Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Mrs. Chaichel’s famous saying

1. Be careful of your thoughts, because they will become words; be careful of your words, because they will become acts; be careful of your actions, because they will become habits; be careful of your habits, because they will become characters; be careful of your character Because they will become destiny.

2. If you want to be successful, ask a woman. ─ Speech at the National Conference of Urban Women's Associations

3. Consensus may be to cater to people who have no specific views on anything... unless there is a firm belief in the mission, there will be no great party – the Conservative Party

4. The Russians are determined to rule the world, and they are rapidly gaining the capital to make it the most powerful empire in the world.

5. In my lifetime, no woman will become prime minister - TV interview

6. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, I am wearing a red chiffon evening dress, a little powder, a hair roll, standing in front of you... the iron lady of the Western world. Is it me? Cold warrior? Well, it is me, if they want to interpret my defense of the most fundamental free value of life.

7. For those who are waiting for the media's favorite 'U-reverse', I have only one sentence to say: You want to reverse it, but I will never turn. I am not only saying this to you, but also to our friends overseas and those who are not friends. ─ Conservative Party Conference

8. Just opposing it won't let you win. Only by fully supporting and passing your message clearly will win.

9. Our fight is to tell the world that aggression is a difficult thing to do, and that the robbers cannot be allowed to escape with the stolen goods. Our shackles have received support from a large number of people around the world. ...but we are also fighting alone.

10. As long as I can finally achieve my goals, I will have extraordinary patience.

11. Bring harmony in a conflicted place. Proclaim the truth in places where there is a fallacy. Pass the faith in places where there are doubts. In the place of disappointment, evoke hope.

12. If you use half of your political life to deal with boring issues like the environment, then having a real crisis on hand is exciting.

13. I was asked if I was working hard to restore Victorian values. I replied bluntly and said yes. I am still working on this.

14. If the people lose their super confidence in themselves and lose their rudeness and contempt, tyranny may come to the country at all times. Tyranny is always possible to enter the door--no spells or latches can hold it.

15. Those countries that embrace the doctrine of equality in communism have neither freedom nor justice and equality. They have the most serious inequalities in the world, and politicians in those countries enjoy more privileges than the rest of the world. Any country must be big. And those countries that support freedom, justice, and people's autonomy still enjoy freedom and justice. Compared with other countries, the equality between people in these countries and the respect for each individual are much higher. Take the road I pointed out. You will be free and fair, and the difference between people will be much smaller than in the Soviet Union.

16. Economics is a method whose goal is to change the heart and soul.

17. We can work together.

18. If the charismatic Samaritan has only good intentions, no one will remember him. He still has money in his hand.

19. There is no such thing as society. Some are individual men and women, some are families.

20. I am a grandmother.

21. If your starting point is to please, you have to be prepared to compromise at any time and in any matter, and you will accomplish nothing.

22. I will not live forever, but I still have spare energy.

23. I can't imagine a diplomat or playwright who can say what Reagan said to Gorbachev at the Geneva summit: let me tell you why we don't trust you. These words were frank and stern, and although they were not heard, they also issued a clear invitation to have a new beginning and establish a new relationship based on trust.

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