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What the baby wants to say to the teacher

What the baby wants to say to the teacher

On Sunday, Jin Zhao brought back a new book just issued in the kindergarten. I looked at it and there was a page that said, "Let the children talk to the teacher." I asked the baby a question, "What do you want to say to the teacher?" The baby who is playing with the toy puts down the toy in his hand and thinks that "the teacher is too tired, I want the teacher to sleep more, drink more tea", while urging me to "write it to me" and write When I was drinking more tea, I said, "Write it as a teacher to drink more water." The baby said, "No, if you drink tea well, you have to let the teacher drink more tea." I think the baby said it is reasonable, then Write it. I just wanted to close the book and the baby came up with another sentence: "I have to let the teacher eat more, eat more good health", I wrote her in the book truthfully. I even touched the book, I was not touched by the children. The language, but with the most sincere heart, the most common language expressed the deepest love for the teacher!

I am already in grade 8 this year. Our class teacher is teaching English.

The class teacher is surnamed Hou, Hou teacher. Since the sixth grade, Teacher Hou has been our English teacher, but at that time it was only a teacher. Now, in the eighth grade, the original class teacher went to teach the sixth grade for some reason, so the English teacher came to be the class teacher of our class, and only taught us one class, and other classes did not teach.

Around February, the English teacher Lin of the 83rd class, due to physical discomfort, took a vacation for a semester, so our class teacher Hou teacher came to represent them.

Eight or three classes, from the sixth grade, I couldn’t quite understand Mr. Hou’s teacher. Now, Teacher Hou said that the eighty-three classes are rogue classes. Of course, the eight-three classes do not put Hou’s teacher in their eyes, and they hate Hou’s teacher. Eight or three classes came to ask us people in the Bayi class and asked us to hate and hate Hou teacher. We said that sometimes I feel very hateful, and sometimes I feel that she is kind. Eighty-three classes proposed a signing meeting, agreed to withdraw the work of Teacher Hou as a teacher, signed on paper, and then handed it over to the principal to reprint it. Please keep this marking room, the people of our Bayi class, the basic signing There are girls, boys are very individual, but there are 2~3 people in the girls who have not signed. We handed the signature paper to the 8th and 3rd classes. Basically everyone signed the 8th and 3rd classes. Later, I didn't know who was telling the secret, so that Teacher Hou knew this thing. The class teacher of the 8th class gave a training to the 83rd class and then confiscated the signature paper. On the same day, one of the classmates of the 83rd class, the teacher was not there, went to the office and stole the confiscated signature paper and tore it. . Originally thought that the matter was over, I did not expect that Hou teacher was still investigating. She trained the eight or three classes and had an education. After eight or three classes of education, when we returned to our class, our class was frightened and engaged in ideological work and prepared to be trained by Hou. I did not expect that Teacher Hou not only did not train us, but also told us with a smile. The class is too disobedient, and the fire is so big that you have to die." . We took a breath in the whole class - =|||

After three days or so, Teacher Hou used his own class to "educate" our class. She told us that "I heard about signing events a few days ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I can see the special murders of the three classes. You can see them. I am very kind to you. The three classes are not middle school students. So I have to use this attitude to teach them. Don’t join in the fun and stir together. A few days ago, I stayed in three classes and several people, and stayed until 7 o'clock. At that time, my baby didn't pick up in the kindergarten, leaving them to stay so late, for what? You should know. So you reflect on it. Go back and write a weekly note, the title "I want to say something to Teacher Hou", the number of words is not limited, but you must be sincere, I don't want to see "I signed, teacher I am wrong" The last thing I want to see, I will see that your "know" and reflection on this matter is enough."

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