will continue our efforts, continue to innovate, and make the class work perfect.

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