Work Summary > Kindergarten Work Summary

Kindergarten education work summary: make children's learning easy

Young children have natural curiosity and creativity. They are full of surprises to the world around them. They not only like to touch, play, manipulate, but also ask questions. They hope to get answers and even break the casserole. This shows that they are eager to know. The world around you and the need to learn new knowledge. If the teacher can inspire and guide in a timely and appropriate manner, it is very helpful to cultivate young children's ability to innovate. Innovative ability can stimulate children's good learning interest, and good learning interest can make them happy and active learning, games and activities. However, the traditional teaching methods are mostly teachers, children, teachers, children, teachers as the center, children as teachers, children are very passive, children's ideas can not be realized, resulting in a lot of children lack of interest in learning Just passively follow the teacher to learn and do. How to make children learn more easily? After carefully studying the spirit of the new "Syllabus", under the guidance of the new spirit, with the heart of education and teaching activities, according to the spirit of the "Outline", combined with the actual teaching experience, explored and accumulated some experiences that make children easy to learn, received a very good effect.

First, to adapt to the nature of children's love to play

"Learn to think, stem from doubt", children only have to question the matter, ask questions, will explore, try, and find ways to solve problems. As a teacher teaching young children's books, they also need to provide children with a variety of opportunities to learn and practice, to entertain and educate children, to stimulate children's imagination and exploration ability. Interest is the intrinsic motivation of learning and one of the effective forms to stimulate early childhood learning. Young children are in a strange state to many things, and they are very concerned about everything around them. The strange phenomenon in nature attracts young children, from a flower in daily life, a drop of water, to various scientific phenomena in nature, it is a sense of children. Interested content. In order to facilitate their understanding of the things they care about, I use the nature of the children's favorite play, encourage the children to think positively during the play, to play in the school, and to be educated during the play. In spring, everything recovers. I play the game of “seeking spring” in the yard with the children. In the summer, when the weather is fine, my children and I play the game of “looking in the mirror” in the water. In autumn, the golden leaves are flying. Dance, I picked up the leaves with the children and played the game of "Day Girl Scattered Flowers"; in winter, my children and I played with snowflakes, strong winds and small winds - cheering in front of the spring flowers, dancing in the water, dancing in the sky The leaves are screaming and running, chasing and playing on the playground---I also seem to be a lot younger. Through these games, the children have learned the knowledge while they are playing, they have experienced the fun in the process of learning, and they have obtained spiritual pleasure and satisfaction, and the interest in learning has been unprecedentedly stimulated.

Second, understand the interest of young children in seeking knowledge

Understanding is the premise of education. The teacher should understand each child, aim at the child's love, create a relaxed environment that the child is willing to accept, and let the children dare to express their own thoughts in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. This is conducive to the development of children's interests, but also helps teachers to teach people. It is necessary to adopt a positive guiding attitude, let the children dare to be close to the teacher, and actively communicate with the teacher. If the child encounters difficulties, he should give the children an encouraging look and motivational words to promote the child to overcome difficulties and let them feel. Support and encouragement from the teacher will continue to enhance self-confidence and expressiveness. It is necessary to pay attention to cultivating children's interest in learning and learning from the details and daily life. In an accidental music teaching activity, I observed that the children were very interested in the different sounds of the instruments. When they were idle, they ran to the music area to beat. This aroused my inspiration, I think: Why not use the children's love of musical instruments to teach mathematics? So, I used the activity time to create a game with the children to "listen to hear a few sounds", "what instrument sounds five sounds", "I come to be a teacher", "I am going to knock, you come to shoot" and so on. Young children are very interested in this kind of game-like learning. Whenever I play the game "I am a teacher," the children's emotions are the highest. In this way, young children unwittingly learn music and computational knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere, while also developing attention, hearing and self-control skills.

Third, to meet the psychological needs of young children

Young children's self-esteem is very strong, self-expression is very strong, especially like listening to teachers and parents praise, listening to the teacher's words is sometimes better than listening to parents' words, and also have a soft spot for listening to stories, so I will combine the two Together, use the form of storytelling to praise and praise the children. When I have problems in the daily activities that are common to the children I have discovered, I will tell them in the form of stories and tell them that the teachers believe that everyone can do well. As a result, the children changed some bad habits inspired by the teacher. The story can be selected from the books in the school library corner, but most of them are combined with the material that I usually know about the child's daily accumulation. Sometimes I directly praise someone for something, sometimes telling the story first, and then asking the children to guess who the story is. When I talk about children's problems, some will bow their heads, some will steal music, some will open their eyes, others will sit straight... Whenever they finish, the children will Very excited, rushing to raise hands and said: "Teacher, tell me about my story!" Through this kind of education in the form of stories to praise the children, received unexpected results.

In this way, I combine the children's interests, hobbies, needs with educational goals. In the constant and interesting activities, the children's interest in learning is strong, the enthusiasm is high, and the activities are gradually becoming easier.

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